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 Basic Rules

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PostSubject: Basic Rules   Basic Rules Icon_minitimeFri Dec 17, 2010 9:37 am

Basic Rules
---> Please respect all other members of the site. This means no petty or nasty arguments, foul language, spam or anything else deemed unnecessary or rude. If you have a problem with another user or even one of our staff members, please PM an appropriate member of staff and they will deal with the issue as best they can. This means: No Flamming, No Insulting, No Arguing, or anything of the sort. If you have problems with another member, contact a mod or an Administrator and we will work something out. Keeping the peace is one of the top priorities of this site, so cooperation with each other is a must. So be sure to avoid problem causing topics such as Politics. Sports is fine, but watch yourself. Failure to comply with this rule will result in warnings, followed by suspension and then a ban.

---> Absolutely, positively NO arguing with a staff member's decision; if your a moderator, do not argue with an administrator - they have the right to make a decision unless it is just complete bullshit, then you may report them to the head-admin and get them banned. That sound fun? ^.^ Basically, respect all staff members decisions. If you don't agree with something a staff member has to say and it is something of great importance then PM someone who withholds a higher rank than them. Absolutely NO ARGUING WITH THEM. You'll be warned once for arguing, The second time you might get a warning and after that you won't like what will happen to you. You may, however, talk it out with a mod or an Admin if you disagree on something, but if they ask you to stop, stop.

---> Only members of staff may post on application threads (character, pet, weapon, etc.). If you are not a member of staff and you post on one such thread, your post will be deleted and you may receive a warning. Anything else that a Moderator would approve. Please, Don't do this. We pick staff members for a reason and if you weren't picked as one that means we either don't need you or we don't think that you're capable of doing a good job as a member of our staff. Either way, it isn't your place therefore don't do it. If you absolutely need to tell them what they've done wrong, PM them about it and it can be their choice whether or not they want to listen to you or wait for a Moderator or Admin to look it over. Disciplinary actions will vary depending on the seriousness of the infraction.

---> Please do not spam outside of the spam sub-forum. We will delete posts and issue warnings if you do not adhere to this rule. Spam gets annoying, no one likes it, and it makes the whole site look sloppy. If you do not know what spam is, it is basically a message that does not adhere to the topic, or is completely pointless and unnecessary. An example of this, would be if two people are fighting and out of nowhere, you post "((Bob is gonna win!)" If you do things like this, the post will be immediately deleted, and you will receive a warning, next time it's a temporary ban from the site. Another instance of spam is a constant posting of something, basically, if you post "I like pie" ten times consecutively or close to so, it's spam, this will get you temporary banned from the chatbox ON SIGHT. Spam out of the Spam area will not be tolerated. We want this forum to be as clean and organized as humanly possible therefore we don't want ANYONE to spam. If you do spam out side of the spam area you will probably only get one warning and after that we will take action, We don't want to have to ban people but trust me if we think you're going to downsize the forum we can and will IP ban you and you'll be gone for good. Just please keep this rule in mind before you make unnecessary posts.

---> Please refrain from double-posting, once again: it makes the site look fairly sloppy, and no one wants to see your side-profile and signature all over again. Try to edit, but we know people make mistakes, so this rule will not be thoroughly enforced, but if there seems to be a better bet your getting in trouble.

---> This forum is PG-13. Adult content, foul language and anything else considered 'beyond' this age rating will be removed and can result in warnings, suspension or even an immediate ban. Take it elsewhere. This means that if you are someone who really likes to gore your topics up, then you have to either tone it down or just not join. This also means NO sex topics, either. Seriously. This is a Naruto RPG, not an adult chat room. Kissing, dates, hugs and all that other good stuff is allowed out in the open, but everything else needs either to be taken to the PMs or not done. Period. Something PG-13 rated would be kissing and mild-cussing as a maximum.

---> Advertising your own site is permitted, but only in the 'Advertisement' forum. Read the rules in that section to find out more. Anyone caught advertising in the chatbox or elsewhere will be dealt with by a member of staff, we will absolutely NOT permit advertising outside said section. It drags away members and is very bad for publicity. We want this site to flourish with members, not everyone running off to join the "newest funky Avatar RPG" you heard about in a PM from some guy with 0 posts and 40 PMs.

---> Please do NOT bug staff about checking your applications, pets, or items. We do have lives and we know when things are needed to be done, so Please don't bother us. I know personally that I hate to come on and see around 20 PM's asking me to check things, it's just completely annoying, because people should have a lot more patience than that. You may ask a single person once at a time, but after that you will get in trouble if you consecutively ask, after being warned. If your stuff hasn't been checked within 48 hours you may PM 1 Moderator. Please do not PM more than one. If that Moderator hasn't replied back to you or checked it within 24 hours please PM an Administrator and one of us will do it. In the Message please state which Moderator you first PM'd. That way we can check your stuff and we can check to see if the moderator's are actively working to approve new applications.

---> No Canon characters, whatsoever. The cannon series ended hundreds of years ago and a new age is here. This means that you can't be Naruto, Sasuke, or Sakura. If you try to make a cannon character you will be automatically denied and have to wait 24 hours before getting the chance to make a new character for approval. No references to Canon characters either, please. You may not be related to anyone from the actual show, not even hundreds of years ago - just be original with your history, please. Things get way too complicated, with fifty million of Naruto's grandchildren, it'd get quite frustrating.

~ Language on this forum: English~ When you write in English deliberate mistakes must be avoided. Non-English people, as well as English people, must be able to understand what you write, so put a minimum of care in your English, even if you do not speak English very well.
~ Going Off-topic: Just do not do it. If the topic is there for things such as applying for an award, do not post questions or comments; nothing other than the template after being filled out. This goes for any other forum like it or a topic with a specific purpose or topic. Do not go off-chat and start talking about a television show in a programming topic.
~ Avatar-Size Rule: Your avatar's width must not exceed 150 pixels and its height must not exceed 200 pixels. These limits are here to avoid scrolling for people who have a low screen resolution. You must also respect the limit on image size which is fixed to 300 KB. There are still people who have a low-speed connection, and heavy pictures take time to load for them.
~ Rule Breaking: Do not comment on others breaking the forum rules - Although you may just be trying to help, please leave it up to the Moderators and Administrators to deal with rule breakers. This also includes comments asking for another member to be banned or unbanned. If you come across a post which breaks the forum rules, click the "Report Bad Post" button and we will deal with it as soon as possible.
~ Personal Information: Don't give out personal information - It is not allowed to give out your own/somebody else’s address, passwords, phone numbers, etc. This is for you own safety and the safety of others.
~ Illegal Linking: Do not post dangerous URLs - These include links which go to websites which involve information about hacking, scamming or other illegal activities. Not only is it illegal, but many of these sites contain spyware which can be dangerous to yourself or other members of the forum.
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