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 Lelouch Vi Britannia - The God of Geass

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PostSubject: Lelouch Vi Britannia - The God of Geass   Lelouch Vi Britannia - The God of Geass Icon_minitimeWed Jan 05, 2011 3:49 am

~General Information~
Name: Lelouch Vi Britannia
Nickname/Alias: The God of Geass
Weight: 129 lbs
Height: 5'10"
Age: 18
Gender: Male

~Character Information~
Lelouch Vi Britannia - The God of Geass Lelouchh
Clothing: Lelouch wears a large baggy robe that covers near his entire body, but exposes a fair partiality of his upper-torso area; the robe is not only made of a durable cloth material, but is also interlaced with a reinforced titanium steel alloy, making the robe even more resistant against damage. The robe has a loose heavy-hung hood on the back of the neck. The material of the robe is almost completely jet black; this is to make sure that he isn't easily seen when it is dark or he is hoping to creep up on his target. The darkness of his clothing makes it ideal for him to wear when attempting assassinations or missions of imminent secrecy. Being a member of ANBU Black Ops it is important that he not wear bright flashy clothing on missions. The robe itself is extremely baggy, offering free movement without the restriction of tight clothing.

Over this black robe Lelouch wears a long white haori with a black kanji on the back for 'Infinite' referring to the enormous distances that his sword can reach. Although it does not actually reach infinitely, it is circulated as a rumor that it can. His robe has long bell sleeves, into which he hides his hands like one does with kimono sleeves. He is well known for tricking his opponents using his sleeves to conceal the movements of his hands, his attacks are usually completely unpredictable because of this. The black hilt of his infamous sword is visible sticking out from the white cloth belt around his waist. The rest of his sword is hidden by his haori, but can easily be withdrawn by his hand as needed. The haori itself is sleeveless along the arms and has a black pattern of lines and bolded circles along the bottom.

Lelouch possesses two deep pockets on the two sides of his waist. These two pockets are very deep and open up to hold multiple types of things, such as weaponry and items. This is not his only means of weaponry, however, and has one small pouch to the left of his waist. This pouch is a match of another, which resides on the back of his waist, both being tan and fairly big enough to hold basic weaponry such as daggers, wire, and throwing stars. Wrapped around Lelouch's legs are twin stone ankle weights that weigh a little over two-hundred pounds each; despite wearing these weights, with them on, he can still move at a fairly high speed. He also wears other weights as well, training his physical fitness, he wears a black waistband beneath his cloth belt, which is actually stone weighted as well, weighing about the same weight as his ankle weights. Gim also wears weights around his wrists.

Lelouch has very pale skin that practically clings to a skeletal sharp frame. Despite his very skinny stature he is extremely strong and physically fit. His hair is a dark black and his eyes are a deep purple color. Both of these are relative to his species's genetic phenotype.
Personality: Lelouch is a highly intelligent indiviual who is also calm, sophisticated, and arrogant due to his aristocrat upbringing. While at his school Lelouch conducts himself a socialible, likable, and often easy going student however this is a mask to hid his true feelings. While at school his true feelings are expressed, his charisma and beliefs in justice gain him the trust and respect of many teachers and district leaders. While Lelouch is righteous and noble by nature he is more than willing to do acts that go against his morality; this due to his belief that he must commit evil to destroy greater evil.

Lelouch can be ruthless and often merciless in battle but he can also be a rather compassionate person to his friends and loved ones. To his little sister he is a loving older brother and to his best friends he is a loyal friend despite the fact that he would doubtlessly kill them for the sake of justice. Due to his good looks and charm Lelouch is quite popular with girls; however, he does not care much for this matters and due to his focus on caring for changing the world and becoming a God. However Lelouch does show hints of romantic feelings for certain people. He will doubtfully never be able to actually have a relationship due to his egocentric point of view and God complex constantly clouding his judgement.

When he was only four, Lelouch would always smile whenever he was with his mother and he was regularly at her side, holding her hand. Despite crying whenever he lost in karate, he started to smile again as soon as he saw Tenshi, his sister, when she came to pick him up from the dojo. Nowadays, Lelouch is a stubborn, short-tempered, occasionally confrontational, spontaneous, determined, outspoken, strong-willed, impulsive young man. Despite being witty and cynical, he is shown to be genuinely compassionate and empathetic about others such as bringing an injured friend flowers or soothing others when they become doubtful. He is also extremely protective of his friends and family. This latter trait is the driving force behind many of his actions.

He attempts to maintain a detached and "cool" image, despite claiming to not care about what other people think about him. For this reason, he generally keeps his face set in an emotionless look, not showing any in depth feelings. However, despite this "uncaring" image he tries to maintain, he becomes extremely shy and uncomfortable around many women and girls, a thing that a high multitude of his friends have teased him for. He is also rather cocky and has been known to taunt and belittle his opponents when fighting. Conversely, he can also go into a state of deep depression when he loses a major battle or lets a friend down. Another thing that highly distinguishes Lelouch from anyone else is his extremely analytical way of viewing things; his primary belief is that the big things would not exist without the little details, in which he finds focusing on the minor or minuscule details will always bring forth the 'big picture'.

Although his cocky, hot-headed, and spontaneous nature makes him only appear rather dimwitted to more composed and calculating individuals, Lelouch is a highly capable analyst when required, and can instinctively catch on to most things much quicker than those around him. His natural yellow hair and rebellious disposition tend to annoy many intimidating figures, who constantly make the unwittingly stupid decision of picking a fight with him. Lelouch claims that he does not care about other people's opinions about him (both in regards to his hair and other subjects), and seems to enjoy fighting people. Similarly, he is also a diligent researcher in the art of science, he constantly takes it upon himself to study the basic compounds and make-up of the atomic and molecular structure of solid materials such as steel or earth, this research helping him in the area of earth-bending.

Due to his constant fights with unintelligent passer-byers and his seemingly emotionless look, many students are rather afraid of him. Despite this, he has a warm and kind heart, defiantly looks out for those placed in his charge, and is, to a degree, quite compassionate once he understands anothers point of view or opinion. This trait makes him quite likable to children and younger people. As such, he has almost never threatened or raised his voice to his friends . However, he has some trouble with authority and traditional respect, and is often quite rude and disrespectful when talking to those older than himself. Although he does not intend to be rude, he tends to call elders by nicknames such as 'gramps' and inadvertently disrespect high-ranked benders by referring to them by their first name.

Another tendency found in Lelouch is his corrective personality. He tends to restate facts in a more technically correct fashion, which has earned him the title by some as a smart-ass or seen as too determined to be correct. This is not the point, however, Lelouch's sole reason for correcting people's technical mistakes is to make sure everyone gets the correct idea, and do not believe what isn't necessarily true. At times, Lelouch quite prefers a peaceful life of solitude, without the interference of others. He has an extremely improper social life, but is quite the strategic genius in battle; withholding the ability to conjure up plans at a moments notice, when they are most required - based on his own observations.

A few things that Lelouch likes very much are fighting, training, science, and girls. Although he only fights if absolutely necessary, he enjoys it quite a lot. He is very well known for utilizing science when in any form of combat, this adding to his technique's lethality - because he will often combine them. What also makes him quite a foe to go up against is his creativity and imagination, which drives his high ability to combine his techniques in just the right way that makes them that much stronger. When he isn't training his butt off at the training ground or sparring a friend, he is deeply emerged in research or studying.

In contradicting of his likes, he also has some dislikes; for he is human, and every human dislikes at least something! Some of the things that he hates, which are the primary ones, would most likely be ignorance, arrogance, and bullies. Although he tends to remain calm, cool, and collected and will often not say a single word before killing his enemy, deep inside he feels a small sense of accomplishment at each and every death that is claimed by his hand and sword.

Genius Intellect: When Lelouch was younger, he was hailed as a child genius. He was highly proficient in his classes at the Ninja Academy and he graduated in less than a single year. His skill was already evident at a young age when he rose through the ranks faster than most before him. Lelouch has shown himself to be highly manipulative and deceptive even when it's evident. He comes out unscathed due to the calm confusion he plays at, which is a testament to his overall strategy. In most battles he is able to play on his opponents emotions without even a bit of effort.

Master Swordsmanship Specialist: Lelouch is a highly proficient combatant. In combat, he doesn't seem the least bit taken back by the abilities of his opponent, even when they seemingly have an advantage. He fights with no effort behind his attacks and this is both very apparent and very intimidating at the same time. His ability to utilize his combat skills was evident even when he was a child. He easily defeated and killed many missing ninja he came across, no matter the village they hailed from. With nothing but the use of his sword, he cut them down one by one.

~Clan Information~
Clan Name: Britannia Clan
Kekei Genkai: Eye of Geass
Lelouch Vi Britannia - The God of Geass Geasseye
Clan Symbol:
Lelouch Vi Britannia - The God of Geass 27032thumbnail
Clan History: N/A
Ability Summary: The power of Geass can be compared to that of the Doujutsu Sharingan. However, rather than giving the user incredible ability it gives them higher capabilities in Genjutsu. Genjutsu techniques that would usually be impossible for normal shinobi to utilize can easily be utilized by the bearer of the Eye of Geass. This gives them significantly more powerful Genjutsu. However, this is not their only advantage granted by the Geass, despite it being a major one. They are also able to utilize a higher capacity of their brain than normal. Rather than 10% they use 50% of their brain.

This allows for highly advanced thought and incredible reflexes on the user's part. It also allows them further insight into Genjutsu and the ability to see through most Genjutsu. Furthermore, the few Genjutsu he can not see through (namely, Mangekyou Genjutsu) have a significantly less effect on him as Genjutsu are designed to effect the 10% of the brain that user does use. Because the bearer of the Eye of Geass utilizes 50% of their brain they are capable of easily over-coming the Genjutsu and feeling less of it's effect as 40% of their brain is still capable of thinking rationally.

~Rank/Village Information~
Classification: Missing Ninja
Letter Rank: S
Village: Ex-Konohagakure

~Skill Information~
Skill Specialty:
Genjutsu - Illusionary Techniques
Genjutsu are techniques that are employed in the same fashion as ninjutsu, requiring chakra and hand seals. However, the primary difference between the two is that the effects of genjutsu are illusory; instead of attacking the victim's body, genjutsu techniques manipulate the flow of chakra in the victim's brain, thus causing a disruption in their senses.
This is often used to create false images or to cause pain from trauma (because the body is led to believe it is in pain); however, there are plenty of other uses depending on the situation.

Iryojutsu - Medical Jutsu
Medical-nin are ninja who specialize in medical treatment and use of medical-oriented jutsu, to heal others. Becoming a medic-nin requires high intelligence and excellent chakra control. They use chakra as well as medical equipment to accomplish tasks such as healing injuries, curing poisons, or anything that may be impairing their comrade. There are also negative uses of Medical Jutsu, such as using their knowledge to disable their foe or even deal highly lethal blows that would not be possible without their adept knowledge of the human body.

Elemental Affinity:
Katon - Fire Release
Katon, or Fire Element, takes the form of fire and flame attacks. These can be fire balls or extended flame throwing. Fire is typically a specialised offensive element. Fire is typically stronger than the element of wind but weaker than water. Usually, a fire technique can be backed up by a wind technique to strengthen it's power further.
Suiton - Water Release
Suiton, or Water Element, takes the form of water based attacks. These can be walls of water used as shields or water formed into large striking jets. In this regard, Water is very diverse when it comes to shape modification. It is elementally superior than fire but more susceptible to techniques of the Earth element.


Physical Endurance:

Chakra Reserves:
Chakra Control:

Next Post.

~History/RP Sample~
History/Background Story: It was a cold winter night in the Hidden Leaf Village, all was silent, and all was peaceful. Not for long though, for a scream filled the area with a piercing cry. The source of this noise came from a home not to far from the Nestugakure Medical Hospital. "Hold on!" Tatsu Ichimaru, Gin's father, told his wife soothingly. "We'll get you to the hospital!" he picked her up gently, and ran out the door towards the Medical Building as fast as he could. He then body flickered into the room in front of the receptionist. "My wife is giving birth help us!" he shouted, as another piercing scream echoed through the building. The receptionist seemed to hesitate with fear before pressing a small button on the desk and a beep was heard. "A baby is coming!" she shouted, frantically as medical ninja came in with cot, placing the woman on it, and rolled her through the emergency doors. Tatsu followed his wife Nibu as the medical ninjas rolled her away. He prayed silently to himself as they prepared to remove the baby by applying anesthetics and soothing the mother.

"We're losing her!" a medical ninja shouted, now becoming nervous as a drop of sweat swelled up and dropped from his forehead. "We can only save one and kill the other!" another shouted, looking towards Tatsu. "Save...Nib..." he began, but his wife gripped his hand with strength. "Save...our son..." she told him, her eyes watering as she let out another piercing cry. "I-I Ca-a-an't..." he told her, beginning to cry as well. "Save...him" she told him, now demanding before her grip grew weak and she screamed once more, now gripping the blanket. "We need an answer now!" the medical ninja shouted. "Save...the child..." Tatsu told them, forcing out the last two words like raw meat. "Save...Gin..." he repeated as he crouched down taking his wife's hand as he caressed it gently. "Please. Take care of Pen..." she tried to say but it was too late. Her eyes sat emotionless and her face expressionless. She was now dead and the cries of a baby filled the room as the medical ninja wrapped it in a blanket and handed it to Tatsu.

He looked at the baby with loving eyes as it cried. He began to softly rub the baby's head as it stopped crying and looked back at it's father with curious eyes. "I love you..." he said, looking towards his wife as tears streamed down his face. He didn't care about anyone else's shinobi way. He would cry if he wanted to, and he needed to. He walked out of the hospital back home and placed the baby in the crib they had bought in advance. After covering up the baby and giving him a warm bottle of milk Tatsu went upstairs to his room where he lay sprayed out on the bed ready to be overcome by sleep. That day had been the worst day of his life. He lost his wife. But not only that, although he has lost a life he had also received a new one. 'His name is...Gin Nibu Ichimaru...' he thought, drifting off into the empty void of sleep. He knew that he had long days ahead of him and a bigger job. He was now a single father and he would probably have to live in an apartment unless he was able to go on more missions.

"Da-da?" Gin said, adorably. "That's right..." Tatsu told him lovingly as he picked up his infant son in his arms and cradled him gently. "I'm Da-da." he told his son, as he tickled his exposed belly. Gin was only one and a half years old and wore only a diaper as he lay in his father's arms. "Ma-ma in hee-aaven?" Gin asked, his eyes goggling as he looked past his fathers gentle and encouraging face to the pattern of the roof. "Yes. Mama in heaven." he reassured his son as he carried him outside. Many of Tatsu's friends passed by as they waved at Gin. Some stopped to hold him or play with him, or even introduce him to their pets or own children. Gin seemed to never be interested in any of it though. He would normally pay attention to everything around people, like nature, the sky, and everything that wasn't man made. He loved nature and the sweet scents of flowers and the colors of the different petals that were like sugar for his eyes. Although he yet to knew what any of this meant he was a pretty smart baby.

At the age of two he began to develop a liking for fruit. He loved how fruit could be eaten without drink because of how much moisture was in it. He especially loved cherries, tomatoes, and sometimes he could eat parts of watermelon if it wasn't too rough or hard. He was still interested in God and Heaven and about his mother and constantly asked his dead what his mother was doing. The same reply came every time "She's watching over us from heaven. She's with Jesus." Gin loved to learn and mostly enjoyed his father reading him stories about past ninjas and sometimes even make believe books of ninjas that never even really existed. He loved the stories a lot none the less. He always asked his dad if he was ever a ninja and Tatsu felt a low wave of despair as he answered. "I gave that up a while ago." Tatsu told his sun. "Why?" Gin asked, in that broken tone that only babys had. "Because I wanted to spend more time with you." Tatsu said, picking up his son and tossing him into the air before catching him skillfully in his arms. This always made Gin giggle because he enjoyed the thrill of flying.

When he was three years old he began to dream of becoming a ninja. "Daddy, I'm going to be the best ninja that ever lived! I'll even beat the Hokage himself!" Gin shouted, as he jumped around punching pillows. "No one will stand a chance against me!" and with that he kicked the pillow into the air and punched it into the wall. "I won't let anything happen to my little ninja..." Tatsu said, as he came up behind Gin and tickled him. Gin was subdued as he fell to the floor laughing as he was tickled nearly to death. Gin loved playing ninja and loved to dream. His father wanted to do anything he could to help his son achieve his dream of becoming the most powerful ninja ever, although Tatsu doubted it was possible but he believed in his son and began to train him at the young age of 6.

"Dad! I've finally got it!" Gin shouted, as he leapt into the air and spun in a complete three-sixty rotation tossing kunai and shurikens as he swirled. Every kunai and shuriken hit their bulls-eye except for two or three that hit a couple of inches off. He was now seven and very skilled with kunai and shuriken and that sort of basic weaponry. He enjoyed training with his dad and that was one of their favorite things that they did together. As Gin trained harder and harder each day he finally completely mastered the move at the age of 8 when he first began to gain his abilities, his Kekei Genkai. He was able to make his movements precise and complete the thrust and angle with such effectiveness that it was hard to miss.

Now nine years old Tatsu enrolled Gin in the academy. Gin was the only Ichimaru clan member in his class and at time he felt left out among the others. Gin loved learning new jutsus such as the academy jutsus and when he had mastered them all, which was easy for him, he graduated from the academy and finally became a Genin at the age of nine. He loved being a Genin and wore his headband as soon as he received it. His father was so proud of his son and his accomplishment and took him out to celebrate at Ichiraku's ramen shop. They ordered the usually and had a good time as they ate and talked about the future to come and how Gin wanted to one day become the Hokage.

Gin began to spend a lot of time on missions but still spent some time with his dad and some of his friends when he wasn't working hard to help out his dad. He wanted to make everything perfect and make it where they could move back into their old house. Someone was currently living it it but they planned on buying it back so Gin was saving up. His dad was saving as well from selling ninja gear. He sold shurikens, kunai, scrolls, ninja wear, and other items that were essential to a normal ninja in Nestugakure. His best seller were senbons and they were a personal favorite of Gin as well. His father always told him it wasn't the strength or size of something but the skill of the user using the item. He taught his son that honor and virtues were the most important part of life and to not dabble in money and riches but love and good always conquered evil and hatred. Gin always loved to hear what his father had to say and wanted to teach the same to his son when he grew up.

Gin was now eleven and the Chuunin Exams were coming up. He wanted so badly to win and finally be promoted to a Chuunin in his turn. It wouldn't be just' another step to achieving his goal, it would be a large step, an important step. Anything but 'just' a step. He signed up and registered as soon as the stands opened up. The line was pretty long but Gin was a very patient person and finally registered. He felt excited and couldn't wait. His anticipation was rushing through his veins with every passing day as the week ended and it was close to the first exams. He spent the last three days training as hard as he possibly could before the first test began. The first one was a written test, he had read many books on the material and has passed with a breeze. After all it wasn't that hard.

The second portion of the Chuunin exams was what he had been waiting for. The fighting. He faced off against a Hyuuga and easily defeated him and won the match, and moved on to the next portion. After defeating a regular clanless ninja in that portion after a vigorous battle, he was finally moving on to the finals. They would determine who became a Chuunin and who wouldn't. He was kind of nervous but he shook it off after remembering his past matches that flew by like a breeze. They hadn't even been hard and he doubted that this one would be any more difficult. When the day came he found out that he would be facing off against a powerful Uchiha. After intense training Gin had nearly mastered his kekei genkai abilities, and had even made his own jutsus. The match started off with his opponent winning but Gin came back easily and defeated his opponent, winning the Chuunin Exams and becoming a Chuunin.

He ran home to tell his father about what had happened and his father was so proud of him. Gin loved being a Chuunin, now instead of the boring old D rank missions he was now going on C and B rank missions. There was a lot more action and adventure and he loved practicing and training with his dad. They would even spar from time to time, his father defeating him most of the times but Gin winning occasionally. Gin couldn't believe his life. It was utterly perfect in itself. He was a success as a ninja so far and hoped that his success continued. His dream remained the same, he wanted to become Hokage and be the greatest ninja who ever lived and maybe even make Nestugakure more powerful. It was possible but doubtful. He still dreamed such dreams of these concepts though even though no one believed any of it could ever happen except his father. His father always believed in him.

After a very difficult A rank mission that had been bestowed upon Gin's agenda, Gin was promoted to highly respected and wanted rank of Jounin. All of the Jounin except for a couple were out of the village and those couple were busy so Gin was the only one left. He was the strongest Chuunin and was sent with two other Chuunin on the mission. It was a mission to retrieve information from Sunagakure and it went by smoothly and after bringing the information back to their village Gin was promoted to Jounin and not soon after that, he acquired his first team of Genin. He was now twenty-four and extremely skilled in Kenjutsu and Medical Jutsu. His father, not soon after, died by the hand of a missing ninja while out for a walk through the forest. Gin had offered to escort him but his father insisted that he went out alone, but he never returned.

Roleplay Sample: Roxas could do nothing but watch as both of his ANBU Black Ops guards were incinerated in a flurry of explosive power. The red of the explosion flashed and glared across the front of his eyes, though he was not close enough to have been effected by it's power, he had to make sure there was nothing else. Often someone would notice this to be a moment of mental weakness and attack while the Kazekage was busy with his dead comrades but Roxas was different, oh so very different. His mind was completely set on the over-all attack rather than the fact that these two idiots had died trying to miserably protect him. With a quick drop to the ground and a clap of his hands he rammed the palms of his hands into the wooden material of the floor beneath him.

The floor suddenly extended and interlocked into a dome-like defense that completely surrounded his person. With a mere few thunks Roxas realized that this had been the logical solution after all. 'Someone is trying to kill me.' he muttered, understanding that what had almost burrowed into his wooden defense were actually multiple metal projectiles. Quite possibly kunai or senbon, the usual thrown weaponry of an assassin. He sighed, his suspicions were slowly becoming confirmed in his mind as he waited a few seconds. With his hands still against the ground his defense retreated back into the panels of the wooden floor, allowing Roxas a clear view of his opponent. The weaponry projectiles that had been lodged into his defense had also been taken beneath the floor.

If she so happened to release the poison it would most likely release into the room below them, though the Kazekage still had little to no idea that they had been poisoned in the first place. He could also not say for sure that this person could even be a user of poisonous weaponry. His eyes glared at the female assassin whom he now knew to be his opponent. Not only had she lied to him and known about the explosive tags on the door knob without anyone else realizing it, but she had also touched one of the ANBU on the back when she had supposedly 'tripped'. If she truly did hold the awareness of someone able to notice minor details like the explosive notes would she not be able to keep herself from stumbling over like a drunken lunatic?

Everything was beginning to form together in his mind, he knew exactly what her plan had been. She acted as a member of the Hidden Mist's ANBU black ops in order to get his mental guard lowered at least a little before pulling those seductive actions that she seemed not too fond of. Those were the icing on the cake because they had Roxas almost completely hypnotized into believing her. She would then use the explosive tags to take out his guards then try to take him by surprise with those projectiles while he was distracted. All of it was quite a clever plan, especially telling him about the explosive notes and how it was a trap to trick him into trusting her... He sighed at all of this, it had taken him mere seconds to run all of this through his head, he was quite the genius after all. An analyst, a tactician, that is why he was so confused to have been out-witted by this rogue for so long.

With a small step forward his arm suddenly began to shift and shimmer as Roxas transmuted the molecular level of the carbon within the skin of his arm. It was gradually hardening into a material as tough as even titanium steel. "Who the hell are you and how did you ever think you'd win against me?" he asked her rather aggressively, his fist clenching and his arm flexing as he prepared for his strike. He planned to fight this rogue with a true ninja art, the art of hand-to-hand taijutsu. Some really disliked using taijutsu due to the fact that it was limited to short-range but that was exactly it's strength as well. If one possessed the incredible speed and strength to utilize taijutsu to it's fullest potential it was nearly unbeatable.

Of course he always had alchemy as a back-up plan, after all, alchemy always came in handy if he needed to use some long-range combat; however, this time he would likely just use taijutsu and minor close-range alchemy, he did not really see this woman as a great threat for she had even gone as far as screwing up her chance at a surprise attack. Actually, a surprise attack was the only way he could think of that anyone would be able to beat him with. After all, once his mind was completely on the topic at hand it was nearly impossible to trick him. His eyes narrowed in sheer contempt as he eyed the beautiful woman, she really was a sight for sore eyes but he couldn't just linger on a pretty face with an ugly heart. After all, he did love someone else anyway. Aurora... He was fighting for her and to see her one more time, at least. He could not die here and he could not die now.

He waited only seconds for her reply, he honestly didn't care what she had to say for herself. His very image merely flickered transparently as he kicked forward, becoming a mere flurry of blackness, due to his clothing and hair as he shot forward using his speed as a variable. When he got within a mere two meters of the Missing Ninja he kicked to the side and lunged a solid punch with his carbonized arm, aiming at her neck. With the strength and speed put behind it it could potentially knock her head clean off of her shoulders. However, there was also the possibility of her attempting to block it, though it would not make too much of a difference anyway on account of both his strength and titanium alloy skin working in conjunction to make the ultimate punch.

Last edited by Lelouch on Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:05 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Changing the name because it still says (WiP) from the server screw up.)
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Join date : 2011-01-05
Age : 28

Lelouch Vi Britannia - The God of Geass Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lelouch Vi Britannia - The God of Geass   Lelouch Vi Britannia - The God of Geass Icon_minitimeThu Jan 06, 2011 4:14 am


~Medical Jutsu~

~Weapons and Equipment~
Quote :
Kunai x20 - This throwing knife is one of the common weapons of a ninja. It is often kept in a holster on the leg in a pouch attached to the belt. The Kunai can be used in conjunction with explosive tags and other weapons to form deadly combos.

Shurikens x60 - Another common weapon, the shuriken is often kept in a holster on the leg or in a pouch attached to the belt.

Exploding Tags x20 - The exploding note is a piece of parchment paper which has script on it that serves to faciltate its explosive properties. The ninja can attach the note to another object such as a kunai or log. When the note is set it begins a slow burn which results in a large explosion.

Exploding Pouches x15 - A variation on the exploding note, these small pouches can be attached to a target and then explode a few seconds later into an even larger explosion.

Name: Exploding Smoke Grenade
Use: Supplementary
Type: Grenade
Rank: D
Description:: When the pin is pulled on this grenade, the result is a large explosion and the release of smoke. This allows the ninja to carry out their manuevers in secret.

Name: Backpack
Use: Supplementary
Type: Gear
Rank: E
Description:: An extremely light-weight back-pack that the shinobi wears on their back. Capable of carrying large amounts or large items, while zipping up to conceal them. The backpack is extremely tough to break and is completely non-conductive to electricity and heat resistant.

Name: Zero Mask
Quantity: 1
Rank: A
Lelouch Vi Britannia - The God of Geass 266104-there_is_only_an_idea_and_ideas_are_swordproof_large

Lelouch Vi Britannia - The God of Geass Zero_Mask_-_Inside

Special Abilities/Characteristics: This helmet possesses many abilities such as the fact that the wearer is cut off from the outside air and the mask filters the air for him. It allows for near complete invulnerability to air-based poisons and can even function for the user to breath underwater. Furthermore, the fact that it completely hides the user's face from the outside makes him invulnerable to visual Genjutsu unless he either takes it off or retracts the eye piece. The user can simply channel chakra into the mask and a small square of the mask's front covering the right eye will slide open to reveal the user's eye. This is so that they can use Genjutsu without having to remove their helmet.
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PostSubject: Re: Lelouch Vi Britannia - The God of Geass   Lelouch Vi Britannia - The God of Geass Icon_minitimeThu Jan 06, 2011 4:02 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Lelouch Vi Britannia - The God of Geass   Lelouch Vi Britannia - The God of Geass Icon_minitimeThu Jan 06, 2011 4:10 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Lelouch Vi Britannia - The God of Geass   Lelouch Vi Britannia - The God of Geass Icon_minitimeThu Jan 06, 2011 4:40 pm

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