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     Danzo Hoshigaki

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    Danzo Hoshigaki
    Danzo Hoshigaki

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    Danzo Hoshigaki  Empty
    PostSubject: Danzo Hoshigaki    Danzo Hoshigaki  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 7:46 pm

    General Information

    Name: Danzo Hoshigaki
    Nickname/Alias: The Silent Assassin
    Age: 30
    Gender: Male
    Likes & Dislikes: Like: Killing, fighting, blood, an water. Disliked: Weak minded shinobi. Missing ninja from Kir.
    Catch Phrase: N/A

    Clan Information

    Clan Name: Hoshigaki
    Kekkei Genkai: Shark Features
    Clan Symbol: N/A
    Clan Jutsu:
    Clan History:

    Rank Information:
    Country: Kiri
    Village Rank:Anbu (Hunter-Nin)
    Skill Rank: S

    Skill Information
    Skill Specialty:

    Elemental Affinity:

    Strength: 100
    Speed: 48
    Stamina: 45
    Agility: 40
    Endurance: 50

    Chakra Reserves: 50
    Chakra Control: 100
    Intelligence: 47


    Name: Demon Sword
    Appearance: Danzo Hoshigaki  ZangetsuSword
    Rank: A
    Special Abilities: N/A
    Origin: It was said that the Demon was embedded in the sword in the middle of Danzo ritual. The Ritual was something that every Hoshigaki must go threw after they have captured their shark, after doing so the shark priest embedded the shark with the member giving them all the features that they are known for. But before the Ritual was complete the shark priests were able to put some of the Sharks personality into the sword that Danzo was carried with him. At first the blade didn't do anything, but over time its said that the sword was as if it was a person itself. It didn't talk to other people, but only to Danzo threw his thoughts. This was only possible because Danzo had most of the shark embedded within him, so the shark was able to connect to himself but was really connecting with Danzo. After a while the sword an Danzo became close not that they weren't already close because they were like one whole person. (Recived threw a great gruesome battle..explained in history)



    Name: (Name of jutsu)
    Rank: (E,D,C,B,A,S)
    Type: (Ninjutsu, Weaponry, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu)
    Element: (Lightning, Wind, Earth, Water, Fire)
    Description: (About a paragraph describing your jutsu)

    Background Information
    History: Kirigakure also known as the land of the mist which had been infiltrated many times before, but victory always came to the Village in tell the day of the attack on Kirigakure. But this day was also the day of the new born child in the Hoshigaki family. This family was a weird, but skilled at what they do which is fighting. Although they were good fighters they put family first or well Danzo's parents did, and on the day of the war was the same day that Danzo was born. His parents couldn't do much besides care for each other for them the war didnt mean anything all they were focused on was there child, making sure he was safe and what not. Kirigakure didn't end up successful in this war an for that lost many good Shinobi, but they couldnt lost faith yet because the worse had yet to come.

    Few days after the war, destruction, and many deaths People began to re build what had been destroyed. What more could they do in this situation? not much besides make there village how it was before. The Mizukage had been upset because the people that had attacked them was a allied village which didnt make sense to the Mizukage at all. He couldn't figure out why they had attacked his village but knew that he would find out soon enough then get his revenge. Danzo's parents continued on giving his son all the love an care that he needed at the moment, but as Special Jounin they were really needed by the Mizukage. So Danzo's dad had to leave his wife with Danzo so he could attend to the Mizukages missions that had been given to him. His mission was simply, but then again dangerous. The Mizukage had wanted him to infiltrate the Stone village and try and revive info about the attack. Everyone who was informed on this mission was also informed that if there cover was blown then there was a slight chance of death if they didn't get out of there as soon as possible. Strangely everyone was okay with that because they knew there own skills an what they were capable of doing. They thought that had it all on lock so they followed threw with the mission the next morning. It was unclear about what happened once they left the village, but once one member of the team came strolling in bloody they got the info. They were in the village for about a day tell one of there teammates blue there cover by picking a fight with one of the Shinobi. It was understandable why he had done so because this man tried killing his family the day of the attack. After there cover was blown a all out fight broke out in the Stone streets and was soon stopped by the Tsuchikage but it was to late. Everyone but one person was killed because they were out numbers. It was also said that if the Tsuchikage wouldnt of stopped the fight then the other member would of been killed also.

    Danzo was to young to understand what was going on because he was only about a month old, but his mother was taking it bad. She didn't want Danzo to grow up with no dad because she thought that it was important , but she promised to Danzo that he would become a fine Shinobi just like his father. She needed to wait tell the right time to begin this kids life training to become a Shinobi.

    The Ritual: Completed

    Not to long ahead, but Danzo knew that before he moved onto the Academy he needed to be put there the Ritual. The only problem was that no one in his clan couldn't do it except for the Sharks Priests an there were very few of them so he thought it would be hard. Then one day a letter came for him saying that thanks to his father before he died he talked with the Sharks Priests an made an agreement to preform the Ritual. The only thing that Danzo needed to do was get the shark which seemed like a death mission to him. Danzo had no positive thoughts about doing what he had to do, but it was needed for him to be accepted into the clan, as a real Hoshigaki. Danzo just needed some time to think.

    The next day Danzo had complete faith in himself as if his dad was assisting him or telling him to go for it. Danzo went to the nearest beach an walked alongside a rail looking down upon the water at his reflection. For a moment he saw his father, but the next he was gone. To Danzo this was a good sign to him so he was going to need to get in the water and start looking. quickly Danzo jumpped up on the rail and dived into the water, then began swimming deeper into the ocean. He past one shark that he thought was the right one that he would be sharing bodies with but he didn't take it instead he continued swimming. Soon enough Danzo came upon a dark skinned shark that almost looked black an he knew that it was the one. Danzo could feel it. He latched onto the shark as he began swimming all over the place tell he stabbed it with a liquid that would paralyze the shark up to 48 hours. At this time Danzo was on land so the hard part was almost over. Looking to the horizon Danzo noticed two Sharks Priests an within seconds they were beside him taking him and the shark away. When Danzo opened his eyes he was looking into the eyes of the shark, he thought that it was dead but it wasn't. the Shark attacked Danzo and he tried to run but didn't work well. Danzo did everything in his power to get away from the shark but didn't succeed. His only option was to fight it back, but when he realized that he wasn't going to beat the shark he closed his eyes an awaited his death, he threw in the towel. Yet, nothing happened when he opened his eyes the Ritual was done. the Sharks Priests were standing above him looking down at him to make sure everything went as planned. Danzo was now a full Hoshigaki his skin was blue but a little darker than normal, he could feel the difference in his teeth, and the gills on his lower cheek. The Ritual had been complete.

    The Training Begins

    Years had past and Danzo had grown bigger, and was starting to develop in his Shinobi skills. At this time his mom knew that it was time for him to begin his training, he would first start out with the academy, then once get was a Genin she was going to show him so secret clan jutsus. There were a couple of his ability, but the others were going to have to wait tell he was ready. Danzo's mom had explained to him even though that he had already knew what she was talking about. Danzo was going to be enrolled in the academy so be could become a great ninja one day, but on the day of the academy Danzo started acting strange. He wasn't listening for some apparent reason, and he felt angry. A couple house later he was fine, but that wasn't a good sign. So after a while of being in the academy Danzo had been doing fine learning new things and meeting new people. Some of the kid he liked and some he didn't and the one that he didn't always messed with him. Danzo wasn't going to do anyhting about it besides ignore him and do what needs to be done, but this kid just had to push Danzo to his limit. With amazing strength Danzo hit the kid in the face causing him to fall to the ground then punched the kid over and over in the face. Danzo was showing his bad side and wouldn't stop hitting the kid tell he was pulled off him an once that happened Danzo was still going wild, it was going to take time for him to calm down. But when he was calm, he had said that he didn't really remember what happened besides hitting him once. Danzo got in trouble with the academy and had to work after class everyday for a while not that it was a problem for him.

    About a month later Danzo had been done working after school an was advancing well as well as others. The ones that were doing good were moving on to new and advanced things while the others were moved to a smaller class thus helping them get the jutsu, moves, or whatever they were doing down better than last. The Advanced kids including Danzo were given the new rank of Genin of the Hidden mist. Also with this they were assigned to squads, all but for Danzos group. there was only Danzo, an another kid similar to Danzo. The final person that was going to be in there group was away for the moment, but when he returned they would being more training, and get more missions but tell then they were just preparing. When he finaly joined the squad they were immediately given a mission which was to travel to the hidden moon country pick up a letter, and bring it back to the Mizukage. It was simple for them, but they were informed that Hidden stone ninja might interfere an Danzo promised to himself if this happened he would kill them on site. The only reason Danzo was doing this was because his father was killed by the Hidden Stone village, he was going to get his revenge.

    the whole squad including the Special Jounin Sensei traveled to the hidden moon county without a slight problem and picked the note up an were on there way. Just as they got out of the moon country they were ambushed by Stone village ninja. Danzos eyes trembled with hatred for these ninja even though it wasn't the same people that killed his father, but really danzo didn't know who it was. Just as they attacked them Danzo began making a long set of hand signs as a thick mist covered the area from the horizon. This then allowed everyone besides the Stone village ninja to see within the mist, giving them a great advantage. The Stone ninja were disassembled and killed where they stand two of the four being Danzos doing. With the deaths of these ninjas Danzo felt good about himself, but this wasn't a good sign for Danzo yet he hadn't known this yet.

    Blood shed: The Chuunin exams

    Not to long had passed and the squad was doing good they were all completing their missions on time, and were training hard. So with the Chuunin exams around the corner the Jounin Sensei warned them about these exams. Unlike any other exams the Mist Village had their own system of promoting there Shinobi to Chuunin, but it was a blood bath. It was no other than a battle royal between the many Genin of the mist. Just about the same time that Danzos squad was told about this, the other squads that were ready were also told about them. The Chuunin exams were only one week ahead which meant that they were going to have to do their best training and fighting when the exams start. The day of the exams the squad along with the Jounin Sensei were brought to a large arena where the Genin students signed up an awaited the fighting roster. Since there were so many Genin participating in the event it took a while for them to set up the fighting roster, but when it was finished the students were shown the roster. After going threw each match the Mizukage announced that the fighting would take place at this same place the next day, he also announced the rules. Rule number one was there were no rules. This was a battle royal which meant all Genin vs all Genin.

    For those who still wanted something to do with the exams showed up the next day at the same spot, but this time with there equipment an ready to fight. The mizukage had a couple words to say to the Genin and he let them know that the battle royal wasn't going to last tell it was the last man standing, instead they were going to stop it when they thought it was time. That was all that he had to say, then let the Genin begin fighting as they closely watched an observed. After a small amount of fighting the Mizukage flickered to the battle and stopped all fighting an gave a thumbs up to the ones that were still standing, but respected all who were fighting. Danzo was one of the few who was still standing after the fighting was stopped, he had also killed the wielder of the Demon Sword. This then gave him the ability to wield this sword. Everyone was taken out side an the others were treated or taken away. The Mizukage stood out side with the ones who were standing at the end and told them that they were now to be called Chuunin Shinobi of the mist. Along with that they were given a jacket that symbolized them as Chuunin.

    Mist Demon


    It had been at least 6 years from the Chuunin exams, yet it had made Danzo a new man but this was bad to those who were after him. After the chuunin exams Danzo had liked the feeling to kill someone an from that day on its made Danzo into a new type of person. One that likes to kill. On the day of the exams when Danzo killed on of his fellow Villages mates for that sword and succeeded it brought hate to him. That sword was a special one an was only to stay within its founders family, but now that Danzo had it the family felt the need to take him out and get the sword back. This was the only way that they would be able to get the sword back because once the sword gets use to its owners chakra you cant touch it or you will die. Those who did try an kill Danzo didn't succeed and were killed which is how Danzo got his nickname, The Mist Demon. Also because his Specialties were using his mist and the very sword that everyone is trying to kill him for, but no one can seem to get threw him. It was only a matter of time before Danzo killed them all or one was able to kill him.

    The Anbu & The Mist Demon


    Now that all this time had passed danzo had been promoted to Jounin stopped killing because he had big plans and killing wasn't going to get him anywhere tell he completed his plans. Danzo wanted to work with the Anbu or better yet be in the Anbu blackops, with his skills they would need him and they did need him for this special mission that was only known to the Anbu. So one day the leader of the Anbu and the Mizukage came and approached Danzo asking if he wanted to join the Anbu, an of course he was interested after hearing the mission. The mission was that the Anbu squad was going to infiltrate the Stone and kill the Tsuchikage before he started the biggest war of time. An for them to do this they needed Danzos help, and they got it. Without wasting any time they left immediately after getting danzo the things that he needed and left for the Stone. At first they all entered the village as civilians, but when the time was right they killed the Tsuchikage. Before word got out the Anbu including Danzo had disappeared without a trace allowing them to never be discovered. As soon as they returned to the village they reported to the Mizukage as mission complete. The Mizukage was proud yet disappointed that it had to come down to that, but whats done is done how he put it. Later that Day Danzo was offered a full time spot in the Anbu an he gratefully accepted, but killing the Tsuchikage was the first time Danzo killed someone in about a year or two which brought back the feeling of when he finished the exams almost if he was blood thirsty. This wasn't a good sign, but No one ever knew if Danzo could keep his thirst for blood under control. The only thing that they knew was that he could resist killing within the village, but what they didnt know was that people change. But for now Danzo was good but he himself knew he wouldn't be able to live with out killing, it was going to drive him insane unless he killed. This was just the beginning of Danzo's withdraws from killing...

    RP Sample:

    As Human path was about to stab his Chakra Disruption Blades into the jounin from the cloud it slowly began to rust away, but not all the way enough was left that the blade pierced his body allowing the the Rinnegan eyes to appear in their mind leaving his body incapable to move. Even though the blade only pierced his body a little the Chakra Disruption Blades are the same things the six bodys of pein use to receive there chakra from Nagato. For there making Nagato have little control over the jounin which led to his body not being able to move. With the situation going on now Human path needed to take advantage before he could fully move his body, he quickly reached his hand forwards getting a good grip on the jounin's head then pulling back releasing his hand from his hand. But Human path had removed the jounin's soul just as the wire cast by another jounin pulled back the dead body and the soul that was held in Human paths hand was given to the outer path that had just showed up summoned Naraka path who was hidden. Naraka path had reached the crew so fast because he had flickered from building to building tell he reached the hot springs, but the adrenaline rush he had made his body move faster so that he could reach the other paths. The other people wouldn't be able to see the outer path tell they had been in contact with him.

    With Deva paths rain falling hard from the sky he was able to tell that the 8 tails was already on a move to strike Human path for trying to hurt his friend. The eight tailed began to quickly move his body with all seven swords used by just about every part of his body. As the eight tailed got closer and closer to Human path, he knew that he was going to have to fight him head on but wasn't a problem for him. Two more of the Chakra Disruption Blades slipped out of both of his sleeves right into the hands of Human path. as he held them in both of his hands Human path waited to come in contact with the eight tailed so they would have a sword fight.Since it was raining which was caused by Deva path he knew that Someone else was present, but Deva path couldn't use his grativity jutsu because it had only been four seconds but soon he could be able to use it. Deva path knew that the Genin that just showed up wasn't going to be much trouble but if he was then Naraka path would handle him.

    Soon crows began to surround the area, which soon led to another Genin appearing but this Genin was trying to attack Deva path with his electricity ball in his hand so Deva path jumped to the side so that his back wasn't facing anyone because he knew what was coming next. Just seconds after the electricity ball was formed the genin would of notice that Deva paths hand was extended and he could move much, Naraka path then jumped behind the Genin with out him knowing as Deva path trusted his hand forwards sending him towards Naraka path. Naraka path Had both of his chakra deception blades in his hand as he jumped forwards trying to stab his blades in his back which would of resulted in not being able to move and soon death all depending on were he had hit and if he had hit. Deva path then jumped to the side as he hoped that he wouldn't get attacked and the time would pass by fast.

    Meanwhile as they three paths stood over were the Raikage was Animal path made some hand signs as he slammed his hands onto the ground causing a large cloud of smoke to appear. Human path then was raised in the air as the cloud of smoke disappeared a Giant Snake-Tailed Chameleon stood under the Human path. The Giant Snake-Tailed Chameleon opened its mouth as his tongue stretched out allowing Human path to jump onto his tongue. the Snake-Tailed Chameleon then put his tongue back into his mouth with Human path inside of it as they both became invisible to the human eye, but really all that was going on was that the Chameleon was blending in with its surroundings. Only Human path and maybe the other paths knew that he wasn't in his same spot that he was on the move. Preta path then rose from his knee as his energy was just about fully regained...well enough to were the point for him to stand and be ready to fight. Preta path was going to be following or fighting with sasuke so he awaited for him to respond to him.

    Last edited by Danzo Hoshigaki on Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:39 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    Danzo Hoshigaki
    Danzo Hoshigaki

    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2010-12-17

    Danzo Hoshigaki  Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Danzo Hoshigaki    Danzo Hoshigaki  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 8:24 pm

    Fuuton Based Jutsu

    Name:Atsugai - Pressure Damage
    Rank: B
    DescriptionAtsugai is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. After releasing his black Wind elemental from his body, Kakuzu will use the spirit to release a large wind blast. Working in conjunction with his partner Hidan, they can make use of Hidan's immortality to have Hidan get in close to their target and pin them down while the blast hits them both. Hidan will survive the blast but their target will normally not be as lucky.

    Name:Daitoppa - Great Breakthrough
    Rank: C
    Description: Daitoppa is a Ninjutsu technique which utilizes the Wind Element. After bringing his hand to his mouth, Orochimaru will blow a large blast of wind capable of leveling almost anything in its way. A variation of the technique involves a smaller blast of wind which gets ignited with flame.

    Name:Kazekiri - Wind Cutter
    Rank: A
    Description Kazekiri no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. To utilize this technique, the ANBU member will form the needed hand seal. A large slicing wind will then be created which can cut through his opponent. This can be used to immobilize large summons. This will be the initial attack in an elemental trio used by the ANBU. It will be followed by Raiton • Shichuu Shibari to stun and trap the target and finally Doton • Otoshi Buta to imprison the summon in a gigantic sealed pot.

    Name: Shinkuuha - Vacuum Wave
    Rank: A
    Description: Shinkuuha is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. After forming the needed hand seals, Danzou will inhale air and then rotate his body while expelling arcs of cutting wind. These arcs will be capable of cutting through an airborne opponent.

    Name: Wind Release: Wind Platform
    Element: Wind
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: A-rank, Supplementary, Short range (0-5m)
    Description: The user creates a platform of moving wind beneath their feet, about the size of a surf board. It can move in any direction at high speeds, around 80 miles per hour. Anyone who touches the sides of the wind platform will get thrown away, though anyone may sit or stand on top of it, though staying on it is hard while it’s moving for anyone but the user, as the winds twine around the users legs

    Name: Air Pressure Clone Technique (空圧分身の術, Kuuatsu Bushin no Jutsu)
    Rank: A
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Style: Wind Release,
    Description: This technique allows the user to create solid clones out of concentrated air that can perform tasks that the user is unwilling or unable to do. Unlike some clone techniques, air pressure clones are formed with a very specific amount of the users chakra. The amount of chakra used for the creation of the clone is directly proportional with the air that is concentrated into the clones solid form. As an added benefit these clones explode with a powerful gust of wind when they are destroyed. The precise chakra regulation of the technique allows the user of technique to create a clone just strong enough for the task at hand regulates the force that the clone releases when destroyed. It should be noted that since this technique explodes upon destruction it can be dangerous when used in range of allies.

    Suiton Based Techniques

    Name:Water Release: Great Shark Missile Technique
    Rank: A
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Suiton
    Description:A stronger version of the Water Release: Water Shark Missile Technique, it creates a gigantic shark, far larger than Kisame, to attack the opponent. This technique differs from its parent jutsu in that it is able to absorb the chakra from an opponent's technique, and in turn, use that chakra to grow larger and more powerful.

    Name:Mizuame Nabara - Starch Syrup Capture Field
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Element: Suiton
    Description: Mizuame Nabara is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed handseals, Izumo will expel a sticky liquid from his gullet. This liquid can cover approximately 20 square meters. If the target runs on top of the liquid, their feet will become glued to its sticky surface. If the ninja focuses chakra to their feet before touching the surface, they can hover above and move over it without hindrance. This allows Izumo or a comrade to charge and attack without fear of becoming bogged down as well.

    Name:Baku Suishouha - Bursting Water Collision Waves
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Description:Baku Suishouha is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed handseals, Kisame will expel water from his gullet. This will then expand into a large volume of water. Being from the Water Country, Kisame is at home with this type of jutsu. He can control the water by riding on top of the waves.

    Name:Kirigakure no Jutsu - Hidden Mist Technique
    Rank: D
    Description:Kirigakure no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by Hidden Mist ninja. The ninja causes the area surrounding their target to be covered in fog. The low visibility allows the ninja to silently and secretly assassinate their target.

    Name:Suijinheki - Water Encampment Wall
    Description:Suijinheki is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. The ninja will first do a string of hand seals and then proceed to blow out a jet of water from their mouth to act as a water barrier from incoming attack.

    Name: Exploding Water Clone
    User: Danzo Hoshigaki
    Element: Suiton
    Description: Exploding Water Clone is a Suiton based Ninjutsu skill, after preformed the needed hand signs a clone will be made. This clone is just like any other one, its not a soild clone either meaning if its hit it turns to water. But, Danzo will make another single handed hand sign causing the clone to explode. This explosion is a very powerful an can also be fatal is the clone is in a good 15 inches away

    Fuuinjutsu based techniques:


    Name:Danzou's Sealing Jutsu (Unnamed)
    Rank: A
    Description: This unnamed sealing technique is used by Danzou. After touching the skin of his target with the palm of his hand, Danzou will secretly place a seal on their body. This seal can then be activated a short time later. When activated, the seal will expand to spead over the target's body and bind them in place. With them bound, Danzou can attack at leisure. The seal can be overcome with a powerful enough chakra like a manifestation of Susanoo.

    Name: Chaos Barrier
    Type: Fuuinjutsu
    Description: With this seal engraved put on the back of his abdomen, the user can activate this seal at anytime if he is in danger. The power of this tech is that when an attack is headed towards him, rather physical or elemental, he can disperse it with the force of the seal. the user is able to stop an onslaught of attacks with this seal. Depending on the attack the user can knock back almost any attack, even S rank techs. If it is a S rank tech however the seal will disappear for the remainder of the battle and leave him with little chakra But his life would still be intact. (This jutsu can only be used once a day)

    name: Mystical Sealing Technique
    Rank: S
    Element: None
    Description: A yin yang symbol will appear below the target, if they remain in the area long enough the seal will begin to shock them/draw out chakra weakening them. Meant to seal jinjuuriki before they enter final stage the jutsu will cut them off from the bijuu, then draw out their own natural chakra. Causing them to pass out, it then puts the seal on the person for a limited amount of time, when the seal comes off they will wake up and have full access to the bijuu (unless 5 elements seal was used while they were passed out)(The user will have to be in the circle for 2 post for this jutsu to take effect.)

    (Suji Haji Fuuin) - Muscle Restriction Seal
    Rank :A
    Description: A special fuuinjutsu utilized by taking a tag that bares the mark of restrict. When placed upon the opponent it generates an electrical current that is not physically harmful. However this flows through the nervous system and restricts the movement of muscles(lasts for 3 turns and slows the opponents movement). (With the stats system in play, the user will lose half of his normal speed for three posts)

    Keiyaku Fuuin - Contract Seal
    Rank: A
    Element: N/A
    Type: Fuuinjutsu
    Keiyaku Fuuin is a Fuuinjutsu technique used to terminate active Kuchiyose agreement control. To use the jutsu, Yondaime will touch his palm to the body of the contract holder. He will then activate the seal, which will remove control of the summoned creature. Utilizing this jutsu, Yondaime was able to end Uchiha Madara's Sharingan mind control of the Kyuubi. This can be used to cancel out contract-type seals and/or temporarily disable the effects of any seal (excludes those that seal spirits inside another).

    Clan Techniques:
    Same no Seirei (Spirit of the Shark)
    Rank: “C” Rank
    Skill: Passive
    Effect: Dramatically increases the user’s chakra pool.
    Special: A passive ability that is always active. Must have had the Same no Gishiki put upon the body.
    Drawback: The user must start with this technique if taking the ritual upon birth. Chakra control remains unaffected.
    Description: One of the two Same no Isei, or Powers of the Shark, the Same no Seirei (Spirit of the Shark) allows the user to obtain a dramatically larger chakra pool than they would normally have. The amount that the chakra pool increases is dependent upon the user’s specialties and their Difficulty Class.
    Limit: Must have Same no Gishiki.

    Samehada (Shark Skin)
    Rank: "C" Rank
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Effect: Focuses chakra into the user's cartilage body, using it to dampen the impact of Taijutsu-based attacks.
    Special: Ox, Tiger, Snake, Dragon
    Drawback: Only lasts for five turns or five hits, whichever comes first. Only works against melee strikes.
    Description: The user's body, which has been altered by the Same no Gishiki, has gained a thin layer of cartilage underneath the user's blueish skin. The user, then, will learn how to use that cartilage in combination with their chakra in order to lessen the impact of melee strikes against them. When the user performs their handseals, channeling chakra into the thin layer underneath the skin, the cartilage there begins to act like a sponge, ready to cushion damage. When the user is hit, the sponge-like manner of the cartilage absorbs a portion of the damage, reducing the damage done to the user significantly.
    Limit: Must have Same no Gishiki.

    Suichuu Binkatsu (Underwater Alacrity)
    Rank: "C" Rank
    Skill: Passive
    Effect: Allows the user to move underwater just as well as they would above it.
    Special: Passive ability that is always active.
    Drawback: N/A
    Description: The Hoshigake Clan are very much used to fighting underwater; their whole fighting style is based upon flooding the field and then forcing the opponent to fight underwater, where the user will have the advantage. Because of their constant fighting underwater, they've learned how to move and manipulate their own bodies while submerged, making them terrifyingly difficult opponents to match when they're in their element. This ability, once learned, allows the user to fight with grace and ease underwater, to the very point that it seems like they were fighting naturally above it.
    Limit: Must have Same no Gishiki.

    Kowai Shiryoku (Frightening Eyesight)
    Rank: "C" Rank
    Skill: Passive
    Effect: Allows the user to have naturally enhanced eyesight in both the day and the night.
    Special: Passive ability that is always active.
    Drawback: As with all forms of enhanced senses, they are also more susceptible to their perspective weaknesses.
    Description: Sharks have amazing eyesight. Since they often swim the depths of the ocean, where it is dark and what little light that comes through the water is distorted, their ability to perceive minor changes is particularly excellent. Members of the clan learn to mimic these enhanced perceptions, able to peer through the darkest of night as if it were noon and the ability to notice subtle changes like the fluttering of a specific leaf in the wind.
    Limit: Must have Same no Gishiki.

    Akuarungu (Aqualung)
    Rank: "C" Rank
    Skill: Passive
    Effect: Allows the user the capability of switching between the use of gills and lungs.
    Special: Passive ability that may be used at will.
    Drawback: If activated above ground, the user is capable of suffocating to death.
    Description: Normally, the Hoshigake's body is set to breath through the lungs, which takes in oxygen from the air and then allows the user to exhale. However, the Hoshigake's body has a secondary set of breathing tools- gills. By activating this technique, the user becomes capable of switching the manner in which their brain commands the body, moving to use the gills instead of the lungs. In this manner, it is impossible for the Hoshigake to drown as they are now using gills to breath.
    Limit: Must have Same no Gishiki.

    Chi Kaori (Blood Scent)
    Rank: "C" Rank
    Skill: Passive
    Effect: Allows the user to use their sense of smell to hunt down opponents who have been injured.
    Special: The target must be bleeding.
    Drawback: Cannot tell differing scents apart.
    Description: After injuring an opponent, the Hoshigake will generally try to force an underwater fight by flooding the field or trapping someone with some other water-based techniques. However, that is not necessary, it just makes the hunt easier. The user is then capable of using their sense of smell to track the scent of the blood of the opponent, making it much more difficult to hide from them.
    Limit: Must have Same no Gishiki.

    Dendou-Sacchi (Electric Sense)
    Rank: "A" Rank
    Skill: Passive
    Effect: Allows the user to sense micro-movements, including heart beats at certain ranges.
    Special: ~
    Drawback: The user becomes more susceptible to Raiton attacks.
    Description: Many sharks have a biological trait known as the Ampullae of Lorenzini. These are actually glands which allow them to detect the electromagnetic fields generated by movements. These glands can detect voltages as low as one-billionth of a volt. As the Hoshigaki have garnished this ability, they too can sense movement around them. On land, this includes movement up to fifty meters away, and even heartbeats at twenty meters. Due to the conductive nature of water, when the Hoshigaki is in water, their range is boosted to one hundred meters, and fifty meters for any heartbeat.
    Limit: Must have Same no Gishiki. Must have used a shark that possesses the AMpullae of Lorenzini for the ritual.

    Naitekisame (The Inner Shark)
    Rank: "S"Rank
    Skill: Supplementary
    Effect: Transforms the Hoshigaki to an even more frightening form where they further resemble a shark. In this form the Hoshigaki has even further mastery over water.
    Special: Handseals
    Drawback: The Hoshigaki loses the ability to perform any techniques other then clan and Suiton-only techs. User often becomes frenzied.
    Description: Forming twelve handseals, the Hoshigaki ends the string with the dragon. Using a large portion of chakra, even for a Hoshigaki, his Same no Gishiki seal will spread across his body completely, encasing him in bright blue chakra. While in the light, the Hoshigaki's bone structure begins to alter. After about five seconds, the chakra shatters away, the altered Hoshigaki standing proud. Their new form is often equipped with multiple dorsal as well as pectoral and pelvic fins depending on the shark that was used in the original Ritual of the Shark, as well as a tail and caudal fin. Their face too becomes elongated, extending their mouthline so they may use their teeth as a weapon. Their swimming speed drastically increases as does their affinity for Suiton and their respective clan techniques. All other techniques the Hoshigaki may have known will have been temporarily erased from their memories, the nature of the shark's true elements taking over. Finally, the Hoshigaki may return to his original form by using the same hand seal sequence. Torasame fuses with both his blades to perform this technique.
    Limit: Must have Same no Gishiki.

    Last edited by Danzo Hoshigaki on Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:48 pm; edited 4 times in total
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    Danzo Hoshigaki
    Danzo Hoshigaki

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    PostSubject: Re: Danzo Hoshigaki    Danzo Hoshigaki  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 8:35 pm

    Extra Weapons

    -Shuriken (Another common weapon, the shuriken is often kept in a holster on the leg or in a pouch attached to the belt.)

    -Senbon (Needle (The senbon was first used by doctors in acupuncture, it was then adopted by ninja and Hunter-nins to hit points on the body to cause death, deaden limbs or cause their target to fall unconscious)

    -Kunai (This throwing knife is one of the common weapons of a ninja. It is often kept in a holster on the leg in a pouch attached to the belt.

    The Kunai can be used in conjunction with explosive tags and other weapons to form deadly combos.)

    -Exploding Smoke Grenade(When the pin is pulled on this grenade, the result is a large explosion and the release of smoke. This allows the ninja to carry out their manuevers in secret.)

    -Exploding Pouch(A variation on the exploding note, these small pouches can be attached to a target and then explode a few seconds later.)

    -Exploding Note(The exploding note is a piece of parchment paper which has script on it that serves to faciltate its explosive properties. The ninja can attach the note to another object such as a kunai or log. When the note is set it begins a slow burn which results in a large explosion.)
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    Danzo Hoshigaki

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    PostSubject: Re: Danzo Hoshigaki    Danzo Hoshigaki  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2011 4:21 pm

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    PostSubject: Re: Danzo Hoshigaki    Danzo Hoshigaki  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2011 5:00 pm

    Danzo Hoshigaki wrote:

    Name: Demon Sword
    Appearance: Danzo Hoshigaki  ZangetsuSword
    Rank: A
    Special Abilities: The Demon sword is a very unique one including the looks of it. It has many Abilities but only a couple of them are known to the owner of the blade now. The first ability is that since the blade was originally from the mist village, once around mist the blade itself will turn to mist an a shade of chakra will out line where the blade use to be. This will make the blade alot more sharper than normal, an will be able to cut threw rock. their is a blue spot in the middle of the blade which can be used to gain chakra for the wielder. The sword will have to be in contact with a water jutsu, then will begin absorbing the chakra from the jutsu enabling the jutsu to work.(Can hold Enough chakra to restore 20% of my charka, an able to use it up to 5 times. Once he has used all 6 times he will need to take some of the chakra out then will be able to use it again.). The Demon sword has its own personality almost as if it was alive, an it talks to Danzo. It is evil an gets into Danzos head making him to some crazy stuff. It will not speak, but Danzo can hear the blades thoughts an talk back to it if he wishes to. The Final ability of this sword is that Danzo can Generate his chakra into the whole sword, in this case being Fuuton which will make the weapon lighter. With the size of Danzo he would be able to wield it with one hand, but a normal person would be able to wield it with two hands easily. Also with a hard enough swing danzo can send a Wind projectile of his blade at an opponent.

    Origin: It was said that the Demon was embedded in the sword in the middle of Danzo ritual. The Ritual was something that every Hoshigaki must go threw after they have captured their shark, after doing so the shark priest embedded the shark with the member giving them all the features that they are known for. But before the Ritual was complete the shark priests were able to put some of the Sharks personality into the sword that Danzo was carried with him. At first the blade didn't do anything, but over time its said that the sword was as if it was a person itself. It didn't talk to other people, but only to Danzo threw his thoughts. This was only possible because Danzo had most of the shark embedded within him, so the shark was able to connect to himself but was really connecting with Danzo. After a while the sword an Danzo became close not that they weren't already close because they were like one whole person. (Recived threw a great gruesome battle..explained in history)

    Either make this a basic weapon or remove one of your specialties and replace it with Kenjutsu. No one is going to be allowed advanced swords like this without Kenjutsu (Sword Jutsu) as a specialty.

    Quote :
    Name: Oxy Cloak
    Rank: C
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Style: Wind
    Description: A Cloak of concentrated Wind natured chakra surrounds the user manipulating the air particles around him creating a field of pure oxygen, this jutsu comes in handy for the user to breath under water or disallow air poison

    This would not work, biologically. The body requires oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide to survive. Breathing pure oxygen is extremely unhealthy. Furthermore, I think that manipulating air particles may be a bit further than Wind goes.

    Quote :
    Name: Exploding Water Clone
    User: Danzo Hoshigaki
    Element: Suiton
    Description: Exploding Water Clone is a Suiton based Ninjutsu skill, after preformed the needed hand signs a clone will be made. This clone is just like any other one, its not a soild clone either meaning if its hit it turns to water. But, Danzo will make another single handed hand sign causing the clone to explode. This explosion is a very powerful an can also be fatal is the clone is in a good 5 or 6 meters away

    Lower the range of fatality. 5 or 6 meters is quite a lot and all you'd have to do is get close and you'd pretty much win.

    Quote :
    Name: Chaos Barrier
    Type: Fuuinjutsu
    Rank: C-S
    Description: With this seal engraved put on the back of his abdomen, the user can activate this seal at anytime if he is in danger. The power of this tech is that when an attack is headed towards him, rather physical or elemental, he can disperse it with the force of the seal. the user is able to stop an onslaught of attacks with this seal. Depending on the attack the user can knock back almost any attack, even S rank techs. If it is a S rank tech however the seal will disappear for the remainder of the battle and leave him with little chakra. But his life would still be intact.

    Just make it S-rank, not C-S rank. I'd also like a usage limit, like once a day.

    Quote :
    name: Mystical Sealing Technique
    Rank: A
    Element: None
    Description: A yin yang symbol will appear below the target, if they remain in the area long enough the seal will begin to shock them/draw out chakra weakening them. Meant to seal jinjuuriki before they enter final stage the jutsu will cut them off from the bijuu, then draw out their own natural chakra. Causing them to pass out, it then puts the seal on the person for a limited amount of time, when the seal comes off they will wake up and have full access to the bijuu (unless 5 elements seal was used while they were passed out)

    How long do they have to stay on the seal for it to take effect? Also, this would definitely be S-rank.

    Quote :
    Rank :A
    Description: A special fuuinjutsu utilized by taking a tag that bares the mark of restrict. When placed upon the opponent it generates an electrical current that is not physically harmful. However this flows through the nervous system and restricts the movement of muscles(lasts for 3 turns and slows the opponents movement).

    How much does it slow them down? (With the stat system in place, a set stat number is preferred.)

    Quote :
    Name:Sealing technique: Control

    Description:This Fuuinjutsu based Technique can only be preformed when the user some how can get a portion of their chakras onto their opponents. When this happens a symbol will appear on the opponents body where ever the Chakra has been connected. After the seal has appeared this person will be under control by the user of this jutsu, of course after he preformed the needed hand signs. At this time the use may attack, an kill, or make his opponent do something just by the sound of his voice. The only way to break the connection is to disrupt the hand seal that the user holds keeping the opponent controlled. This jutsu isn't one to use every time in a fight because while holding the hand seal it drains lots of chakra to keep the opponent controlled.

    Denied because it's pretty much an OPed version of the Yamanaka Clan's secret jutsu.
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    Danzo Hoshigaki
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    PostSubject: Re: Danzo Hoshigaki    Danzo Hoshigaki  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2011 7:40 pm

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    PostSubject: Re: Danzo Hoshigaki    Danzo Hoshigaki  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2011 7:49 pm

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