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 Chrono Crusade Again

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Chrono Hozuki

Chrono Hozuki

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PostSubject: Chrono Crusade Again   Chrono Crusade Again Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 5:43 pm

~General Information~
Name: Chrono Crusade
Nickname/Alias: (Devil of Royalty)
Weight: 112lbs
Height: 6ft4
Age: 26
Gender: Male

~Character Information~

Clothing: Chorno's pants are black and slim allowing for amazing agility and movements there the only clothes he actually wears
Childhood : As a child Chrono was set to become a very loyal shinobi yet emotionally he did not feel that, He was indeed emotionally scarred due to his parent's abusive nature, Chrono a shinobi who was never afraid to show how he felt had gone through massive heartache with abuse and bullying, He understands the shinobi world but proves he would much rather protect it against his own village than another
Teenager : As many teenager's Chrono was very defiant and thought as usual that he knew best and would not settle for anything less than perfection, And ignorant boy who was soon to learn the true meaning of happyness and love, He never showed his emotion's anymore having changed alot from being a child, Stupidly he was confident tho foolish
Adult : As an adult chrono understands his emotions are his strenght yet is not afraid to hide them when needed, He understands each part about him and is confident enough to speak up and be heard when its needed, He no longer had thought's about death or suicide and now embraces everything that happens to him knowing they will make him stronger

~Rank/Village Information~
Classification: Forest kage
Letter Rank: s
Village: Forest

~Skill Information~
Skill Specialty: Ninjutsu And Medical Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: wind And Earth

Physical Stats
Speed: kage
Stamina: kage
Strength: kage
Agility: kage
Physical Endurance: kage
Chakra Stats
Chakra Reserves: kage
Chakra Control: kage
Intelligence: kage

Wind Release: Slashing Tornado
Wind Release: Violent Wind Palm
Wind Release: Whirlwind Fist
Wind Terror
Beast Wave Violent Wind Palm
Blade of Wind
Flight Technique
Shadow Clone Jutsu
Earth Spear
Mud needle
Wind Release: Drilling Air Bullet Harbor Blow
Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld
Earth Release: Rock Lodging Destruction
Earth Release: Earth Flow Rampart
Earth Release: Earth Flow Wave
Chakra Enhanced Strenght
Yin secret healing technique
Earth Release Shadow Clone
Earth Release: Earth Style Wall

Bijuu jutsu

Nine-Tailed Fox Fire Stream
Nine-Tailed Fox Sonic Roar
Nine-Tailed Fox Twister
Tailed Beast Ball
Tailed Beast Chakra Arms

~History/RP Sample~
History/Background Story:

My name is Chrono, a shinobi from the village known as netsugakure, My home, Tho not one i adored, I was a shinobi who excelled in learning the clan village techniques, The lava release abilities, Tho these were probably the only thing i liked about the village, Our kage in my personal opinion was a bit of an ass hole, Not someone who i could get along with, this is my story, My life
I was born on the special day of netsugakure's own birthday the day of its completion tho a decade or to after, I was born to the shinobi known as Ketsu and Kana, Both ninja who were of high rank and personal gaurds of the kage, This is probably why my feelings toward's the kage came to be, When i was growing up i was brought up on one principle, If the kage did not like it in his personal taste i was forebidden to do it, I think my feeling's for my parents started there...i never felt love, All i knew was discipline...Shame....dissappointment...Hatred and loathing, My parent's never did anything with me apart from ninja training, Ill admit i enjoyed it tho when i got some free time i would watch the other families train, When the parent's one and well they did they made sure there child was ok they took them for food ice cream and bought them present's, Not mine, when i was training and my training started before i went to the academy it was brutal full on, When they struck me down they did not pull there punches they did not wait to see if i was ok, I had bever felt pain like it the physical part was bearable but the scar's of the lack of emotion would tear me up, My parent's hated that i was so emotional, I think thats why they wanted to "beat" it out of me but i couldnt let it happen my emotions kept me sane, Intune with myself, I had so many scar's on my body they did not notice the multiple number that i inflicted upon myself, Tho other's did, My academy day's were not what like other's.
The first day i started the academy i had a fractured bone in my leg and a broken arm, My face was swollen from the punches my mother inflicted and almost every single inch of my body was covered with bandage's, My eye's.......My sweet innocent eye's were stained with blood not blood lust but blood, they were almost unusable, It was three or four day's in my parent's couldnt have been happier i was given a special tutor to teach me the way of the ninja......they werent happy for me no..the kage at the time was also trained with a special tutor, My tutor was'nt like other's he had special" passive abilites, He was blind and he began to teach me way's of fighting without looking, My eye's slowly began to heal and everytime we fought i could feel myself getting better i could hear further than any genin without a clan or special kekki genkai's, My touch i could feel everything around me from the ground i could feel each individual grain of dirt sand the texture of it felt so different, Yet while i used my eye's i noticed i couldnt beat my tutor, With my senses "tuned" to perfection at souch a young age my sensei taught me the way's of the lava release AND Taijutsu demanding i were weighted clothes from now on, That's how i gained my outfit, But was i to know soon i would be feeling one emotion and another so soon, A year after my tuter entered me in the genin exam's and with ease i passed performing the substitution clone and transformation techniques without waisting a drop of excess chakra
Know i had a chance to learn new abilites, My tutor has passed the gauntlet and with the village jutsu 's safely under my belt i was a fair fighter and could hold my own against any shinobi in the village of genin rank, I was soon placed within my team whose name's were Zaku And Kerry, Zaku was a shinobi who used basic earth release ninjutsu and Kerry was a fairly talented genjutsu user, We decided that we would start of with a trainign session tho that would not happen as our new team leader entered the room, His name was Zenkaichi, A blue hair'd shinobi with one blue eye and...The rinnegan in the other, We had our first practice that day which consitsted of a pebble test, The idea was to take pebbal's from Zen's pocket, tho each pebble had a small dose of an ingrediant known only to the volcanoe were the village was locted within thus we couldnt just pick up any rock, So the test began, We knew we wouldnt have a chance of winning but we wouldnt give up, We teamed up quickly making sure team work was our key speciality, We knew that Kerry's genjutsu werent going to work so well on a rinnegan user but if we could get his attention on a genjutsu even for a moment we could probably get the pebble's back, So we tried, Taking out our shinobi weapon's (kunai) we burst into the rocky regin were our teacher had fled, Now as a rinnegan user he had the power over all element's. This meant he could use the earthy terrain or the flowing lake's, the fire within his chakra and the lightning aswell, Ontop of that he had the yin yang elements, So we would have to be very cautious, First of all he could use techniques that allowed him under the earth but with my intense hearing i could detect him if he was by the sund of the earth moving softly ofcourse that depended upon how he moved and how deep he was, Zaku quickly formed seal's before nodding toward's us and was soon swallowed up by the earth... Kerry formed handseal's and burst into the air in her signature style blossom's her nickname was cherry due to the colour of her blossom's, Now me i had no power over the earth or the sky so i was on foot, Quickly ijumped from rock to rock sniffing the air to try to catch a scent when i caught something, Something i shouldnt' Zaku had surfaced, The sound's of punching slammed through my ear's as if it happened right next to me, Moving toward's the sound at haste i found jounin commander but no Kerry, she was hopefully safe, Zaku was fighting a stranger and my jounin commander was....Well incopacatated, un moving, Zaku was getting frustrated..He couldnt land a single blow to the opponent and in one blurred movement he was sent into the air, The male looked at him and soon a blast of black flame engulfed my team mate, His scream's blasted through the air before the flame's were stopped, As the flame's stopped i moved blurring my feature's as my speed grew and with one powerful jump i caught the earth genin, Skidding slightly upon my landing i looked at the male who held his right hand, I had read about many techniques and i knew this one, Ameratsu an uchiha blood line jutsu. I also knew i couldnt take this man down but i would try, tho something stopped me, the man had a kunai in his hand and had placed it to the side of him before slicing, Blood blasted from the air as Kerry's scream's filled the air, the wound would not kill her it was'nt deep...But how could he detect her, Her kekki genkai was that of invisibility not only hiding her body but her scent her heat and her chak....I see i knew the problem she was'nt capable of hiding everything at her current level so the uchiha mangeykio sharingan could see through her, tho as her scream stopped she skidded across the ground, jumping to escape the male she let a sob escape her, She had been there for awhile and knew...Our commander was dead. We had to get away but i knew that would not be easy, Zanku would need medical attention and i was the fastest yet Kerry would probably be killed, I think...Id like to think she knew what i was thinking or she condemed me to a fate worse than death, She used her cherry technique to swoop Zanku from my arm's and fleee, Tho i heard her whisper in my ear as she did the word's be safe, I think she knew i could be the only one to handle this or the one who would survive....the longest... So they were gone to the dismay of the uchiha i heard him mutter something about the girl's gene's mixing with another's for perfection, But i wouldnt have it any other way not really, I moved quickly and tried to aim my fist into the man's stomach but he easily caught it, Twisting slightly i brought my feet up to meet the side of his head but again it was blocked,Tho now he had both arms trapped and i had my other hand and leg, In one powerful jump i brought my other leg up and slammed it forward, I felt the crunch of his nose as my foot connected, With a thud i landed upon the ground and stared the man was holding his nose as blood trickled from his nose and through his hand, Quickly regaining my balance i brought my hand's together in seal's and with an all mighty spit shot out a powerful blast of lava directly toward's the shinobi, guttingly it was dodged and that is all that happened, I saw the man's face under his cloak his nose now deformed but his eye's...those eye's rotated and darkness engulfed me, Taking me away, apparently i awoke a day or two later but it felt like year's, When i awoke i was strapped to a bed, I turned but couldnt face it,
Lying next to me was my commander....Blood covered his face as his rinnegan eye was gone....I was sick all over myself and the bed giving away that i was awake, and my capturer entered, he fussed over the state of me and i felt compassion toward's him....He looked harmless his black eye's werent what you would think, Instead of looking emptyness they felt warm as if he had felt love felt compassion andknew how to give it, But then i thought back to my friend's Zaku....He had hurt him my fist shot up but was blocked, Then the male spoke the voice was'nt the same but the scent was thats how i knew he was my captor, And then his story came how he did what he did ...why he did what he did, You see he was an ex netsugakure shinobi but three ninja were against him......Three i knew well, My parents and the kage, This man was the kage before hand and had doen everythign in his power to make our village safe....But three people turned on him and these three were powerful i should know, Tear's fell down my face but they also made there way down his own, Those warm eye's quickly turned to hatred and i knew what he was feeling...The hatred for the village, The word's escaped my own mouth before i could help it,
"ill help you fight them"
It was obvious that he didnt believe what he heard, i explained my own story and showed that the three people he hated were the same three i hated, He understood perfectly and spoke to me about the experiment he was perfecting, I offered myself and if i died id die to take down netsugakure, so we started, First i was moved to another room one that was better one that was fitted to my personal taste something that did'nt resemble fire.
I was well rested i had slept for three day's solid and was bounding with energy, The first thing that happened was that my new sensei trained me in his element which happened to be my natural affinity LIGHTNING, he taught me the basic's creating every move to perfection untill i could utilise an arsenel of lightning release, He explained why he took down my commander he needed the rinnegan but it wouldnt work he needed someoen who had two and that someone lived in tanigakure or used to he was unsure that would be my first mission when ready to get those eye's, Then it began i was taken to the room were he worked on me placing different type's of dna within my body it turned out this man Sanka was a medical ninja and pretty famous so i demended to be taugh them, my raw strenght was amazing on its own adding the personalised chakra enhanced strenght it meant that i would be unique in the way of taijutsu adding my rare jutsu known only to me and my shinobi master would mean extra battle power, so it began experiment after experiment all the concentrated dna placed in my system,Upon one of these experiments my master had appeared with a jar, turns out he captured the four tailed ape which was then placed within me, Sometimes it would be ok sometimes not so much id be in pain all day tear's flying through me but Sanka would always be there helpin me through it, the pain was harsh but i knew it would work out....and it did, the experiments were all a great success and were perfect, Infact i had some new abilities, Due to sanka's intelligence there was no backlash in fact there was only amazing power's,tanigakure would be the place for me,
Instead of doing those uselsss exam's there was a way of gainign a better rank easier, You see i had heard about the Netsugakure ninja who had been sent out after my master after the attack, six year's had passed since then making me eighteen year's old and thought dead, So i knew i was infact a better ninja than any genin, So i decided to intercept them, My senses were so intune with nature thanks to the experiment they hightened to new feat's i was infact a highly skilled sensort ho had no time to learn medical ninjutsu, I scaled the area the ninja were reported to be and picked up on one of there scent it was heavy with deadorant, So i blasted after them sensing there chakra level as i closed in 50 metre's away, And then in less than minutes i was behind them mere feet away, And then i froze......There stood a girl from her back i could tell who she was her scent was the same her long blonde hair perfect, The man his scent i remembered his face his body i did not, The third man i had no clue who he was, In the end i was frozen solid and they turned......and froze, Kerry began to speak but Zanku's voice broke first
".....Chrono.....Is it you"
I didnt speak i nodded unsure what to do, My master burned him badly but...i loved him.....and Kerry something flashed and the sound of metal on metal emitted through the air. a kunai was in my hand and had just blocked a shuriken which thudded patheticly to the ground, the third man had attacked me and i would not stand for that, I would show them what i was capable of, In one quick blur i blasted toward's the man un aware of his own taijutsu skill, each punch was blocked each kick neither of us landed a blow but i would not falter we soon parted from the dance of battle as Kerry screamed
the man jumped back and Kerry grabbed him shaking him, she explained the story of what happened to me, Zanku took step's forward, I dont know why but i did to i felt for him...I had never felt this feeling before...a relationship maybe...He was at me and the next thing i knew i pulled in to as hug Zanku's tear's patted softly on my shoulder and something took over me i pulled him slowly off me looking into his large brown watery eye's and i kissed him shocked when he kissed back but we soon broke apart as the third man growled, He was his boyfriend and the battle was back on this time i gave no thought i moved and as i moved electricity blasted around my body then one more thing happened, the third man let out a gasp as his throat blasted with blood, My kunai taking his life, Gasps filled the air from him Kerry and Zanku, they couldnt follow but i noticed one more thing Kerry had an eye covered...It was soon revealed to be a sharingan the copy eye just like my master, I knew this would be a tough fight if it came to it, Zanku was speech less his boyfriend slaughtered before his eye's, But he didnt look angry he still looked relieved to see his friend alive....Kerry on the other hand became official and demanded i turn myself in and ofcourse that i could not do, I explained why, that i hate the viillage and all that i explained about Sanka and that snapped Zanku back the man that causedhim that pain, This meant a fight, Me versus them, Handsigns were soon formed and a pillar of earth formed over me, But with my own set of seals a large blast of electricty formed in my hands and blasted the dome to smithereines, i looked to them before i moved jumping into the tree before looking at them, They knew perfectly what would happen but zanku fell to his knee's next to his dead boyfriend, Kerry couldnt attack, they were mortified at the way i changed, AND SOON i to was in tear's how could i attack them how could.... Pain blasted through my arm as a metal star struck me, Looking down Zanku blasted three more in my direction but with movement i was out of harm's way, Still i was to shocked he attacked me after that kiss, Kerry also moved her sharingan changed and black flamed engulfed my arm, Again using my quick movements i ripped the sleeve off and threw it away, My master had taught me the trick to ameratsu, It was powerful but slow burning, With a slow sigh i stared at my ex-friends before forming more handseal's, I through my hands out and a large blast of lightning blasted through the battle field toward's my opponent's a large wall of earth was erected but destroyed, I should have remembered TEAM WORK, behind the wall Kerry had created a blast of wind to block my lightning, sighing softly i looked toward's them, I slowly began too melt into the tree unveiling my plant like abilities, I had been practicing with manipulating the ground and the plant's and in a mili seconds i appeared behind Carina slaming my fist into her back before handseals were formed plants shot from the ground binding her the thorns sticking into her skin making escape a painful subject, Now it was me and Zanku, He knew he could not win not anymore, But he refused to give up with a secret pak we both knew elements were out usage and we would stick to taijutsu SO i got to see his skill the skill that he declared i created, We fought hard punch kicks EVERYTHING. we attacked viciously and in the end, One attack that was all that i needed and one accidental atack was what happened, I slammed my elbow up as he tried to stop it his nose connected with it and it pushed the bone up to his brain killing him, I did'nt know what happened all i heard was Carina's scream's as he fell, My body went numb and it seemed like the body that killed my team mate was'nt me, I looked at Carina as her tear's slammed into the ground, every tear she let fall felt like a blow to the gut, These two these two were friends the family i had left, or i thought, Voices echoed in the ground they did not recognise me but they would my anger was released and i allowed my giant chakra reserve to blast turning i looked at my parents the bastards that tried to raise me, But they didnt seem happy no they were angry they werent family they were sinister beings enemies cunts, And i would show them exactly how i felt, Lightnign blasted around my body and inside of me speeding up every thing in my body allowing my speed to reach of the chart preportion's, my defense was also boosted and in one small blur i vanished my mum was flown across the field as my dad was cut multiple time's but they could not see me not even Kerry could detect my speed and then i became visible up on a tree, I allowed this One last glance at there son AND THERE KILLER, With that i was gone and two gasps almost similtaniously were heard, Blood poured from the throats of my parents as they fell to the ground, I allowed Kerry to watch before turnign to her my lightning gaurd vanished and i released my jutsu before i blasted into the tree's, Zanku's dying breath repeating in my head.
Death and Betrayal
I did'nt return to the hideout that day or any other day, I spent most of my day's on the run, Netsugakure shinobi were after me all the time and most of all Carina wanted me dead i had murdered childhood friend's and other head shinobi's, Even if she did'nt want to fight me her duty was her top priority and revenge was fresh in her mind, I couldnt return and lead them to Sanka, It was around 12:30 christmas eve, i had been classed as an A rank missing nin for taking down Two netsugakure Jounin and Two Netsugakure Kage body gaurd's, It was definatly a cold christmas eve and was about to get colder, I had just eaten managing to avoid shinobi and do a few "Black market" bounty hunts to earn cash, I had gained the summoning technique from my master and had trained that Fox's were his speciality and it reminded me of one of the bijuu stories he told me, But right now i couldnt hack it, I had infact recently taken down a full bijuu the 5 tailed, I met it one day, It took awhile but my speed and strenght managed to win causing it to run, And now here i was doing the same,
"So Its A Cold Night"
looking up my master my teacher was thee but his eyes, His mangeykio was activated and i knew what that meant, He was in fighting mode but there was no one to fight or so i thought, You see he wanted me dead for getting revenge...His revenge, So as soon as i looked at him i was caught in the Genjutsu known as Tsukiyome, 72 hour's of pain and tortour but i was'nt finished yet, Infact i had done something no other had without a sharingan i had escaped through numbing my body and mind using the Lightning Release armour. Now escaped i used my lightnign release but was matched easily, So i knew exactly what to do, I began creating handseals but was stopped by the black flame engulfing my chest, Tearing my clothing off i smirked, I was now a lot lighter, So i used my speed but again was matched, handseals followed and a blast of lava spewed forth from my mouth, The idiot had never seen my release but once and now thought water would stop it, The water slammed into the release but easily steamed up and soon the man was blasted with a hard concrete blast.he stumbled hard and i moved slamming my fist into his chin forcing him up into the air and i followed slamming him back to the ground, You see this idiot had not seen me for week's and i flew into the air and i mean flew,i had learned the technique, And it was over my next move screwed him up i used his own technique Lightning armour release combined with spewing a multiple amount of incredibly fast lava, Ofcourse he dodged but he landed in my trap my fist enhanced with strenght broke clean into his face forcing him to fly through the air, and skid across the ground, The ragged breathing began once more i heard Zanku combined with Sanka and i knew i had no one, I did'nt bother waiting on him to die my lightning stimulated my body and i was gone, Now destined to wander the land but i promise one thing, I will obtain the rinnegan no matter what, If i have to take down an uchiha a senju whatever it takes i shall become the strongest there is,

I was now 23, Year's had passed since i murdered my friends and my master not to mention the bastards i once called parent's, Now i had to be vigiliant Kerry was still after me and i knew i couldnt run forever, I managed to make it to a small village made for missing ninja and bandits, The kind of bastards that ruled there were dispicable, In my travel's i met a rather nice shinobi known as Carina, She was talented in medical ninjutsu and had a kekki genkai of ice allowing her to control or create ice instantly, We travelled around for a few year's untill we reached a small island with no name, it was there that she turned on me, I should have seen it coming but in all fairness she was pretty convincing after slaughtering a few ninja from both countries. in the end i made a new home becoming the kage of forest

Last edited by Chrono Crusade on Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:45 pm; edited 8 times in total
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Chrono Crusade Again Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chrono Crusade Again   Chrono Crusade Again Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 5:49 pm

There will be no Sannin for the time being and so change your Rank to jounin your stats has to add up to 288.Other then that your app is fine
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Chrono Hozuki

Chrono Hozuki

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PostSubject: Re: Chrono Crusade Again   Chrono Crusade Again Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 5:58 pm


by bijuu is still the four tailed ape

should i change that if so it will be for the kyuubi
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PostSubject: Re: Chrono Crusade Again   Chrono Crusade Again Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 6:02 pm

Bijuu is fine 1/2 Approved
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Chrono Hozuki

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PostSubject: Re: Chrono Crusade Again   Chrono Crusade Again Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 6:09 pm

Bijuu edited XD
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Chrono Hozuki

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PostSubject: Re: Chrono Crusade Again   Chrono Crusade Again Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 6:22 pm

edited to akatsuki leader !!
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Chrono Hozuki

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PostSubject: Re: Chrono Crusade Again   Chrono Crusade Again Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 6:28 pm

Re edit forest kage
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PostSubject: Re: Chrono Crusade Again   Chrono Crusade Again Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 6:30 pm

Kyuub don't have lava release and raise your stats to 480 then if you are going to be kage
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Chrono Hozuki

Chrono Hozuki

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PostSubject: Re: Chrono Crusade Again   Chrono Crusade Again Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 6:38 pm


Lava's my kekki genkai (clans almost finished)
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PostSubject: Re: Chrono Crusade Again   Chrono Crusade Again Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 6:50 pm

you can't have clan and Bijuu
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PostSubject: Re: Chrono Crusade Again   Chrono Crusade Again Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 7:33 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Chrono Crusade Again   Chrono Crusade Again Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 7:35 pm

Remove you clan infomation
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PostSubject: Re: Chrono Crusade Again   Chrono Crusade Again Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 7:43 pm

1/2 Approved
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PostSubject: Re: Chrono Crusade Again   Chrono Crusade Again Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 7:46 pm

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