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48 Obtained Fail.

48 Obtained Fail.

Posts : 22
Join date : 2011-01-05
Age : 31
Location : At the edge of a cliff, With my sanity right behind me.

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PostSubject: 48 Done.    48 Done.  Icon_minitimeWed Jan 05, 2011 12:16 pm

Evil lives in the fucking skin!
Human 'n shit

48 Done.  GreenTemptation
Sick sadistic Shit that ain't ever gonna be the same after this.

~General Information~
Name: Nathan Wallace
Nickname/Alias: 48
Weight: 152 lbs
Height: 5'11"
Age: 19
Gender: Male

~Character Information~
Appearance: 48 Done.  Darker_than_Black__2Hei_by_Dradise

48 Done.  10_051

Long, shaggy, Black and unkept hair starts us off. you can say his blonde is more pale than it is blonde and that after years of failure to keep it clean, one could say it's dirty. It grows all the way to his lower back, and he has but a lock of it always sticking forwards, having the tendency to distract one from his eyes with the silver sheen it gives off in bright light. The length of his heair is one of the very few things that signify he is of old age, that and the Many battle scars on his torso, but more on that later. His eyes are a bright green, they are narrow usually but there is nothing but cold uncaring hate in his eyes and look dark brown when staring directly into a bright light source. wrinkles on his face compliment his old age and he has as subtle blonde goatee and a very thin mustache. Both can hardly be seen since they are about 40% in thickness and are blonde which almost makes them blend in with the sometimes dirty, pale white face they connect to. His lips are thin as well, a normal width for his mouth and a dimple on his upper lip. His facial features give him a angry tone which he usually keeps abroad with his facial expressions, most of which don't seem like much care is behind his face.

His shoulders are broad, slumped but otherwise broad, patches of dirt cover the front of his torso, which has sprinkles of hair here and there, very deep, but closed, scars, and small tattoos shapped like small symbols that can be mistaken for words from afar. He is exceptionally muscular, his abbs/sixpack can compliment that as well as his tits which don't flab but remain flat and against his chest so as to not give him the feel of a girl. His arms are teh same length, and both measure down to his thighs from his shoulders. His biceps and forearms are burly, ripped (physique wise;very muscular) and make him seem like a goliath if not for his arm bands. His hands are big as well, but not big enough to fit around the head of a human, unless said human was a child, the fingernails are short and jagged, proof that he bites them periodically. There is dirt underthe fingernails and on the surface of them, showing his lack of hygine and burn marks in his palm which would make it seem like he plays with fire. He actually burns himself alot because of his constant abuse of his Doll. The calfs on his legs are pretty pulped, he is a fast runner and quick jumper because of this, and his limbs are evenly strentched and evenly spaced apart making it easy for him to manuver in many ways.

His default attire consists of; a small necklace he wears around his neck, for good luck, a vest with sleeves that goes up to his elbow, the vest is red and has large golden symbols on both sides of it and on the inside has no designs whatsoever. The fabric that makes up this vest is suade. The arm bands are Suade as well, they strech across his forearm covering them, and are colored. . . Red. He wears a big curtain around his waist to cover his Dark grey sweat pants.

Since a very young age, 48 has despised and hated the Human race for being so inferior in terms of compassion and common sense. It was Their endless hate and their ability to find a problem with something that needs no solutions that made them look childish and paranoid in his eyes. They fought endlessly for no reason with other people, differen't only in their view but not so much different in the fact that they were human. Wars broke out left and right throughout 48s' life, it was tiring to see everyone hate eachother so much that they were willing to slaughter their own race. If only they knew how inferior they were to the world, that they were doing the rest of the universe justice by slowly killing each other and erasing themselves off the face of the earth. It was annoying to know that He was part of this dreaded and frankly stupid race of greedy narrow minded beings but in his heart he decided at the age of 5 that he was nothing like the humans of the world. If it were up to him, he'd be the last person alive merely because he knows that if he were given the chance the repopulate the earth and teach his offspring about loving one another instead of hate and filling their thoughts with bullshit about different Gods and different kings, he would do it in a heartbeat over and over again, even if that meant killing anyone clsoe to him, which wouldn't have any impact on him because everyone close to him were always 'remote' in his view. There was nothing wrong with being secluded from this world, Claus told himself, they would only corrupt his mind and try to make him just as childish as they are and go into battle against someone or some other nation merely because they had a small piece of land that can easily be shared but wasn't because of greed.

His hatred, ever so strong, has put a fury in his mind and made him relesh in the deaths of humans. Though he didn't just relesh in that, he experienced a high unlike anything he ever felt when he experiences torture, bloody scenes here and there involving ignorant and arrogant humans. He even became an unliscenced surgeon just so he could trick people into coming into his basement and torture them endlessly for but one reason, to relesh in their suffering and to prove to himself, that while they are willing to die for a piece of land, they are not even willing to die for their pride as a human, More often than not, the people claus tortured screamed, he enjoyed that, he wanted to hear them shout out and plead to continue existing in this life. Their hopeless screams gave Claus a smile everytime he heard them.

Since a very young age, Claus was the smartest and most intellegent being on the face of the earth. Unfortunately for him that was all very boring. He always wanted to be superior to humans in everyway and this certainly was a start, but he was, in his mind, too superior, noone could come face to face with him and offer a fair challenge, Even when he took mercy on his opponents in whatever sport, game, or challenge that involved the mind by giving them handi-caps (Which he doesn't do at all anymore merely because his sympathy for man has run its course) yet he was never challenged. It is rare for him to be challenged and even more rare for someone to beat him intellectually but it is not impossible, or better put, it has happened before. Such times he seems to prevail but enjoys being challenged, so he knows the years he spent pounding the knowledge of the world into his head were not a waste.

While it may seem unlikely that he loves warfare, there is a simple reason to why he does. Two actually. One; He loves using people as pawns to fight on the battle field and he loves the fact that there is a very strong possibility that he can win with nothing more than his intellect instead of his action, or fighting, and the other; he loves it when two sides clash together to elimnate each other. Claus hates war naturally but he loves how after such acts, both sides have casualties. To him it seems like one of the quickest methods to kill alot of people. With that said it is no secret that he hates humans and deems himself superior to them. But every so often there might be a Super human or two that have just a little bit more strength than him. That infuriates him, he does whatever it takes to prove his supriority and uses whatever means neccesary to do so.

He believes that his intellect is superior, as such he cannot help but think his word is absolute and beyond arguement. When he is corrected, or told that he is wrong, he falls into utter denial, even if he is proven wrong he will deny his claim to have been right to the death! After discovering that Shinigami and ghosts exist, he realized however, some things were still beyond his understanding at the moment. But that all ceased when he found out how to become apart of that world, it wasn't only for the purpose of becoming more knowledgable, it was also for the purpose of becoming more than human. He knows now that the will of a human is something that he cannot fully understand, but another reason why he cannot help but to despise them. Some humans believe that no matter how bleak a situation, their willpower and resolve can remain firm and that can somehow lead them to victory or get them out of their troublesome predicament. It is only a lie, 48 knows this and hates the fact that Humans as well as Shinigami apparently, believe that there is always a glimmer of hope. He can agree that there is hope before one undergoes a task, but if they see that the situation is dim, it's as good as lost. So far noone has him wrong when he tells them that their situation cannot get any brighter.

It was hard for him to find companions that understood him. He was unique and didn't hide it from anybody. There was always an exception or a kid of somesort who seemed just as gloomy about the world as 48 did. Unfortunately they always changed when they got older with 48, becoming more attached to the world and its inhabbitants. 48 didn't care much for humans anyway so at the time he wasn't phased nor did he care about such a thing as 'friends'. But after figuring out his abilities, He continuously finds himself in need for a friend or companion. He is a cruel guy, all around evil around the edges and pretty stern when he speaks but he is nice to people who he feel aren't as narrow minded as he sets humans up to be. After figuring out that there are others like him, other humans, more powerful beings who connect with the world of spirits, he does nothing but devote 42% of his time searching for more Super humans that he can call friends or even treat with kindness or even keep him from his solitary.

~Clan Information~
Clan Name: Uchiha
Kekei Genkai: Sharingan
Clan Symbol: A Fan. . .
Clan History:
Ability Summary:

~Rank/Village Information~
Classification: Assassin, not apart of the regular Ninja ranking system.
Letter Rank: N/A
Village: N/A He doesn't live in a village nor does he reside in one, He currently just acts as the MoriKages' left hand of assassination.

~Skill Information~
Skill Specialty: Taijutsu and Ninjutsu.
Elemental Affinity: I'm not a Jounin but my lethality measures up to that of a Jounin, probably beyond. Water and Lightning and Fire.



Physical Stats
Speed: Jounin Level
Stamina: Jounin Level
Strength:Jounin Level
Agility: Anbu Level
Physical Endurance: Jounin Level
Chakra Stats: Jounin Level
Chakra Reserves: Jounin Level
Chakra Control: Jounin Level
Intelligence: Anbu Level

My Jutsu list will be 90% Custom which is why I'm gonna post it in Jutsu application.

~History/RP Sample~
History/Background Story:
His Birth
48 was born on December of the second in a Village known as Eikou, a small settlement within the Land of the clouds. After his birth, two more siblings were born from the same woman, The children were given numbers as names instead of words for names because it was a tradition the father had gotten used to and the mother accepted it. His younger brother, the middle child, was named 37 and the youngest sibling, who was a girl, was named 9. Their parents lived comfortably; they owned a restaurant which was a famous tourist attraction because of the various styles of ramen they served. They had a spacious house and all three of their children were spoiled. 48, since birth, always acted as though it was his duty to become a better being so that he could better take care of his siblings. He learned to walk when he was 1, he was capable of semi-competent speech when he was 2, and among everyone in the settlement he was a boy that they couldn't help but feel attached to. He was popular among the settlement and it was thought by most of the people that if he grew up as a shinobi, that he would become the Raikage instantly. Everyone had high hopes for him and as far as he could tell, they had no reason not to. But, this was the best life would offer him. After he turned 3, nothing was ever the same again.

On his third birthday, the settlement in which he lived was raided by a bunch of A-class Rouge ninja who wanted to take what they wanted from the village without any witnesses. The small village was at the mercy of the Ninja because they lacked the proper skills and equipment to fight back, and the Raikage refused to offer support either financially or with military power. The men, women and children of the village were all treated the same horrific way, they were all slaughtered left and right, no one spared. The only good thing about what was happening was that no ones death dragged out. Everyone who was killed was killed instantly. Then finally 2 Rouge ninja got to 48s' house. 48 and his brother were hiding while their parents tried to protect 9 from the rouge ninja who were preparing to kill her. They were killed quickly and their sacrifice was in vain. After murdering almost everyone in the village they took whatever seemed valuable to them and they left. 48 and 37 were alone in this cruel world, and they were both just toddlers, they weren't meant to last long.

After things settled, 48 guided his brother through the jungle, they were unclothed, hungry and scarred. The snake they ate 4 days ago had digested in their stomachs already, so they needed something to eat before their bodies started eating themselves. the next day they collapsed to the soft soil of the jungle, starved and weary. Passerbys noticed the young men and assisted them to a close camp, one that focused on giving young men their lives back in exchange for loyalty. This camp fed 48 and 37, gave them shelter, and clothes. 48 and 37 thought that the people who adopted them were nice, that they had finally found a new home where they were safe. The thought of such a place vanished the moment 48 became 5.

When 48 became 5, and his brother; 4, they were put to work. They were told to do impossible tasks, or rather, tasks no 5 year old should be able to accomplish, it was all workouts, 48 as told to do many things during the day; Take the large boulders from inside the camp to the outside, the boulders were at least 5 times 48s' own weight, and if he didn't complete the task in an hour, he would be whipped with a leather belt until skin was parted from his bones. There were many more difficult tasks like this one, not just for 48 but for his brother, when his brother was whipped however, 48 tried fighting the grown men who hit him, but his feeble attempt to hurt them did nothing more than earn him another dozen lashes across the back. The purpose of the lashes and the boulders weren't just so they could learn to do what they were told no matter how had the task was, it was training. The camp they were now imprisoned in trained kids to become powerful hit men when they grew up.

When 48 turned 16, he became immune to the stinging pain of the whips and didn't let any other pain affect his mind. He and his brother evolved beyond pain, and were now taking lessons on combat. The camp were hired to be apart of a small raid, they were to eliminate everyone in a nearby village so that the clients could occupy it for themselves. 48 was old enough to join in on the action now adays, and out of everyone in the camp, though he lacked proper fighting abilities, many thought of him as a genius because of how easily he could kill his enemy merely by using sly tricks to his advantage. When they raided the village, 48 had no problem killing the people occupying it. It was all business to him.

Roleplay Sample:
Lord Claus Started this day like most others would. In a bed, awoken by an annoying sound, dreading the very real fact that their day may not go as well as it may or may not have yesterday. He was on the 86th floor of the Fakku Engen. He lay on a bed without anything to cover his exposed body and on the floor of his room; were several naked dead bodies, some women, some men and some even children. Lord claus hated being a bad guy but he hated Humans more than his idea of antagonization. He lifted himself off of the bed and looked around, then walked to the bathroom carefully avoiding the bodies he looked upon as he passed and judged by giving them a score from 1-10 depending on how smexified they looked. As he went into the bathroom he looked around and then turned to face the mirror. He was confused and angry, and hated the fact that he counldn't find his clothes which was the only reason he stepped into the bathroom. He got out of hte bathroom and instead of looking further into the matter of his missing clothes; he used the telephone to call roomservice and have them send the manager up. Once the manager came knocking on the door, Lord claus immediately opened it and grabbed the man by the collar and threw him into the room. As the man staggered to get to his feet because he was too scarred to react quickly enough to run into anoter of the corresponding rooms (only because of the several dead bodies in the room) Claus picked up the telephone from the nightstand hear the door and threw it at the Manager; aiming it at his head. Claus threw it with all his might so when it landed on the mans head; he was rendered unconcious. Claus was lucky in several ways; he knew that the manager dressed spiffy and shit to make themselves presentable to the guests which meant they were probably wearing suits but he didn't know if the manager was a man or woman and because he planned on taking the clothes from whoever knocked on the door it would be a shame if he had to dress like a female temporarily. He may not have cared about what humans thought but he did like to look presentable to other people. He undressed the manager quickly and then put on the black pinstripe suit he recently removed from the man. He looked presentable in many ways but one; his hair was all nappy and shit. One of the many things wrong with having such long hair was it required constant care or else it would look like the hair of a beggar. He went into the bathroom to spruse up a bit; brushing his blonde hair and tying it in a pony tail so that his brown eyes were revealed and the wrinkles on his face were more clear. The suit was a bti small for him but it didn't look like it from the outside, or at least that is what he confirmed from looking in the mirror. He was prepared to start his day until he realized why he needed his clothes; the black cross he carried with him was in the right pants pocket. He narrrowed his eyes and grunted at his neglegince. How could he forget the most important piece of proof that he is no longer a human being? he thought carefully about where he may have placed it and then decided that it would find him somehow anyways like it always does.

After leaving the hotel he decided it would be nice to take the Karakura Express station train to Fukkina springs where he decided to start looking for bounto. He had no money to pay for the fare so security wouldn't allow him on the train. HE would have muscled his way anyways but he decided it would be best not to start trouble publicly. So instead he decided to. . . Comondeer a Freight train which was used by yakuza to smuggle Billions of bollars; Lord claus didn't know this but it wouldn't have stoppecd him from taking the train anyway. After driving it for about several miles he put it on auto pilot (?) and then walked to the rest of the cars attached to the train to get some rest. he discovered a Large cube of money packed together and held with saran wrap. Claus wasn't interested in money at the moment but this may come in handy, Fukkina springs wasn't cheap. After an hour of counting the money; he came to a stop and decided that it was more than 16 million dollars, he decided it would be best if he hid this money somewhere else so that no one could come and take this train as easily as he did and take his hard earned money just to get it taken from them and so forth. He went back to the driving car and looked trough the window to try and find a place secluded. As he did he started feeling a nasty feeling in the pit of his stomach; could this be the result of his hangover? But the answer was clear after he threw up chunks of human flesh, corn and his black cross which was his doll. The doll remained silent, usually he is speaking his ass off until Claus would release him and rough him up a bit but now. . . The doll just lay there in its medium silent. Lord Claus looked back up, shaking off his current action not putting much thought into it, then noticed a big warehouse in sight. It was close to town but otherwise; it seemed secluded. After pulling the emergency break to bring the train to a screeching halt Claus picked his doll up, released it from its medium and waited for it to take full form. The doll looked similar to a man, more slender than claus and definitely 3 inches shorter and his skin color (if you want to call it skin) was completely black. He wore a white mask on his face which covered absolutely nothing, literally, he had no facial features. He had a suit and it looked similar to Clauss' but His had a tie. Claus stare blankly at the Doll and then after grunting with disapproval of the Dolls silence he nodded towards the warehouse which seemed 72 yards away. "Chop chop, I need you to go and scope the area out; go see if there is anyone in that warehouse who needs to be eradicated kid." Claus said as he walked towards the back to unload the money.

After being brought into his state, the Doll felt alive and happy that his master allowed him free reign. No matter how long the freedom lasted he was glad to see the world through his inhuman eyes again. He looked around and then jumped through the Train window slowly heading towards the warehouse. He wasn't in the mood to take orders from Claus but he saw from the expression on Clauss' face that he had absolutely no say in what he had to do. When he reached the warehouse; he looked through a window on the ground level and chuckled as the sight of Three humans in the same room. In his eyes they only seemed like flickering flames with different colors. Each of them looked green which was the same Color Claus is in the doll's eyes. Did this mean Claus is no longer the only person with the privilage of having a sexy beast by his side to kill off his enemies? The Doll shook his head and then jumped through the window, instead of landing gracefully on his feet he stomped on the concrete ground beneath him and from that echoed a loud clap like sound through out the warehouse. Each of the beings stood several feet away from heach other but he stood 20 feet away from all three of them. "OH SHUGA HONEY ICE TEA" He shouted as he noticed that he just made a lound noice when his feet landed on the ground. He then felt disappointed in himself for failing at the simple task of 'taking a few niggas by suprise and killing them' so now he had to go on betraying them after befriending them. He walked forward slowly but nervously and extended a hand towards one of the flickers. HE couldn't tell who it was until he got close enough and noticed the blue eyes of the Bount, that seperated him from the other flickering green flames. "My name is. . . Alfred bottom bitch. What's your's?"

Last edited by 48 on Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:11 am; edited 2 times in total
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Location : At the edge of a cliff, With my sanity right behind me.

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PostSubject: Re: 48 Done.    48 Done.  Icon_minitimeThu Jan 06, 2011 8:47 am

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PostSubject: Re: 48 Done.    48 Done.  Icon_minitimeThu Jan 06, 2011 9:15 am

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PostSubject: Re: 48 Done.    48 Done.  Icon_minitimeThu Jan 06, 2011 10:51 am

I am reapplying for my mod powers..

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