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     Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church

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    Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church  Empty
    PostSubject: Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church    Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church  Icon_minitimeSat Jan 08, 2011 5:47 pm

    ~General Information~
    Name: Shinsei Teronaito
    Nickname/Alias: Shukke, Jinnushi, "Blackheart", The Unforgiving Jashinist, Prince of Murder and Blood
    Weight: 134 lbs
    Height: 6"5
    Actual: 29
    Physical/Appearance/Mental: 21

    Gender: Male

    ~Character Information~
    Appearance: Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church  KuroMitsune
    Shinsei has wild silver hair that nearly reaches down to his shoulders. His most appealing traits would be the mocking, cocky grin on his face and his exposed chest. He has a muscular, extremely athletic, and fit body. Shinsei has a tattoo around his neck area that symbolizes the "Will of Jashin."
    Clothing: Shinsei wears a red-orange sports jacket; though some areas have been removed for increased mobility. The inside of his jacket is purple. The trims running down from his hood down to the back of his jacket is black and forms the Jashin symbol attached to a "string." His jacket has many internal and external pockets to keep things. The zipper that connects the two sides of the jacket is usually disconnected, exposing the chest area. Occasionally, the jacket is used to zip up his chest area. He has layers of bandages wrapped around his wrist area. Shinsei wears lightweight, slim black pants and a belt wrapped around his hips. Attached to this belt are several ninja pouches filled with equipment with the Jashin necklace hanging from it.



    Shukke is an arrogant, cocky, and aggressive individual. He is relentless, brutal, and cruel. Shukke's merciless nature has led him to spare no opponent during battle unless they're useful as better left alive than dead for the benefit of the Jashin religion. Shukke is completely devoted to his god, Lord Jashin. As a priest, he has the upmost respect and admiration for his fellow cultists and their God, and it is impossible for him to invoke the Wrath of Jashin, the act of punishment in which the Jashin religion or Jashin himself is threatened or is displeased, or betray the religion. During battle, he always prays for victory and a good sacrifice to Lord Jashin and tries to sacrifice them rather than killing them and freeing their souls. He believes that the Jashin organization is just and that its actions are something that Shukke supports. Shukke loathes the human race, but he does not reveal this publicly. Shukke does not put his village ties above his own ties with his religion, but he will coorperate and fight if need to in order to forward his religion. He is rather modest about his status as a Sannin and rarely brags about it, seeing only as a way of being targeted. He loves nature and animals, as they're not nearly as abominable as wretched humans. Shukke never eats any mortal food or sips any mortal drink without having his blood in it first. He believes that mortal products taints his pure, immortal soul if his own blood isn't in it. He usually eats fish and horse meat as they're not impure by mortal presence. A man who believes in enlignment through removal, Shukke is someone who supports and defend his God with soul, heart, and wit.

    His deovtion to the Jashin religion has made him loud-mouted, sadistic, and a savage lover of battle. His intent to kill is enormous and he seeks the destruction of mankind. Shukke leaps into battle whenever the chance arrives and frequently participates in war without the fear of death. he enjoys mocking his opponents and tormenting their souls before sacrificing them to Lord Jashin. He is not very analytical and is rather slow to learn, as such his intelligence is questionable. However, he is delligerent and is extremely quick and smart in adjusting. After pulling himself away from battle, Shukke can think properly and effectively like a skilled tactician. His real mental skill lies in trickery, as he uses lies and deception in order to accomplish his organization's goals. He keeps all of his abilities a mystery and seems to be a mysterious figure once seen in his battle outfit, making sure to keep a technique hidden on him in case he requires it. Although he uses strategies during battle, they are usually bleak ones. He is overconfident and is not afraid of shouting his pride and opinions to the rest of the world. Beastly and instinctual as he is, Shukke is not really the animal he is described to be and can be gentle and relaxed whenever he feels lazy and enjoying the skies, clouds, or the beauty of nature. He is a strong protector of nature. He makes sure that the least damage is made to the environment and the reason he sacrificed his Ninjutsu attacks is to strenghten that cause. Shukke has no fear, as his time and training within the Jashin religion, birth as an orphan, life of murder and merciless slaughter, and devotion to a terrible, dark god has eradicated any kind of natural fear that would have come across him as a human. He is not bossy but rather someone who gives suggestions and makes offerings in order to persuade people to the Jashin religion. Below his unquestionable loyalty to Lord Jashin would be his respect for the Grand Priest, the only living Priest who has seen Lord Jashin's face and elader of the cult. Shukke is willing to follow any order and command, unless Lord Jashin instructs him not to. He obeys and enforces the rules of Jashin, which is to never dishonor a fellow cultist, never betray the cult or its secrets, never kill a fellow Jashinist, and never fail in their mission to defend the cult's practices or they will invoke Jashin's Wrath.

    ~Clan Information~
    Clan Name: Removed
    Kekei Genkai: Removed
    Clan Symbol: Removed
    Clan History: Removed
    Ability Summary: Removed


    ~Rank/Village Information~
    Classification: Sannin
    Letter Rank: S
    Village: Kazangakure

    ~Skill Information~
    Skill Specialty: Taijutsu, Weaponry/Kenjutsu
    Elemental Affinity: N/A



    Physical Stats
    Speed: 50
    Stamina: 101
    Strength: 51
    Agility: 48
    Physical Endurance: 105

    Chakra Stats:
    Chakra Reserves: 45
    Chakra Control: 50

    Mental Stats:
    Intelligence: 30

    ~History/RP Sample~
    History/Background Story:

    Childhood/Orphan/Academy Arc:
    Born as Shinsei Teronaito, Shukke started his life as an orphan. Abandoned in the Land of Volcanoes, he never knew nor saw who his parents were. During the first two years of his life, he wandered around the land on his own, stealing food and supplies along the way. He lived like a bandit. But on one night, Shukke stole a basket from a cloaked man's hands. The man immediately woke up the moment Shukke touched the basket, and Shukke started to run away but fell. He turned around, and suddenly felt a presence choking him. The man was cloaked, masked, and armoured. Upon that, he had that hint of terror and fear that paralyzed Shukke the moment he saw him. The man made some motion with his hand and his head tilted back a little. The man lent his hand, urging Shukke to come forward. Shukke did, almost against his will. What Shukke did not know was that he was about to crawl into a new, hidden life that he would find to be his own. Five years later, Shukke became a Jashinist-in-training and was named "Shukke", a fitting name that would mean one's loyalty to their God. The man that he followed was Himune, the 17th Priest of the North Jashinic Church located in secret on the outskirts of Kazangakure. Himune found out that Shukke was an uncolored being, and so he decided to bring the baby into his care and set him on the right path. The Path of Jashin. Shukke was introduced to Jashinism and was marked with several tattoos and rituals that bounded him to the will of Jashin. And in turn, Lord Jashin will reward Shukke. From an early age, Shukike was taught the teachings and ancient pamphlets of Jashin. Reading scrolls and transcripts, Shukke quickly became fascinated by Jashinism and was devoured by it. At age 5, Shukke's mind and soul set into the Path of Jashin. He also learned about the Jashin religion's history and he compared it to the religion of Kami. He learned that Jashinists would annihilate all human-made creations, corrupted beings, and altars that oppose the Jashinic religion. He shall torment their souls and sacrifice their wills to Jashin, who shall give his faithful follower enlignment and power beyond men. As he grew, he became more well-versed in the arts of Jashin. Himune, who is acting as Shukke's guardian, sent him to Kazangakure's Ninja Academy. From there, he shall master all of the Ways of the Warrior. Shukke hated the kids at the Academy. They believed in Kami and were too dim-witted. But even more than that were that they walked the path of a human. Shukke did not want to be involved with human degradation when he wish to side with his God, Lord Jashin. Serious as he is, Shukke did pretty well in the Academy. Although he did not bother with Ninjutsu, he could still manipulate chakra. He had the highest scores in Taijutsu and ninja tools. At age 11, Shukke graduated from the Academy to become a Genin.

    Genin/Devotion To One's God Arc:
    Upon graduation, it became clear to the 22 Jashinists in Kazangakure that Shukke would be someone who would remain absolutely loyal to Lord Jashin. As such, they began to train him in the Jashin Religion's jutsu. They begin, they forge him a scythe. The standard weapon for all Jashinists representing their nature to reap lives for their God, Shukke became very skilled in using his scythe. He took a ritual where he will become an official Devotee and succeeded. In doing so, his heart will be ripped of nature elements, allowing him to fully communicate with Jashin. He was taught to do so, using the Altar of Jashin. It became an exhiliration for him. The moment he heard Lord Jashin's calm and enchanting voice, he knew that the path he followed is the right one. They communicated for five minutes, where Shukke asked general questions in which Lord Jashin answered. He had told that as long as Shukke prays in this altar and remains faithful to him, he will asnwer those prayers. When their time ended, Shukke snickered. Those foolish kids back at the Academy, to have their prayers unanswered while he can do it anytime he wishes. Himune trained Shukke in becoming a true Jashinist. Shukke's chakra became visible to the point that his chakra color can be seen if he wishes to release it, having a black-purple color to it. He was taught how to properly control his chakra, how to use ninja weapons, and the way of the sword. Shukke attained a private cell, something that Himune, acting as Shukke's father, made sure would be granted. Shukke trained under Watari Kuyoshibari, Kazangakure's "Exploding Brute." Watari was one of Kazangakure's foremost Taijutsu specialists and was extremely well-regarded in the physical areas of fighting. Shukke came to accept Watari, as he was both smarter and stronger than him. From Watari, he discovered the Hachimon technique. Shukke refined his Taijutsu after training from Watari, learning several powerful Taijutsu attacks. Shukke increased his stamina greatly while training with Watari. While that was happening, Shukke was taught weaponry and sword techniques by Himune. Shukke combined those two skills to create his own battle methods and also learn how to use his chakra to remotely control his scythe. He believed that he is loyal to Jashin, but has yet to serve him. When the Chunin Exams came, it was time for Shukke to show his skill. As the exams were in Shigakure, Shukke couldn't wait for the aprt where he had to face opponents. On the second part, Shukke had to manuever on his own and survive on his own. He was given several charms and his own Jashin necklace that allowed him to communicate with Lord Jashin even without an altar. He set up traps and collected, in preperation for his enemy. And he did encounter an enemy. Three Genin stood before Shukke, asking for his name. Shukke replied, and the three Genin just laughed and launched upon him. Shukke grunted, knowing that these Genin were amateurs. He killed the Genin in a few minutes with his scythe, scarring their bodies and reaping their hearts out. After that, he made a setup with some brances and grass from nature mixed with his own blood and begun the sacrifice ritual. In just ten minutes, Shukke believed that he had sacrificed the corrupted souls of the three Genin he killed to Lord Jashin, which was confirmed when all of Shukke's wounds were healed by dark, electrical sparks. Shukke killed ten more Genin, sneaking up on them then reaping their lives. Alas, he has served his God. Shukke also succeded in defeating his opponent in the third exam. But he lost to his fourth opponent due to their Sharingan. Shukke barely made it to CHunin promotion, at the age of thirteen.

    Chunin/Chaos of Murder Arc:
    At age 13, a great ninja world war broke out between Shigakure, Kazangakure, and Morigakure. Himune predicted that Shukke would be sent to battle, and so he had to train Shukke. By evolving within the Jashin organization, Shukke had his chakras altered. It now appeared to a dark-black mass of electrical energy, cracking and sparkling the moment they are released. This would make Shukke easily detectable but it helped him to better utilize his chakra flow. Shukke used his chakra to increase the lethality of his scythe attacks. By doing so, he also learned how to increase his Taijutsu attacks using Chakra Enhanced Strength. Shukke was sent to war against Shigakure, but not without preperations. He had Jashinic equipment on them that allowed him to fight on the level of the average Priest. Shukke had tremendous increases in his Taijutsu and Weaponry prowess during the war. It allowed him to excercise his body to its fullest potential and it also helped his development as a ninja. But beyond that, this was the perfect opportunity to gain Jashin-sama's respect. Though grievously wounded, Shukke killed eighty-nine shinobi on the battlefield and sacrificed sixty-one of them to Lord Jashin. He felt boosts in his physical state, in recognition that Jashin now respects Shukke. He felt close to his god. Every day on the battlefield, he would pray for a "good kill" and ask his god to watch him in battle before going in combat. At age 15, Shukke's personality completely changed. No longer was he level-headed, serious, and calm. He was loud-mouthed, obnoxious, short-tempered, and extremely aggressive. This was expected of those who have their minds devoted to Jashin. During war, it triggered Shukke's devotion to his God that his personality changed so he will be able to kill more people. At age 17, Shukke killed a total of 456 people and sacrifice about 341 of them to Lord Jashin, which allowed vast boosts in his endurance as a sign that Jashin recognizes him. Shukke recieved an enormous amount of pain during his battles. So enormous that Shukke learned to tolerate it, no matter how painful it might be. He will continue fighting, even if it means becoming like a savage. But Shukke suddenly collapsed on the battlefield and had to be rushed to the hospital, a year before the war ended. He enjoyed the chaos of murder.

    Jounin/The Jashinist Arc:

    For services in war, Shukke became a Jounin at the age of nineteen. It was also at this time, Shukke advanced higher in the organization and became a Disciple. This made him a rank below Himune was. Shukke took a ritual in which his body would be completely adapted to the Jashin religion. Anything he gained from kekkei genkai would be removed, and Shukke chose to sacrifice the majority of his Ninjutsu specialty in order to advance his Taijutsu. He had given up the majority of his natural powers in order to recieve three gifts from Jashin. One was Shukke's real name, which was suppose to be Shinsei Teronaito. Second was Shukke's complete eradication of fear. He had immunity to fear and could tolerate any kind of fear without significant hinderance. Third was Shukke's second scythe. He had his old scythe granted an "upgrade" and recieved his second scythe from Himune. Shukke gained his Jashinic battle clothing and at Jounin rank, he not only mastered up to the Sixth Gate, but also could fight at the level of the average Priest without any assistance. Shukke's first act as a Disciple was to track down the Teronaito family and murder them. He believed his parents to be corrupted beings but wish to free them of their degradation by sacrificing their souls to Lord Jashin. Shukke found the Teronaito family and slaughtered them all. But as he did so, he could not find anyone who abandoned a child or had any past griefful emotions on them. After sacrificing them to Lord Jashin, Shukke apologized to his unknown parents, saying "I cannot save you." After returning, Shukke had his chakra altered again, though for a final time. His chakra is now black, negative energy or "unholy chakra." This type of energy is one that corrodes the very essence of chakra through contact. If any chakra attack or any attack that has chakra pierce through Shukke, the chakra will slowly be corroded and removed depending on the size of the object (smaller meaning faster and larger meaning slower). Shukke mastered the Seventh gate and his two scythes to their fullest potential. He finished his training with Himune, who believes that Shukke is a valuable member of the Jashin religion. Shukke became the most greatest weapon-wielder out of all in Kazangakure. A true Jashinist. But at the age of twenty, Shukke was called along with members from the other eleven Jashinic churches around the world to attend an "Enlignment Ceremony." Himune is going to sacrifice himself to Lord Jashin, in order for him to side with his God even more and helping him as well as his fellow Jashinists from above. Himune was an elder Priest, which meant that it was expected of him to be able to fight at the level of the average Kage. But elder Priest is just a title, as there are only a maximum of twelve Priests and twelve Jashinic Churches. Only two of those Priests may become elder Priests but above the elder Priests would be the Grand Priest. The Grand Priest is Jashin's representative on Earth as well as representation of the Wrath of Jashin. He is Jashin's most faithful servant and is also the most knowledgeable and skilled in the Jashinic jutsu. He carries out Jashinic Law with an iron fist and can communicate with Jashin the most well. The Grand Priest was there, but he was masked, cloak, and armoured. But strangely enough, Shukke could feel a dark chakra pressure choking him the same way when he first met Himune. He did not feel fear but curiousity. At the ceremony, Himune removed his mask. This was the third time Shukke saw Himune's true face, but he always saw the hard memories he had been through. Before he went, he had to choose a worthy successor to be the new Priest. Himune thought for a minute, then choose Shukke. Shukke was surprised but not shocked. He had begun to feel that Himune thought of Shukke more as a son rather than an apprentice. Everyone in the Kazan Jashinic Church agreed. Shukke recieved ritual markings from the Priests including Himune as well as members of the Kazan Jashinic Church. He made a pact with all jashinists and his rise to priesthood finished with the Grand Priest making contact with Shukke, and hammered Jashin's presence and will into Shukke through a chant. At that pouint, Shukke's mind and loyalty was absolutely bound to Jashin. This was exciting to him and he is now a completely loyal servant of Jashin. Carrying out his will and recieving the upmost admiration from his God. Shukke has mastered all of the Jashin Religion's weaponry techniques and has mastered Kenjutsu. This entitled him to the Priest's greatest hope: The Gift of Jashinic Immortality.

    The Ritual Arc:
    Shukke took an eighteen hour trial in which all Priests are required to be given immortality from Jashin for faithful service, as a way of cleaning mortal existence and to become a true, honorable Jashinic warrior. During this trial, Shukke could no longer hold any summoning contract to other being other than Lord Jashin himself, as a result of the immortality ritual and such immortality can only be removed if the cult member has betrayed the cult or anger Lord Jashin or meet certain requirements in which the cult member is no longer able to function. His will bound to Jashin and all of his Ninjutsu skill will be replaced by his Weaponry specialty. After Shukke eradicated his mortal existence, he became an immortal and an official Priest. As a Priest of the Jashinic Church, he worked hard on going on missionaries to convert desperate or uncolored people to the Jashinic religion and make new recruits as warriors. In a month, Shukke succedded in bringing in three new Jashinist apprentices to which he will train. Also, after becoming immortal and becoming extremely well-vesed in Jashin's jutsu to the point that his Ninjutsu became his Weaponry, Shukke's immortality and successful equipment mastery allowed him to utilize the Jashin religion's most greatest ritual technique: Jujutsu • Shijihyouketsu. This blood ritual is a Priest's most grandest jutsu and to utilize it, Shukke had to give up the majority of his Jashinic jutsu to utilize it. Using his pact with Jashin, Shukke learned to manipulate his black chakra to transform his body and activate this technique. By licking the blood of the enemy he wounded and ingesting it, his chakra will surround and fuse with it, transforming Shukke into a reaper-like being. Shukke will then draw the Jashin symbol made from blood on the ground while pouring his chakra into it, invoking his pact with Jashin and also establishing a link to his opponent. Shukke mastered this technique and developed tremendous accuracy, precision, and aim so his scythe attacks would be more proficient.

    Enlignment Arc/Sannin Arc:
    Over the years, Shukke became a respected Priest of the Jashin religion and learned all of Jashin's history and such. His immortality to die and curse technique granted a number of nicknames. He lead the Jashinists to numerous battles with other religions, empires, and shinobi armies to spread Jashin's word. He also went on several S-rank missions in which he earned his famous aliases "Jinnushi of Kazangakure" and "Blackheart." But it was not enough. Realizing this, Shukke was able to reach up to the Eighth Gate, and it enabled him to reach Kage level, for short periods of time. At age 24, Shukke killed the reknown ninja Raiko Hanashi. This major kill, a long record of bloody battles, and immense combat prowess and experience suddenly earned Shukke a Sannin position within Kazangakure. Along with Ryo Aokawa and Naethyn Kodachi, the Sannin were often sent to fight legendary shinobi.The best of all weaponmasters in Kazangakure and one of the greatest-scythe wielders, Shukke has developed many ways to use his weapons and has a large arsenal of them. Despite relying on physical attacks, Shukke has shown the capability to take down small armies using it. Completely devoted to Lord Jashin, Shukke saw this time of his life as the 'Enlignment Period."

    Last edited by V on Mon Jan 17, 2011 4:55 pm; edited 6 times in total
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    Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church  Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church    Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church  Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 4:08 pm

    Name: Sorcery Technique: Death Controller Possessing Blood
    Rank: S
    Element: N/A
    Description: Jujutsu • Shijihyouketsu is a Ninjutsu technique used by Hidan. This secret technique was the creation of the Jashin religion, an evil god cult of which Hidan is a member. As long as Hidan kills, his body will not die. This jutsu allows Hidan to inflict whatever damage his body takes onto his opponent. Hidan will first form a Jashin symbol on the ground. Hidan will next draw blood from his opponent; the usage of his ranged scythe will help in this step. He will then consume the blood of his opponent to begin the ceremony.

    With the blood consumed his body will darken and form a skeletal deaths head outline on his body. Then by placing himself within the circle of the symbol, any damage he takes while within it will also be felt by the opponent whose blood he consumed. Hidan will use a pike to cause self-inflicted damage which transfers to his opponent. If he steps out of the circle, the connection ends and his opponent can damage him with no ill effects on themselves. Once his sacrificial ritual takes place, the victim is linked with Hidan until he either steps or is forced out of the circle. Any kind of injury that Hidan inflicts upon himself (or the injury they inflicted on him) is inflicted upon his target, be it a mere scratch to a pierce in the heart. If Hidan is forced to step out of the circle, the link is broken and the victim is set free, but all Hidan has to do is to step back into the circle to reactivate the link. Basically, this technique makes Hidan a living voodoo doll.

    Hidan's immortality is due to the "successful experiment of the Jashin religion's secret jutsu", so he can fatally torture his opponents in any way he desires without killing himself, and he clearly enjoys the pain on himself as well. However, he does indeed complain that it hurts like one normally does in pain, something that he came to enjoy. Note that this technique does not appear to be tied to Hidan's general ability to not die. Keeping with his strict religious nature, if Hidan wins his battle he will finish out the technique with a thirty minute long prayer ceremony by laying on the symbol with the pike through his chest. With this process his body will lose its skeletal outline and it will regain its natural appearance.

    Shukke's most valued technique, this secret technique is utilized by those who have successfully mastered the Jashin religion's jutsus. It is not Shukke's replacement as to sacrificing his victims as well as his method of retaining his inability to die. Although able to work on multiple targets (NPC only), it makes the preperation time for this technique longer to take place. Also, for Shukke to retain his immortality, he must kill. Shukke must kill every two weeks (real life time) and his opponent can be either NPC or RPC. The battle must be real, as in that it must be at least ten posts and the opponent has to be controlled by someone other than me. If Shukke fails in this, his immortality will be lost and he can only gain it back after thirty years. Although it can be done against NPC, there is more benefit against RPC. If Shukke kills a RPC and sacrifices him through prayer ritual method, then he is able to have a one week extension of his immortality rate added to the two weeks. This weekly extension, however, can only be used during when I'm on vacation, absence, or break. For each RPC he kills, it adds another week. It cannot be used for any other purpose and whether or not it be NPC, under normal conditions, the immortality rate cannot change. [Technique approved by an Admin]

    Name: Jashinic Traits
    Rank: -
    Element: N/A
    Description: This broad technique is a list of traits gained by Shukke as a Jashinist. They are:
    Jashinic Immortality: [Approved by an Admin] The inability to die granted by Lord Jashin as a result of faithful service. This kind of immortality enables the cultist to survive fatal injuries, including strikes to the heart, brain, lungs, and dismemberment such as decipitation. The mind and body of the immortal begins to stop aging when they recieve immortality, stopping when they reach their early 20's (20-24). Older cultists will age in reverse, so they can retain the freshness of their body and mind and be able to fight eternally for Jashin. This also makes the cultist ageless and eternal. However, total destruction of their body or mind will remove the immortality and kill the cultist. Eradication of one's body from the earth means an act of failure to Jashin and that invokes his Wrath, resulting in the rapid termination of the cultist's immortality and their death. Breaking any of the cult's rules would also result in this. Sealing the cultist's soul or driving a weapon blessed by Kami (unique to the ninja monks) into a cultist's heart/mind would also remove their immortality [One must have a good reason for having knowledge of such weakness and even such weapon in the first place or else it'd be metagamming]. However, to gain such immortality, a cultist must sacrifice some of their skills. For Shukke, he sacrificed his natural elements and Ninjutsu to gain such immortality. As such, he relies mainly on physical attacks.
    Jashinic Chakra: Shukke's chakra has been altered three times to become a mass of dark, electric-like, negative energy. Incorrectly stated as "Dark chakra" or "negative chakra", it is just unholy chakra or Jashinic chakra. It is still affected by chakra sealing/absorbing techniques as well as chakra techniques. However, this unholy chakra is able to corrode the chakra it touches. Like the relantionship between matter and anti-matter, pure and impure chakra cancels each other out, with a stronger impure chakra ending up completely corroding the pure chakra and survive. The smaller the object, the faster the corrosion. When a chakra-infused weapon or chakra attack pierces through Shukke, his unholy chakra will corrode and eradicate the chakra depending on the size of the chakra and/or weapon. Sorta of a defensive trait, this can be extended through other material, allowing Shukke to corrode chakra from a distance. This chakra is useful for corroding natural chakra used for Senjutsu. Raw chakra, such as chakra attacks that rely only on Shape Manipulation, are rapidly corroded and hold little effect on the cultist depending on they way they're used. Other than corrosion, it can be channeled like chakra to increase the strength and lethality of attacks, such as Shukke's Taijutsu or weapon attacks. He can also use it to manipulate and control the directions of his attacks (his scythe attacks for example). By applying C-rank chakra to a point of contact with a target (weapon or limb), Shukke can corrode the chakra being used and stop the technique being performed. With A-rank chakra, Shukke can disrupt the target's chakra network with his corrosive energy, only allowing the target to use up to C-rank jutsu for ten posts. It can also be used to cause massive exhaustion and tiredness within the stomach area, replicating the feeling of hunger and thirst. When released, it becomes highly visible, and it allows Shukke to be easily detected due to his terrible and dense chakras.
    Fearlessness: When becoming a Priest, Shukke has immunity to things he would have feared while as a human and mortal.
    Pain Endurance: Once becoming immortal and a Priest, Shukke is able to tolerate and endure any pain to the point that he actually enjoys it.
    Pact with Jashin: Shukke established a link with Lord Jashin the moment he devoted himself to his God. As a Jashinist, he is able to regenerate all of his wounds, missing limbs, and any missing body part with the assistance of Jashin at the end of every battle. It is thought that a Jashinists must always win a major battle or fail in a deathmatch. This is not true, as the Jashinists must not lose in order to recieve Jashin's regenerative powers. As long as he did not lose the battle he was wounded in, Lord Jashin shall regenerate his wounds. It is possible for Shukke to regenerate minor wounds using his chakra but that has to be at the end of every battle or situation.
    Essence of the Unholy Rejunevation: When Shukke reached to Priest level, he held great levels of physical capabilities. His strength proved to be able to hold a large arsenal of weapons and be able to utilize them properly in battle and be able to battle for extensive periods of time as a result of enormous stamina. But among them is protection against dark chakra and corrosion caused by chakra of any evil nature. Such chakras would either be rendered useless or they will take effect and Shukke will just regenerate from it (only time regeneration method is allowed in battle) when targeting the Jashinic body. He is not affected by any type of impure chakra.


    Name: The Hand of God
    Rank: A
    Element: N/A
    Description: Kamite is a Kenjutsu technique developed by Shukke. It is one of Shukke's long-range Kenjutsu attacks. This jutsu focuses on force, speed, and chakra control. Shukke will focus his terrible chakra to his hand and it will travel to the outer edges of his blade, circularing it like a shield. Shukke will then condense the chakra and wait for the opponent to be within a thirty meter radius of him. Once they are, Shukke will then violently and quickly swing the blade at them with full power. At the same time he unleashes the blade with full force, he will violently channel the unnatural chakra on his hand up to the blade and then release it along with the force. The quick directional speed and burst of chakra will increase the force of the swing to massive levels. It will also result in the increase of range as well. With this, one can destroy multiple story-high buildings all at different points right in front of them with what appears to be a fast, fluent, slash. It causes large destruction. The force is able to travel up to 35 meters in length and width, and it's cutting power will be tremendous enough to cut through even chakra. It is said to be able to harm anything within its range and is facing Shukke's front side. It can cut through enemies from afar and by direct contact, it will slice them into small pieces. Depending on the hardness of the object, it will either be smashed, pierced, or repelled. The force can be described as hundreds of tiny kinetic blades that is able to penetrate through anything it touches hence the blade's cutting power or as a giant wave of seismic/kinetic energy that smashes or repels. It can dissipitate B-rank or lower jutsu and A-rank or lower Doton and barrier techniques. It is ideal for taking out small armies. The force is so strong that it becomes visible, which is a good warning sign to an enemy and gives them a few seconds to counter. This technique places a great strain on Shukke's muscles after each use and it requires a six post interval before it can be used again, and the amount of times it can be used is four times each day before Shukke runs out of chakra. This jutsu derives from the belief that Shukke's sword if an extrnsion of Jashin's hand, cutting up anything he touches.

    Name: Three Blows of Jashin
    Rank: S
    Element: N/A
    Description: Sandageki no Jashin is a Kenjutsu technique developed by Shukke. This is a technique passed down through the Jashin religion. Using a sturdy blade or his scythe, Shukke has to first clash his blade with the opponent's own or just touch a body part. After that, Shukke will enhance his muscles, nerves, and bones on his arms to great levels. He will launch three slashes, forming a triangular wound at the opponent with extreme speed and force. The vast cutting power will be able to cut through anything in the way, effective against a shield of some kind. The target will be rendered useless and if successful against the enemy, they will have a very high chance of being killed depending on their stamina. The downside to this is that Shukke's muscles will be heavily weakened and so he can't wield any Taijutsu for eight post. The wound is similiar to the symbol of Jashin, signifying that that person has been "cleasned" by Jashin.

    Name: Seven Swords Dance
    Rank: B
    Element: N/A
    Description: Shukke goes into a pose with his seven swords. The swords are charged with Jashinic chakra to greatly increase their cutting power and lethalty as well as corroding the chakra it touches. He holds a blade at both his elbow joints, one at his left armpit, one in his mouth, one in his right neck joint, one between his stomach and one at his right leg. As strange as it seems, Shukke is very skilled with these blades, and spins in a manner similar to a buzz saw, leaving no opening for even a skilled Sharingan user and a highly trained swordsman and inflict several wounds quickly. Striking with his various ways of unpredictable spinning, Shukke finds an opening and strikes with all seven of his swords simultaneously to incapicitate his opponent. This style requires immense acrobatic prowess, something Shukke is in possession and adds his unnatural chakra to increase the effects. The instanteneous speed, agility, and shifts in turns makes this highly unpredictable for even the most skilled opponents with accurate eyes.

    Name: Hungry Serpent Style: Jashinic Ritual Dance
    Rank: C
    Element: N/A
    Description: Saishi Buyou no Jashin is a fighting style unique to Jashinists. Though usually used with scythes, other types of weapons, particularly those with a long reach or a cord customizely attached to it, can be employed. Entirely based on acrobatics, the Jashinist will use their enormous Taijutsu prowess and body to make manuevers and keep the pace of the battle at a maintainable level while inflicting blows from a distance. The Jashinist will use their speed to adjust their position, agility to make turns and shifts immediately, and their acrobatic ability to relentlessly attack the targets with their weapon by moving their body. Using this style results in precise aiming and accuracy as well as manuevering agility during mid-air, allowing the Jashinist to quickly wound their opponent with their weapon from a long distance. Their weapon is usually accompanied with a cord to make use of powerful long-range attacks. Also, this style can also be used for defensive purposes and to trap the target within a limited amount of space. Various attack methods can be used with this style in deadly ways, such as entangling and severing. Shukke uses this to effectively draw blood from his opponent with his weapon at all costs. This style is named after resemblance to a serpent, hungry for food and doing whatever it takes to get it- even if it means hunting and seeking out victims until the world's end.

    Name: Arc of the Dark Lord Jashin
    Rank: D-S
    Element: N/A
    Description: Enko no Kurosho Jashin is a Weaponry technique unique to Jashinists. Shukke will channel his unnatural chakra to his scythe, or weapon of choice, and then release all of that negative energy in the form of a wide arc towards the intended target. The blast will make strong impact with the target, and if powerful enough, can even inflict serious wounds or sever limbs. If the opponent is utilizing chakra while the blast hits, then that chakra is disrupted. When used against inanimate objects, the chakra's corrosion ability takes place; corroding the object's form and and appearance due appropriate chakra until nothing is left. Shukke makes slashes with his scythe to unleash these arcs to inflict additional cuts, but Shukke can also use it while extending his scythe's reach, releasing the arc from anywhere from the cord to the tip of the scythe. Shukke tends to limit the amount of times he uses this as it often causes stress on his back area and the area where he released the attack from.

    Name: Cutting Coil
    Rank: B
    Element: N/A
    Description: Katto Koiru is a Weaponry technique utilized by Shukke. Using a weapon with a cord attached to it, his scythe for example, he will use the cord area to spin around the target's limb, tying it down and restraining its movements. AS the opponent is suspended, the cord will come to an end and the blade will violently strike down on the opponent's limb in the manner of a "bite." Subdued, Shukke will pull on his scythe vigorously and the scythe and cord will tear the limb away from the body, severing it and inflicting great damage.

    Name: Seven Strikes of the Monk
    Rank: D-C
    Element: N/A
    Type: Kenjutsu
    Description: Shichidaigeki no Shukke is a basic Kenjutsu technique utilizing the use of a sword. As a master swordsman, Shukke can use precision and attack speed to limit how much and how fast an enemy can attack. Althuogh labeled as seven strikes, it is actually much more than that. Shukke will strike at various areas from different directions at high speeds, making it seem as if ten blurry similiar attacks looks like one visible one. The angle and speed causes the opponent to misjudge the amount of attacks. Shukke will strike ten times at the same area but his speed is so great that it only looks like one, making the opponent feel as if his attacks are getting heavy and breaking down own's offense and defense one at a time. A second later, Shukke will strike ten times at another position and repeats this for an overall of seven times, hence Shukke will hit seventy times but the enemy will see it as seven. This would mean that the enemy will have seven. heavy, muscle-exhausted areas from which Shukke can strike at any of these areas and that strike will break right through the opponent and slice through their body or they will attack the opponent while they are open. At C-rank level, Shukke will strike seventy times in just a few seconds at near-untracable speeds but this time he will hit all over the place, making it seem to the opponent as if there were seven strikes and then a faint blurry cloud of seventy strikes. This would give the technique away a bit but it gives the opponent little time to counter or dodge, forcing them to fight by reflex. Eventually, the eenmy will be overwhemed and then suffer some hits. If not, then they will suffer several muscle-exhausted areas all over their body which will cause the body and mind to tire out pretty quickly, giving Shukke a split second to attack. Shukkei's muscles are likely to become greatly exhausted from this and have a lack of stamina depending on the situation he uses it in.

    Name: Opening Approach
    Rank: B
    Element: N/A
    Type: Kenjutsu
    Description: Rokotsu Komichi is a Kenjutsu technique utilized by Shukke. With the use of a sword,Shukke will combine a swordsman's attack speed and precision together for lethal strikes. Shukke will charge his elbow and biceps area with enough chakra to temporarily feed it so it can work properly. He will then strike the opponent and force them to think on their feet by stabbing them multiple times at intense speeds at the lower body area, particulary the hip to knee. The speed Shukke is using is so intense that if the opponent does not block his attack and instead uses Shukke's open head area to kill him, Shukke will be able to stab the lap, knee, and legs several times before the opponent even connects his blade with Shukke, thus cutting off their legs and immobolizing them. Once that happens, Shukke can just launch a deadly cut that will kill the opponent. The opponent is forced to defend their leg area and while that happens,Shukke will constantly hit the area which is blocked by the blade. Eventually, the opponent's focus will be diverted to that of the leg area and they will be busy parrying Shukke's lower strikes and forgot about the middle area. Shukke will then suddenly cut right through the edge of the opponent's sword or at least quickly stab right above the sword to stop it from moving, and then forcefully slash his sword up right through the opponent, dealing massive if not deathly damage to them. While they're surprised, Shukke will rapidly launch several lethal attacks at the opponent's body, hacking them into pieces and killing the opponent.

    Name: Ending Approach
    Rank: A
    Element: N/A
    Type: Kenjutsu
    Description: Shimekiri Komichi is a Kenjutsu technique utilized by Shukke. With the use of a sword, Shikyo is able to stop and counter any sword attack with another sword. he will use accuracy and speed to keep up with an opponent's attack speed and where their sword will strike, while applying equal force which will drain all power from the blow. This is effective against face-paced multiple sword attacks. After Shukke has reached the point where he has stopped an enemy attack who cannot use the same sword to attack again (hence by striking at the hilt or bottom of the blade), he will then stab the enemy at the heart area multiple times.

    Name: Black Assembly
    Rank; B
    Element: N/A
    Type: Kenjutsu/Weaponry
    Description: Kuro Shukai is a Kenjutsu technique utilized by Jashinists. The Jashinist will condense their unnatural chakra into their blade, making the negative energy highly visible and crackling with electrical-like energy. This super-dense form will release tiny sparks whenever the weapon is wavered. The blows from the weapon are increased with great force by the Jashinic chakra, forcing the opponent to lose their strength through sheer will. The chakra retains its corrosive nature, crushing the chakra that it makes contact with slowly. If collision is powerful enough, it can cause the chakra to form something like a half barrier around the Jashinist or a full barrier around the colliders, negating the chakra within it fairly slowly. Once the weapon pierces through the enemy, the chakra will seep within their chakra network, disurpting their chakra flow and forcing them to have to use 20% more chakra than it is necessary to utilize chakra techniques.

    Name: Crippling Swords
    Rank: C-A
    Element: N/A
    Type: Kenjutsu/Weaponry
    Description: Haijinken is a Kenjutsu technique utilized by Shukke. While holding on to his sword or scythe, Shukke will rapidly attack his opponent while rotating and twisting his elbow and wrist joints to do so. The attacks are fast-paced and hard to counter, forcing the opponent on their defensive. While the opponent is at the mercy of his scythe or weapon, Shukke will either stop his attack just when the target has blocked and then quickly and violently swing his sword two times in a horizontal fashion at the target's neck area. This would result in decipitation or a wound on the neck, one deep enough to cause the opponent to go into cripplement during the battle and most likely for the rest of their life should they survive, hence the name of this technique or he will use another weapon, stop when his opponent blocks, and uses his sword, usually one more powerful than the one he used to attack, to wound the opponent's neck area. The effect is the same though this one might not be repairable.

    Name: Reap Edge
    Rank: D
    Element: N/A
    Type: Karekiwa is a Weaponry technique utilzied by the Jashinists with their scythes. By manipulating the cord of their scythe, they will rotate their scythe at high speeds, spinning them using the cord above the jashinist's head. The force generated will release small gusts of wind, capable of deflecting projectiles. The Jashinists will then release the cythe upon the target, resulting in immobolizing the target, entangling one's weapons and body parts, or wounding them.

    Last edited by V on Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:42 am; edited 4 times in total
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    Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church  Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church    Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church  Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 4:13 pm

    Name: Hachimon ~ Eight Gates
    Rank: -
    Element: N/A
    Description: The Eight Gates are eight specific points on a person's Chakra Pathway System. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By opening these gates, the user can surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own bodies. Any shinobi who activates this state will temporarily gain powers greater than a Kage, but they will die because of the damage done to their body.

    In Shukke's case. he is able to open up to all eight gates and utilize some of the Taijutsu techniques it offers. Because of his unnatural chakra, he releases unholy chakra instead. This unholy chakra courses through his veins and Jashinic body, giving him the vitality and physical increases the corresponding gate release(s) would give. However, the sheer energy of the chakra release is powerful enough to repel metallic matter and also corrode sources of life such as land or water. It will disintegrate nature to an extent and corrode the natural energy it gives off.



    Name: Front Lotus
    Rank: B
    Element: N/A
    Description: Omote Renge is a Taijutsu technique which was forbidden due to the strain it puts on a ninja's body. By opening the first of the Celestial Gates, the Initial Gate, the ninja is able to release the restraints in the brain and push the body farther. In Lee's case, he was able to increase his speed and power. To utilize the Omote Renge, Lee first loosens the bandages around his arm. With a quick dash he is suddenly below his target and a quick upward kick sends his opponent skyward. Lee then jumps into the air to place his chest to the back of his opponent. He then wraps his arms and the bandages around his opponent to prevent escape. As the pair begin their fall back to earth, Lee begins to spin downwards at a high rate of speed, driving his opponent head first into the ground. At the last moment Lee himself releases the bandages and jumps to the clear. Though the technique injures his opponent, it also takes its toll on Lee's body as well.

    Name: Reverse Lotus
    Rank: A
    Element: N/A
    Description: Ura Renge is a Taijutsu technique which was forbidden due to the strain it puts on a ninja's body. To complete the technique, Lee had to open the first five of the Celestial Gates. By opening the first of the Celestial Gates, the Initial Gate, the ninja is able to release the restraints in the brain and push the body farther. In Lee's case, he was able to increase his speed and power. By opening the second gate, the Heal Gate, Lee was able to temporarily increase his stamina. With the opening of the Third Gate, the Life Gate, Lee's body turns a shade of red and he is able to perform the Ura Renge. When Lee performed the technique though, he also opened the fourth gate, the Harm Gate, and the fifth gate, the Limit Gate. Opening the gates removes the limiters placed on the body, and by opening these gates Lee was given a great increase in power in speed. The technique was forbidden though because as each subsquent gate is opened, the body faces more and more strain. When Lee opened the fifth gate, his muscles began to snap.

    To utilize the Ura Renge, Lee will open the first three Celestial Gates. Then, like Omote Renge, he quickly moves beneath the target and kicks them upwards. While in the air Lee will then pummel his opponent throughout the air with high speed Taijutsu attacks to weaken them. Then at the apex of his attack he will strike his opponent in the chest towards the ground. Lee then moves in close to his opponent and attaches his bandage. Lee will then allow his opponent to get some distance, he then pulls his target back to his body and does a hard downward palm strike to their chest causing them to crash into the ground with massive damage.

    Name: Morning Peacock
    Rank: A
    Element: N/A
    Description: Asakujaku is a Taijutsu technique used by Might Guy. Guy first opens the sixth Celestial Gate Keimon, which gives him access to an enormous amount of chakra. Using this tremendous burst of power and speed, he will approach his opponent in a distinctive stance. When near enough, he will kick his opponent and launch them into the air. He will then strike them multiple times, causing the distinctive peacock fan to develop. The feathers of the fan will be formed by the super-sonic movement of Guy's fists. The high speed creates friction in the air, setting it on fire. This then rends the air into a flaming shockwave which destroys his target. After being struck, the opponent will then fall back to the earth, covered in the strike's aura.

    Name: Afternoon Tiger
    Rank: S
    Element: N/A
    Description: Hirutora is a Taijutsu technique used by Might Guy. Guy first opens the seventh Celestial Gate Kyoumon, which gives him access to an enormous amount of chakra. Using this tremendous burst of power and speed, he will form the needed hand positions and unleash a punch which focuses a massive amount of air pressure into a single point. This pressure point then explodes in a single instant, causing a massive blast range. Because the technique is Taijutsu and not made of chakra, it can not be absorbed by ninja skilled in chakra absorption.

    Name: Divine Demon Burst Rush
    Rank: SS
    Element: N/A
    Description: Tenakki Hekitokkan is a Taijutsu technique developed by Shukke. This is Shukke's modified and re-named version of the original technique utilized by opening all eight gates to suit his Jashinic nature. Shukke opens all eight gates where all of his physical capabilities has maximum power, at the level of a Kage. After doing this, he would launch towards his opponents at extremely rapid speeds. He launches multiple punches at their face and chest from multiple directions that it looks like there're clones of him attacking at the same time. After this, he would launch an ankle kick towards the opponent's chin, launching them high to the sky. Shukke will jump as well just above the aerial enemy. He then launches attacks on their chest and then spins like a tornado with their head aiming for the opponent's chest at enormous rates. An extremely dense, black, unholy chakra aura resembling a monstrous demon would surround Kaibutsu to represent the fatal and deadly blow. Beyond the chakra aura is a rotating layer of air pressure creating from Shukke's movements. The air pressure will surround Shukke's aura like a shield and acts as the first point of attack, creating an explosive impact. Beneath the chakra aura and actually covering Shukke is a dark purple-layer. This layer is actually pure, condensed, solidfied kinetic energy created from Shukke's motion. The solidfication of a tremendous amount of kinetic energy is the greatest mark of upmost Taijutsu, labeling this technique as one of the most strongest Taijutsu attacks in the world. These three points of attack represent the focuses of Taijutsu attacks. Once they near the ground, Shukke's spinning body and head would connect tp the opponent's chest and smash it to the ground. An immense explosive collision that demolishes the entire environment will result in this. The chakra aura will drill through the opponent and create openings to injure major organs. Then the sheer force of Shukke will obliterate the opponent and ground. The impact of this attack is great enough to destroy or take off someone's heart when aimed at the chest. Opponents have a extremely high chance of dying from this attack. However, because of the maximum strength and power needed, Shukke will have a consequence, his muscles most likely torn.

    Name: Chakra Enhanced Strength
    Rank: C-S
    Element: N/A
    Description: This is a technique where the user focuses chakra into their hands and feet using precise chakra control and releases it with pinpoint timing, which greatly enhances their strength. Tsunade created the concept of this technique to intimidate enemies and keep them at bay while she healed injured ninja.
    The training for this technique is quite arduous, as Tsunade repeatedly came at Sakura with full power to help her learn. Despite this, the outcome of this training is incredible, giving the user enough strength to easily make gigantic craters or kill opponents with single strikes. Shukke can make use of this technique with his chakras on his Taijutsu to increase destructive power as well as using it on his weapon attacks. When used on his scythe or sword, the chakra stored within it will increase the force, sharpness, and power of the scythe/sword attacks depending on the chakra consumed, increasing the lethalty of his attacks.

    Name: Thunder Tank
    Rank: A
    Element: N/A
    Description: Ikazuchi Tanku is a Taijustu technique utilized by Shukke. This technique is very similiar to Lord Raikage's Liger Bomb. Kaibutsu grabs his opponent and slaps his two hands to the sides of their head. Then, he lifts them above his head as they're under shock. Finally, he either throws or directly slams their head into the ground, thus either breaking their skull or knocking them out (3 posts). Quite devastating, it inflicts a large deal of stress on Shukke.

    Name: Eruption Swarm
    Rank: C
    Element: N/A
    Description: Funkamure is a Taijutsu technique utilized by Shukke. Shukke will use full flexibility to extend his leg to be above or across the target's head, and he will launch a powerful kick to their head, much like the great eruption of a volcano. Depending on where it hits and where it's hitting from, brain damage can be expected.

    Name: Plunge of Dark Night
    Rank: D
    Element: N/A
    Description: Tobikomi no Kuronaito is a Taijutsu technique utilized by Jashinists. A very basic attack, Shukke will focus all of his strength into his hand while it's in a chop posture. Shukke will stab his hand, fingers first, within the opponent's flesh, drawing out blood. The hardness of the opponent must be weaker than the strength of Shukke's attack, and so this attack is rarely employed. When accompanied with chakra enhancements, this technique might be successful.

    Name: Flying Swallow
    Rank: B
    Element: N/A
    Description: Hien is a Taijutsu technique used by the Leaf ninja Asuma. Using Chakra Flow, this technique requires a bladed weapon; by feeding chakra into the weapon, the ninja will increase the length and density of his blade to strike an enemy from several feet out of the physical blade's range. This is accomplished by creating an invisible extension of chakra that shapes into an edge that functions like the normal blade itself.
    Seeing the blade, the opponent may misjudge how far they need to move to avoid an incoming strike and thereby still be cut even if they manage to avoid the metal portion of the blade. The chakra-enhanced blades are strong and sharp enough to strike through solid rock or cut through iron. This is extremely efficient when used with Shukke's scythes, and is also used to channel the chakra-enhanced strength technique to increase the power of scythe attacks. Some of the unnatural chakra enters the opponent's body when they're struck and wounded by the extension, disrupting their ability to use complex chakra techniques like genjutsu.

    Last edited by V on Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church  Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church    Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church  Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 4:15 pm

    App Finally completed.

    S-rank Sannin Ninja: Approved by Kazankage Roxas/Lelouch.

    Jashinist Status: Approved by Cut

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    PostSubject: Re: Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church    Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church  Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 4:17 pm

    All jounin are full, there are only chuunin and below.
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    PostSubject: Re: Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church    Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church  Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 4:44 pm

    I think I was given a last spot, lemme check with Lelouch.


    Question, who are the current four Jounin of Kazangakure? I can only find three.
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    PostSubject: Re: Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church    Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church  Icon_minitimeSat Jan 15, 2011 1:22 pm


    Disregarding the Jounin position, I've been given the last Sannin position in Kazangakure and have now changed my ranks.
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    PostSubject: Re: Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church    Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 17, 2011 12:31 am

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    PostSubject: Re: Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church    Shukke, 18th Priest of the Jashinic Church  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 18, 2011 3:27 pm

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