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 The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy)

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PostSubject: The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy)   The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 11:16 pm

The Desert Cobra
The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy) Lei_Wulong_by_LewisKF23

Male, Twenty-Seven Years Old
Five Feet, Ten Inches and One Hundred and Seventy-Six Pounds
Sunagakure, Kaze no Kuni Wanderer
Medic and Taijutsu Specialist
Ex-Anbu Assassin and Dian Xue Shu Master
"S" Rank Goryuu


Eki is in favor of law, but throughout the various tiny nomadic societies he's briefly clung to in order to survive the dunes of Sunagakure, he's become impatient with the slow changes made by those in power. He feels he is on the side of the people, a fiercely loyal and competitive shinobi, still young but with a natural leadership mentality that propels him into close-knit relationships with those he's only known shortly. Inexplicably, he is embarrassed easily around the opposite sex and is afraid of speaking in public.

Eki's primary motivation, from his early days in the academy to his aspirations of life as a hunter-nin of ANBU, was to become Kazekage. The Village Hidden in the Sand is often revealed as something precious to him now, a real home after spending so much time lost and traveling the wastes. Now, he wishes to protect it at all costs, knowing that protecting the position of Kazekage is what allows him to truly be in service to the people who now call him a fellow citizen.

He enjoys salted pork and fried yams, but hates candy, chocolate, and most sweets. He has searing migraines often, which also lead to him instantly giving off an intimidating feeling. He is frequently accused of staring at people. Of incredible intelligence, he has become an unpredictable tactician and strategist, another natural part of life amongst vagrants. He is intolerant of violence against women or children.

When bored, he enjoys playing with kunai, shuriken, and other small blades, passing them through his fingers and nonchalantly throwing them at random targets.


Eki typically dresses down for subtlety, rather then spending too much time on his appearance. This is not to say he does not care for his looks, he simply keeps a well groomed simple appearance at all times. His typical wardrobe consists mainly of various short kimonos and other martial arts uniforms. While on missions he will often choose a color more appropriate for stealth, dim blacks, blues and greens being his favorite and tend to match his eyes and hair, which too are dark brown and black respectively. He can often be seen with his pet snake, Shinju; an albino King Cobra that's now nearly thirteen feet long and still growing. Even with his pet, Eki tends to present himself rather formally at all times, standing in a typical back straight, chin up, fists pressed behind back position.


~The Life of a Nomad Arc (Age 0-7):
Mayu was born unto Akemi and Kazuo of the Hotaru Tribe, a nomadic society which traveled throughout Kaze no Kuni, Tsuchi no Kuni and Hi no Kuni. The tribe itself was independent of the shinobi world, and as such, each of it's members had their own duties. Childhood within the tribe was thus non-existant, from a young age, even Mayu had work to do. At only three years old, Mayu began apprenticing under the tribe's witch doctor; Etsuko. Together the two performed the art of Shinjutsu (Acupuncture) and herbalism to act as the tribe's medics. The tribe in itself was often attacked, and while they did maintain their own protective forces within the tribe, injuries came often, giving the young Shinjutsu apprentice all too much time to practice. The knowledge Mayu obtained as an infant and his earliest years of development would be later applied to combat, his Shinjutsu becoming Dian Xue Shu, and his herbalism becoming poison making. However, at the time, Mayu lived his life in naive seclusion from the world. He knew not what a ninja was. All he knew of beyond the tribe was the highwaymen that continually assaulted them, to which Mayu was explained, those with blackened hearts. It was this seclusion and fear mongering that kept Mayu from wanting to venture, as it did most tribe members. The only ones ever allowed to leave the tribe for extended periods of time were the hunters and the elders. The task of a hunter was clear, the elders however had peculiar work. They would continuously leave with products of the tribe's labors, returning with seemingly magical items, pattern filled flat leaves and oddly shaped shiny and pointy stones. None of what they returned felt as if it came from the earth around the tribe. This did indeed pique Mayu's curiousity, but he lacked the courage to venture out and face those with the blackened hearts. After all, he was only five years old when he began noticing what the elders did with their time.

Around the age of seven, Mayu began to take on that same obnoxious and confident attitude most children do. He wanted to see where the Elder's attained the magic objects. For the past two years, he had been subtly memorizing the route that the tribe traveled year after year, making note of not only when the elder's left, but when the number of patients to tend to increased as well. Ever anxious, Mayu spent many a distracted night in Etsuko's tent, his eyes gazing out over the sands or deep into the forest. He once asked Etsuko, as someone he trusted, what was truly out there. The only answer he ever attained though were "Nothing, " or "Hush child!". One fateful night however, Etsuko had run out of Faro needles. While he never asked Mayu to go collect some, as they only ever collected herbs when they passed by them during the tribe's travels, Mayu found this as a perfect opportunity and alibi to leave the village. As fate would have it, the Elders were leaving the village at the same moment. Using what little knowledge Mayu had of the outside world, he decided to follow them, understanding that if he were to leave the tribe's caravan, it was best to be where the Elder's were. After hours of patient stalking, a giant mound of sand came into view. The structure amazed Mayu, as it was beyond regular sand dunes. It's edges were squared, it's incline sharp. As they neared it, Mayu took better cover and watched as the elders spoke to men that Mayu had been told were black of heart, and not to be trusted. They spoke in strange tongues, and while it may have been incoherent to the young tribesman, Mayu still recognised it as the same tongue the black of heart used. The elder's then passed into the sand dune, as it was hollow from Mayu's deduction, and had no... top. Hours passed before they returned, and as they did Mayu moved on down the road ahead of them, hoping not only to return before his absence was noted, but not risk the elder's spotting him in passing.

It seemed his venture had changed his world forever though. Standing on top of a sand dune, Mayu stood, shocked, mentally destroyed as he looked down upon his tribe's now burning camp. The flames stretched into the sky as screams filled the night air, flickering shadows cast down against the sand. The elder's soon caught up with the boy. "Mayu what are yo-... Get down boy!" Eyes staring blankly at the horrific scene, Mayu was snatched up and thrown backwards, down the other side of the dune where he was now hidden. The elder standing over top of him assured him not to move, and that he would be back.

It was the last time Mayu saw anyone from his tribe.

Mayu was found three days later by a Sunagakure scout of the name Kotomi Gisou. Taking the boy back to the village, Kotomi adopted Mayu some point after his recovery. The scout then began teaching Mayu the universal language used in the Shinobi world, and while difficult at first, Mayu's quick mind grasped the subject easily after only a few short and intense lessons. As he became more fluent, Mayu began to ask questions about who he was. It seemed the post-traumatic stress had erased his memory, leaving him with no identity. Kotomi thought it better the boy not know where he was from, or what had happened to his people, and so, thinking quickly he replied.

"You are my son. You are Eki Gisou."

~Lost but not alone Arc (Age 7-13)
Now a member of Sunagakure, Eki began his study as an academy student, following in the footsteps of who he thought to be his father. While he was exceptionally talented, his remedial english held him back in class. Though he knew the techniques in practice, the thoery work behind them he was required to do, written assignments were impossible. Due to this, Eki would spend a few extra years in the academy, whereas had he been born into Sunagakure, he would have graduated from the age at the age of eight. Having already mastered the academy techniques, Eki spent his time learning english and studying martial arts with his adoptive father, preparing for the life of a genin. On his ninth birthday, two years after Kotomi had found Eki, the young nin was given the greatest gift he could have hoped for; Shinju. Shinju was an albino king cobra, still in it's neonate (very young, baby) growth tile. Eki Gisou took a firm liking to the young snake and soon it became his best friend. Over the following years, he was bit countless time and time again by the extremely venomous creature. Luckily, as the snake was still young, the venom did little more then cause a raging fever. Soon Eki became nearly immune to the venom... ironically, just as Shinju began to bond with him and stop biting.

Happy as can be, Eki buckled down his following year, and became near perfectly fluent in English. This feat finally allowed him to graduate at the age of ten. Having then studied martial arts as a passionate hobby, Eki spent merely a year as a genin before moving on to Chuunin, where Kotomi found it fitting Eki seek out an actual Sensei. After a few months of looking for someone appropriate, Eki was taken under the wings of Kangohei Senzoku to be taught the ways of the Combat Medic. The field itself had always interested Eki for some reason, and he found he excelled in it quickly. Learning abilities such as the chakra scalpel and and bone healing techniques, Eki soon became a force to be reckoned with at close range. Even Shinju, now nearly three feet long would accompany him into battle, coiling around Eki and hiding beneath his clothes, to strike deadly poison into targets. His martial arts and medic training continued on for the next three years without much rest. Eki Gisou seemed to love practice more then missions. The boy had a devotion to perfection, any time a new technique or skill was learned, it would be practiced over ceremoniously, then used in conjunction with anything else he may have known. At the age of thirteen, Eki Gisou had little battle experience, but enough knowledge and practice to make him a skilled and deadly combatant.

~The Truth Revealed Arc (Age 13-17)
At the age of thirteen, Eki Gisou felt he had had enough practice, and as such he would spend the next few years completing mission after mission. Shinju, the now six foot long cobra was always at his side, and together there was little they couldn't overcome. At one point, they were even pitted against one of Konoha's legendary Hyuuga clan members. Being a close range specialist, it turned out Eki's snake and praying mantis style's easily rivaled the speed and precision on the Hyuuga Jyuuken. While they didn't win the battle, and had to retreat hastily, Eki felt quite proud that his taijutsu skill was on par with a taijutsu master. It was shortly after his fifteenth birthday though that Eki Gisou truly began to blossom. Kotomi had decided to tell the boy the truth, and in doing so, revealed the ruins of the Hotaru camp. The effect was positively devastating on Eki. Memories came flooding back, coupled with grief and sorrow. It was hard gaining and losing a past all within an instant, gaining and losing where you had belonged to. Eki fell into depression.

Many dreary months passed, with Kotomi at his wit's end. Eki had indeed become the man's child, but Kotomi had no clue on how to help his son in this trying time. As it turns out, Kotomi would not be the one to help him. Going through old Hotaru relics with nostalgia on the mind, Eki came across a scroll. He instantly recognized the inscribed technique as the trance induction ritual the tribe had performed incessantly. While he was always too young to perform it himself when he was with the tribe, it was impossible not to remember his father and mother, and not to mention Etsuko performing the ritual nearly every morning. Debating the results and consequences for a moment, Eki's curiosity got the best of him ultimately, and he began to set up the ritual. Hours of meditation later, Eki still had no result, when finally, just as he was about to give in to his sorrow once again, he felt... nothing.

Literally nothing, as if his body no longer existed. Opening his eyes slowly, blinding light immediately welcomed his vision, but it didn't blind him, nor make him squint, it was simply there. Looking down at his body, he could see through it. He knew he could at least, after all, there was no longer his room around him, there was nothing. Slowly, Shinju crept from under Eki's robes. She too had become whispy, a simple soul. It was then that he became aware of a presence, a powerful explosive presence, very near to him. "Worry not little one, I know him well." Shinju spoke to him. Under normal circumstances, panic would have set in in this case. However in this world, it seemed perfectly natural, the words didn't even distract Eki from the true wonder. There, before him, above him, around him, was a serpent more powerful then he had ever seen. It was large, and then it wasn't, it was fierce then gentle, it encompassed so many raw elements at once, that it simply was. Rearing up it's large head, the large snake began to speak, it's mouth not so much as quivering as it did so.

"Eki..." It's voice seemed to boom, but it caused no harm to the ears. "I, am Naga... Your spirit guide." Eki took a moment to swallow as the spirit paused, or rather, not swallow. "We had thought we lost you, little one. I am glad to see you again." Shinju at this point, had coiled around Eki in a gentle embrace, just as Naga lowered it's massive face down to Eki's. "You are the last Eki, don't let us be lost." The proximity was not intended to be intimidating at all, in fact, it felt compassionate. Feelings of love and joy arose within Eki, tears began to... not pour down his cheeks. "Remember the ways of the Hotaru, and we will always be here for you." With that, the trance ended, leaving Eki sitting on the floor of his room, Shinju nestled up against his neck. Taking a look down at her, Eki burst into tears, simply from the weight of the information, He now knew what he needed to do.

From then on, Eki began his training as a Hotaru member, all the while remembering the skills he had already learned. He drew upon his renewed knowledge of herbalism and Shinjutsu, applying them in new ways for strength. Througout the next two years, Eki further developed his skills, mastering the art of Dian Xue Shu and applying it to Kung Fu, all the while with Shinju and Naga there to guide him. At the age of seventeen, he was then accepted as a Jounin, having honed himself into becoming a masterful assassin, much like the silent snake. His transfer to ANBU came shortly afterwards.

~The Desert Cobra (Age 17-27)
As an ANBU member, Eki Gisou and Shinju quickly made a name for themselves as the top assassin sand had to offer. With an unfathomable amount of knowledge concerning the human body and herbs, Eki was not an ANBU member you wanted coming after you. With his snake like affiliations, he soon became known as the Desert Cobra, a title that struck fear when whispered amongst crooks and villains. Not only was Eki a powerful foe before he joined ANBU, he now had a completely new set of techniques at his fingertips, all of which were practiced and perfected just as his others had been. Eki continued to serve as an ANBU assassin for solo missions, and a tactical support unit for team missions, his knowledge of medicine and herbs proving advantageous. At the ripe age of twenty-one, Eki Gisou was promoted to ANBU Specialist, at which point he was not only given the opportunity to lead his own team (which he declined given he was truly a solo artist) but continued on to teach new ANBU recruits about the arts of Assassination. Kotomi, Naga and Shinju could not have been prouder. This specific role has now been Eki's job for the past six years. That and the odd difficult assassination. Completely satisfied with his life, Eki didn't see how things could get better, until Null, The Kazekage sent for him one day.

The Goryuu was being reassembled. As an experienced taijutsu master, medic and the village's top assassin, Eki Gisou was placed on the team as a support combatant and assassin. With the new Goryuu assembled, they went on to defeat the leaf village and bring prosperity to Sunagakure. As it had turned out however Null was corrupt with power and greed. Soon after their victories, the sand removed Null from office, and executed him. The Goryuu were then disbanded, what little time they actually had together. Each of the five kept their title, despite having been brought together under an unjust banner. To each the betrayal was deeply moving, and Eki was wrought with torment for months. It was when a young boy approached him one day, asking for leadership, that Eki once again saw the world through a new, refreshed vision. He remembered his childhood, and without much hesitation, agreed. Feeling Sunagakure to be an evil harbouring place, the two set out, across the sea in search of new things. Finally, they landed.

And so it began.

Last edited by Daedalus on Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:43 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy)   The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 11:26 pm

The Hotaru Tribe
The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy) Tribal_logo_2

The Hotaru tribe was a shamanistic nomadic group that traveled between the lands of Fire, Sand and Stone roughly twenty years ago. While there are still tribes that have similar attributes, the Hotaru Tribe has now all but disappeared from the world. Whether the actual tribe continues to exist or not is irrelevant however, as it's religious and social practices, while in vastly diminished numbers, has been carried on by any of it's remaining descendants. This lineage is short however, and the amount of people with any knowledge of the Hotaru clan grows smaller every day.

Shamanism and the Animal Spirit

The Hotaru tribe was dedicatedly shamanastic, using a plethora of rituals and meditation to evoke contact with their own Animal Spirit. The discovery and contact of one's animal spirit was seen as a rite of passage for the young men and women of the tribe. These animal spirits in question dictate the attributes of the incarnate person they inhabit, whether that person knows of their animal spirit or not. They also tend to affect the human realm more then one would think. For example, a ravenous wolf may attempt to provokingly attack someone with a rabbit animal spirit, but may actually calm down or show affection towards someone with a spirit of kin, such as a wolf or even a dog spirit.

Eki's Animal Spirit

As a practicing member of the Hotaru Tribe, Eki's animal spirit is that of the snake. Even more specifically, that of the cobra, which in turn greatly explains his connection to his pet Shinju. The snake spirit encompasses dedication and perfection. It emphasizes knowledge and intelligence, as well as patience. It's main symbolic attribute deals with primordial life force and preservation. The cobra spirit adds honor to these attributes but has pride as a sinful weakness.



The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy) Cobra

The King Cobra is the world's longest venomous snake, with a length of up to 5.6 m (18.5 ft). It is fierce, agile, and can deliver a large quantity of highly potent venom in a single bite. As such, it is easily one of the most feared snakes in the world. When threatened, it raises up the anterior portion of its body, flattening it's neck, showing it's fangs and hissing loudly. It is easily irritated by closely approaching objects or sudden movements. The king cobra attacks quickly, and the strike distance is about 7 feet; people can easily misjudge the safe distance. The king cobra may deliver multiple bites in a single attack, or bite and hold on. Although it is undoubtedly a very dangerous snake, it prefers to escape unless it is cornered or provoked.

King cobras, like other snakes, receive chemical information via their forked tongues, which pick up scent particles and transfer them to a special sensory receptor located in the roof of its mouth. When the scent of a meal is detected, the snake flicks its tongue to gauge the prey's location; it also uses its keen eyesight (king cobras are able to detect moving prey almost 100 m [300 feet] away), intelligence and sensitivity to earth-borne vibration to track its prey. Following envenomation, the king cobra will begin to swallow its struggling prey while its toxins begin the digestion of its victim. King cobras, like all snakes, have flexible jaws. The jaw bones are connected by pliable ligaments, enabling the lower jaw bones to move independently. Like all snakes, the king cobra swallows its prey whole. The expansion of the jaw enables the snake to swallow prey much larger than its head.

The venom of the King Cobra is primarily neurotoxic, but also contains cardiotoxic compounds. It is composed mostly of proteins and polypeptides. During a bite, venom is forced through the snake's half-inch fangs and into the wound, and quickly attacks the victim's central nervous system, and induces severe pain, blurred vision, vertigo, drowsiness, and paralysis. Envenomation progresses to cardiovascular collapse, and the victim falls into a coma. Death soon follows due to respiratory failure.

Eki obtained Shinju as a gift for his ninth birthday. While he didn't know it at the time, his animal spirit allowed the two to instantly bond, and they've been best friends ever since. Unlike common perception, Shinju is in fact female. Also, while Eki is nine years her elder, Shinju still refers to him as little one, showing that the maturity rate of snakes is much quicker then that of humans. Make no mistake, Shinju is a pet, and cannot speak. She does however accompany Eki during his trances, and the two are capable of communicating freely in the spirit world, something they now seem to be able to do in the human realm, an art of simply knowing someone. Eki often carries a small basket attached to his waist, much like the ones snake charmers use, Shinju usually chooses to relax in here when not in combat


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PostSubject: Re: The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy)   The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 4:38 pm

Dian Xue Shu
The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy) Web_pts2

Dian Xue Shu is renowned for not employing brute strength or force against force. A practitioner will prefer to attack the soft targets (pressure points) rather than using brute force to stop an opponent. When the Snow Country invaded Sand over 200 Years ago, the monks developed Dian Xue Shu to kill their enemy. Initially, Dian Xue Shu, Butterfly swords and dart knives were employed to dispose of their enemy, quickly and efficiently.

One of the most important fundamental principles of Dian Xue Shu is to guard the Center Line. Centre Line theory is one of our major principles. From illustrations, one can observe the pressure points lying along the Center Line. There are various susceptible pressure points in the arms, legs and back of torso and head that are also employed in Dian Xue Shu self protection. It is not only used to gain the straight-line attack and the shortest distance of travel, but also employed to protect our major striking targets along the Centre Line. In addition, attacking along the Centre Line will automatically direct your strikes to your opponent's pressure points.

As one becomes learned with Dian Xue Shu knowledge, he or she must also develop a thorough knowledge of revival techniques and antidotes. If a person has studied acupuncture or acupressure, he or she will have comprehensive knowledge on pressure point locations. Understanding the 5 phases of nature, cosmology, (your relationship with the 5 seasons and the characteristics of each season), and Internal Organ relationship with the 24 hour cycle, will be of major significance in understanding Diam Xue Shu striking.

As much of the original theory behind kyushojutsu lies in the Traditional Sand Medicine (TSM) paradigm, many opponents in the West use the international acupoint code as nomenclature.

In Dian Xue Shu paradigm makes use of the principles of acupuncture (Chakra flow, balance and interrelationships) to describe its methods and effects. Perhaps a short description of the meridians may be in order here. Centuries ago in Mist, doctors discovered "passageways" of energy flow, which are called meridians. There are nine major bilateral meridians ((12 in reality, but I could only find infor for 9)), for various internal organs. They are Lung, Large Intestine, Stomach, Spleen, Heart, Small Intestine, Bladder, Kidneys, and the Pericardium.

In addition, there are other important meridians not associated with organs (often called Extra Meridians, or Extraordinary Vessels), two of which run vertically along the frontal and posterior centerline, the Conception Vessel (or meridian) and the Governing Vessel (or meridian), respectively. Along these meridians are numerous points or "holes" through which energy can be transferred, or the flow of energy can be modified, through needles, fingertips, or heat in medical application, or though trauma in defensive application. These meridians can be broken down into either yin (negative) or yang (positive). For health to be maintained, yin energy and yang energy must be balanced within the body (Sato, 1996). The medical arts such as acupuncture, shiatsu, and kikoo (Chakra gong in Chinese) seek to restore this balance. In contrast, kyushojutsu, in simple terms, can be viewed as attacking this balance, or the flow of energy, within the body to cause bodily damage to the opponent. One method of using vital point or acu-point strikes employs The Five Element Theory. Some schools of Dian Xue Shu categorize the body's organ meridians into five separate but interrelated elements, namely Fire, Water, Earth, Metal and Wood. This is known as the Five Element Theory (FET) which is used to understand how energies related to these elements, which are associated with organs, interrelate, balance, nurture or regulate each other.

Dian Xue Shu is a traditional martial art technique That originated in Sand, where specific pressure points on the body are used for self-defense purposes and for healing.

When these points are struck in combat, the body becomes injured, causing blockages in the flow of Chakra. The victim's vital energy system is thrown into chaos, resulting in serious illness or even death. On the other hand, when some of the Dian Xue Shu pressure points are used for healing, they vigorously contribute to better health, well-being and longevity.

You may have heard that pressure points can be used to kill and maim. There are also points that are used to subdue an opponent, cause temporary paralysis or knock them out.

"Dian Xue Shu" is the ancient Chinese art of the death touch. Masters of Dian Xue Shu are said to possess secret knowledge of how "ch'i" (literally, "breath") flows through the human body. Ch'i flow is said to vary, depending upon the season, time of day, one's state of health and other esoteric factors. A master of Dian Xue Shu uses his knowledge of these factors to pinpoint the vulnerable locations on his opponent's body. By accurately striking those locations, even with a mere finger thrust or touch, the master can disrupt the body's ch'i flow, causing the victim to suffer intense pain or even death.

Legends say that the greatest masters can "delay" Dian Xue Shu damage, so that they touch a victim and he does not suffer any injury for minutes, hours, days or even months. Sometimes the master delays the damage based on how many steps the victim takes after being struck -- he does not suffer damage until he has taken ten, twenty, One thousand or however many steps.

Some Dian Xue Shu strikes can be used to paralyze the limbs, afflict the victim with various diseases or, so the legends say, kill with a single soft blow.

There are nine channels, four main vessels, two heal vessels, and two connecting vessels in the human body. All points of the human body are situated along those channels. More over there are especially important points. Points can be "big," "small," "living," and "dead." Total number of "big" points is a hundred and eight, including seventy two points which cause if affected numbing of extremities, thirty six "points of death," two hundred seventy one "Small" points, seventy two causing faint, loss of consciousness. There are points, which cause, if being acted on, numbness or atrophy, which is temporary loss of physical strength, althoughnot fatal these points lead to temporary loss of an enemy's ability to resist.


Meridian Location
Rank: S
Skill: Supplementary / TaiJutsu
Effect: A simple studying technique to learn the meridians.
Special: ---
Drawback: ---
Description: In order to go into the techniques the user must know the right Meridian in which the pressure point is located within. There are a plethora of Meridians that a user must know. This technique must be learned multiple times as it allows the user to memorize the location of one Meridian each time learned. The Meridians are The Lung Meridian, The Colon Meridian, The Stomach Meridian, The Spleen Meridian, The Heart Meridian, The Small Intestine Meridian, The Bladder Meridian, The Kidney Meridian, The Pericardium Meridian, Triple Heater Meridian, The Gall Bladder Meridian, The Liver Meridian, The Conceptor Meridian, The Governing Vessel, and Extra Points. User must know all Meridians before going into Extra Points and The Governing Vessel. Notcieably, the rest of the Dian Xue Shu techniques are all C ranked. This is due to the fact that no single strike is harder to perform then the other, knowing where to strike and how to strike is where the skill comes into play.
Eki's Mastered Meridiums:
Lung Meridian - LU
Stomach Meridian - ST
Spleem Meridian - SP
Heart Meridian - HT
Small Intestine Meridian - SI

Limit: Must learn from a master of Dian Xue Shu.

The Lung Meridian

The Heart Meridian


The Small Intestine Meridian

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PostSubject: Re: The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy)   The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 4:55 pm

The Stomach Meridian


The Spleen Meridian

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PostSubject: Re: The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy)   The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 5:00 pm

Animal Style Kung Fu
The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy) 5AnimalLogoTrans-1

While mainly a Dian Xue Shu practitioner, at an early point in his studies, Eki noticed that while the knowledge of where and how to press on an acupoint was invaluable, there was little to no teachings on how to properly apply it. As such he began study in what he deemed would be the perfect applicator; Animal Style Kung Fu. While his studies required learning each of the five main animals, Eki Gisou became a master of Snake Style, and as such mastered some of it's subsidiary styles, such as Monkey and Praying Mantis. EKi's favorite however seems to be a solid combination between Snake and Praying Mantis, adding in the even more evasive techniques from Monkey and Grasshopper to increase his elusiveness. Noticeably, each style Eki has mastered focuses on attacking the opponent's weak and vulnerable points.

Snake Style

Where the Tiger practitioner seeks the key point as quickly and effectively as possible, the Panther practitioner like to play, where the Crane practitioner likes to allow the attacker to beat themselves, the Snake likes to have total physical and mental control over their opponent. It will not engage in any type of actively unless is is certain of the outcome (to it's own satisfaction). The Snake does not attack. It reacts when attacked, it may even get the opponent to attack, but a Snake Stylist does not attack. A Snake always has their enemy come to them, on their terms when the Snake is ready for them. It may again, occasionally strike without warning but as such, it is not an attacking style. Sometimes it may look like the Snake is attacking but it is not (according to it), it just feels that the attacker has encroached on it’s space or safety.

Not being there, where the attacker thought them to be a second ago. Not like the Crane in great leaps and bounds but like a Snake just twisting, ducking, bobbing, turning out of the way. The Snake Stylist moves like a Snake, as if lacking bones, slippery and sinuous. The Snake Stylists main defence is the flexibility, weave-ability, subtle avoidance and very occasional, distracting strikes. The Snake Style requires great flexibility of the spine, hips, rib cartilage and internal muscles of the abdomen and upper thoracic ribs and back. The serpentine movement of the snake style moves the center of gravity using 'core' muscles. These core muscles strongly root the foot at the completion of each posture, sending powerful Qi energy through the spine to the hands. The result, over time, is the legendary 'iron in cotton' phenomenon that gives speed, power and sensitivity to the hands and arms. This is the key to the successful use of the style.

Monkey Style

Traditional Monkey Style as taught in Mainland China includes running on all fours (i.e. the hands and feet), various difficult acrobatic movements such as flipping sideways in the air, front flips, back flips, back handsprings, hand stands, walking on the hands, forward lunges/dives, backward lunges, spinning on the butt, spinning on the back and many kicks and strikes. Most of the attacks are aimed at the knees, groin area, throat or eyes of the opponent and hand strikes are normally either open handed slaps or clawing with a semi-closed fist called the monkey claw. A wide array of facial monkey expressions are also practiced, inclusive of happiness, anger, fear, fright, confusion and bewilderment etc. Except for very brief periods, most movements inclusive of running are executed from either a squatting or semi-squatting position and are normally accompanied by very swift and 'jerky' head movements as the practitioner nervously looks around. The monkey staff, or hou gun (猴棍), is one of this style's specialty weapons. Monkey boxing is an imitative technique and so execution of the movements and facial expressions must be so convincing that it looks exactly like a monkey and not simply like a human imitating a monkey hence the very high degree of difficulty associated with this technique.

Praying Mantis Style

The mantis is a long and narrow predatory insect. While heavily armoured, it is not built to withstand forces from perpendicular directions. Consequently, its fighting style involves the use of whip-like/circular motions to deflect direct attacks, which it follows up with precise attacks to the opponent's vital spots. These traits have been subsumed into the Praying Mantis style, under the rubric of "removing something" (blocking to create a gap) and "adding something" (rapid attack).

One of the most distinctive features of Praying Mantis is the "praying mantis hook" (螳螂勾; pinyin: tángláng gōu): a hook made of one to three fingers directing force in a whip-like manner. The hook may be used to divert force (blocking), adhere to an opponent's limb, or attack critical spots (eyes or acupuncture points). These techniques are particularly useful in combination, for example using the force imparted from a block to power an attack. So if the enemy punches with the right hand, a Northern Praying Mantis practitioner might hook outwards with the left hand (shifting the body to the left) and use the turning force to attack the enemy's neck with a right hook. Alternately, he/she might divert downwards with the left hook and rebound with the left wrist stump to jaw/nose/throat.

Praying Mantis is especially known for its speed and continuous attacks. Wrist/arm techniques in particular are emphasized, as well as knee and elbow strikes. Another prominent feature of the style is its complex footwork, borrowed from Monkey Kung Fu.

Grasshopper Style:

Why grasshopper? What can this lowly insect teach us about fighting strategy that we don't already know? What in the movement of a grasshopper could be important to us as martial artists?

Have you ever tried to capture one? Do you remember how, just as you are about to put your cupped hands over its unsuspecting body, the grasshopper springs suddenly into space, landing off to your side. When you move on him again, just as unpredictably, he springs off to another location.

The grasshopper represents constant vigilance, and spontaneous reaction. He is a master of surprise, and has an impeccable command of timing. He is poised under stress, and possesses the innate ability to suddenly move to where you least expect him to. As the attack unfolds, he disappears, suddenly to surface off to the side, or behind...that is the grasshopper.

Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai
The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy) How-to-draw-anbu-mask

The ANBU, short for Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai or Special Assassination and Tactical Squad, take orders directly from the Kage and protect the village from exceptional threats, conduct high-risk missions into enemy territory, and deal with extremely strong ninja. They are also responsible for carrying out assassinations, tracking, surveillance, and missions requiring specially trained ninja. Some ANBU serve as interrogators that probe the minds of enemy ninja to learn information valuable to the village. If an ANBU is mortally wounded in battle, they are required to destroy their bodies to prevent any information from getting into enemy hands. The ANBU usually work in teams formed to the requirements of the mission, ensuring maximum success. The shinobi in the ANBU are hand-picked by the Kage; chosen for their individual capabilities and special skills. Age, gender, background, or previous rank bear no weight in this decision.

The ANBU wear porcelain animal masks, which state some form of rank, in order to distinguish themselves from normal shinobi and to conceal their identities. They also have standard uniforms consisting of black and gray armor, metal arm guards, and a signature spiral tattoo on their shoulder (left shoulder for male ANBU members, and right shoulder for female ANBU members, to determine gender between the ANBU members). Some ANBU wear black cloaks over their standard uniforms, and squad leaders may wear white cloaks. All ANBU carry katana, which are usually strapped to their backs. There are apparently no true ranks within the ANBU, as is the case with the regular forces. Team leadership and hierarchy seem to be based on merit and experience. The leaders of the teams are called squad leaders (Buntaichō) a position held in high regards.

Eki's skill as a herbalist with an acute knowledge of poisons is what made him qualified. As such, he dawned the Falcon Mask, distinguishing him to other ANBU as an assassin. During his time with ANBU, he further increased his assassination abilities as well as picked up on various other ANBU skills.


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PostSubject: Re: The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy)   The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 7:28 pm

Medical Ninjutsu
The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy) AtriumLogoWB

Even before medical ninjutsu were established as a jutsu, a technique of using chakra to heal wounds was commonly used throughout the shinobi world. Modern medical ninjutsu are based on the same principles. Medical ninjutsu, created to protect peoples’ lives, were ironically improved by the advent of war. The rapid increase of casualties caused a great interest in the development of new medical techniques and the training of medic ninja. At present, medical ninjutsu are acknowledged as being essential in battle. The systemisation of medical specialists and the creation of functional hospitals helps to protect villagers and save lives.

Medical-nin are ninja who specialize in medical treatment and use medical-oriented jutsu to heal others. Becoming a medic-nin requires an extreme level of intelligence and excellent chakra control, since medic-nin use chakra to heal injuries. Aside from their medical training, their combat training consists mainly of taijutsu skills, with emphasis placed on evading enemy attacks, as the death of the medic-nin could result in the death of the team, though medical techniques can also be used offensively. On dangerous missions, a medic-nin will usually be sent along with the team, to increase the survival rate of that team.


The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy) Elmwoodleafsymbolidea1-1

As a Grand Master of Dian Xue Shu, Eki Gisou is all too familiar with art of senbon and they're combat applications. His precision and skill in this particular field is what earned him a spot on Sunagakure's ANBU squad. However, it was the herbalistic knowledge of that he gained from his life as a nomad, that earned him the rank of ANBU Captain. Just like art of Dian Xue Shu, herbs are primarily used for healing, but in high enough doses, that which cures, can also kill. Having profound knowledge of which herbs cause the desired effect, Eki is insured to always be carrying around a batch of senbon dipped in various medicines, and more importantly, various poisons.

Having familiarized himself with not only the Herbs that grow in the barren areas of Kaze no Kuni and Tsuchi no Kuni, but the forest herbs of Hi no Kuni, EKi's medicines and poisons come in all shapes and sizes, from poison tipped senbon, to powders, to vials of liquid, to plant stems waiting to be crushed.

Desert Herbs:

Forest Herbs:
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PostSubject: Re: The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy)   The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 7:33 pm

The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy) BOS_symbol_2-1

A ninja is only ever as good as their tools, or perhaps the tools are only ever as good as the ninja. Whatever the case may be, Eki carries about a plethora of equipment, weapons and accessories that continually aid him on his path of the shinobi.


Rank: -
Description: A jian is a common chinese sword. In make, it is double edged, a resembles a thin and narrow board sword, albeit quite a bit shorter. While Eki is no kenjutsu master, he was required by ANBU to carry a blade of some kind, and as the Jian has ties to snake style kung fu, the choice was easily made for him.

Rank: -
Description: Senbon are metal needles with a point at both ends. They often serve a medical purpose, being used to strike acupuncture points. They have little killing power, but can be thrown with great accuracy. A user with proper medical knowledge can effectively use senbon in battle to incapacitate or even kill their target. To make these needles more effective, the user can poison the tips of the senbon. An added benefit of throwing these at the enemy is that these are smaller than a kunai or a shuriken, making it harder to see and dodge. Eki carries these in a plethora of spots even hidden in his clothing for concealed access. He does wear a specially designed belt which allows for easy and quick drawing and throwing of the small weapons.


Rank: -
Description: A woven basket slightly larger then a basketball that Eki carries, often at waist either at his back or side. This basket is a comfortable place to relax for Shinju, the albino king cobra and Eki's beloved pet. She has a tendency to spring towards targets from the basket, whether Eki wants her to or not. The basket can also be used as a distraction, whereas the enemy may think it contains a snake, when Shinju is hiding elsewhere.

Rank: -
Description: A pungi is a wood wind instrumetn that was originally developed for indian music. In modern times, it is the essential tool for a snake charmer. While typically these instruments are pitchy and nasally sounds, Eki's tend to have quite the melodic tone to it. Make no mistake though, as while Shinju enjoys and may dance to the music, she is by all means not charmed, nor is any other snake under the Pungi's "spell". Eki simply enjoys music, as does Shinju, and often plays the flute before and after meditation.
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PostSubject: Re: The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy)   The Modpocalypse (Ready for Approval, Enjoy) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 14, 2011 1:26 pm

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