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 Mizu Burke

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PostSubject: Mizu Burke    Mizu Burke  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 5:49 pm

General Information

Name: Mizu Burke
Nickname/Alias: The Blue Eyed Devil
Age: 19
Gender: Man
Looks: Mizu stands at 5'11" and weights about 178 pounds. The man has a musclear tone to his body that compliments the outfits he wears. He has bright blue eyes and caremel brown colored skin with black hair, cut low in a fade. He's usually either bored or sleepy so his eyes stay low until he's interested in something, giving him a dopey kind of look. He's a handsome guy with firm wide shoulders and pretty good posture. He's face his usually blemish free but he is human and gets a couple pimples here and there. He has this grin that you see ever so often if you're around him that brightens a room or puts fear into you heart....depends on his mood at the moment. He has a short beard and low cut sideburns that connect them. His outfit consists of black tightish/baggy pants that are stretchy allowing his taijutsu. He has a tight black long sleeve T-Shirt with holes on the sleeve for his thumbs to stick out, but the sleeves are covered by his kakashi style gloves. He has black gyms shoes and wears his ANBU Katana on his back and has his ninja headband in scarf form resting on his neck, he puts it over his face in battle. Mizu has a pair of black glasses on his face, not because he can't see, just for the look of it. On the back of his shirt is a Black snowflake that stands for his clans symbol and all that he represents. ((His mask is the second one in my picture)) Looks abit like him.

Personality: He is the single most exciting person you will ever meet...when he's not bored or moody. When in a group he tends to find ways to make everybody either happy or laugh, but if he's pissed or "irritated" he'll begin to get bored and unhappy, making everyone around him unhappy. Mizu likes to help people and make friends, but his attitude prevents him sometimes, though he has many and they all say the same thing about him...loyal. In the academy he was pretty unpopular, though he shrugs off all the bitter hate aimmed towards him and moves on, never really dwelling on negative emotions or feelings...kinda like a numbness. Although he's handsome, he knows girls like Emo-ReallyDon'tCare type of guys so he doesn't even try...unless he really likes the girls. Mizu also doesn't really get mad... just "irritated" and when he's "irritated" he becomes a whole different person.

Likes & Dislikes: Women, Food, Partying, Fun, Learning New Jutsu, Training, Manga and Movies. Uchiha and all they stand for, Dumb-asses, people who discriminate and people who are selfish and unhelpful.

Catch Phrase: "Boy what the hell?" "At times like this I wish I smoked..." "I didn't do it."

Clan Information

Clan Name: Burke Clan
Kekkei Genkai: Blue Tears
Clan Symbol: White Lightning or Black Snow
Clan Jutsu:
Clan History:

Rank Information:
Country: Konoha
Village Rank: ANBU
Skill Rank: S

Skill Information
Skill Specialty:
Main: Ninjutsu
Sub: Taijutsu

Elemental Affinity:
Main: Lightning
Sub: Water
Fusion: Radiation Release (Water/Lightning)

Strength: 60
Speed: 55
Stamina: 40
Agility: 70
Endurance: 80

Chakra Reserves: 50
Chakra Control: 80
Intelligence: 45

15- Kunai
15 Foot Wire String
10- Smoke Bombs
10- Bomb Tags
4- Summoning Scrolls
2- Water Cantines




Jeet Kun Do:

Basic Skills:

Radiation Release:

Name: Jeet Kune Do ("Way of the Intercepting Fist")
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: C-A
Element: Lightning or Water
Description Jeet Kun Do is compiled of direct, non classical and straightforward movements. Jeet Kune Do is primarily an open hand system that works on the use of different 'tools' for different situations. These situations are broken down into ranges (Kicking, Punching, Trapping and Grappling), with techniques flowing smoothly between them. The user trains all his skills to be lightning fast, yet flow smooth like water proving to be a unpredictable rapid style. The Lightning Form focuses on Lightning based strikes and armor attempting to stun and burn. While using the water form which substitutes Lightning based attacks for Water Based armor and strength.


Background Information
History: History: Birth- Mizu Burke was born on May 15th to two Kazangakure
ninja. His father was the apart of the Burke family's lower clan, the one's who wore the Black Snow signs... the Ash Flake faction. His mother was a Chuunin ranked Medical ninja who had Mizu out of wedlock with Mizu's father. After his birth the couple got married, though their journey wasn't easy. In the Burke clan bastards were frown upon and marrying outside the Clan was a no-no half the time. But his father didn't care, he loved his wife with all his heart and their beautiful blue eye baby gave them hope. In the Burke family 1-10 children are born with blue eyes and out of that half of them are able to use Blue Tears, and from that percent only 10% can use Blue Victory. Everyday the couple would pray that one day Mizu would grow up to become a phenomenal ninja and be able to use Blue Tears like the man he was named after, the First Mizu Burke.

Academy Student: Mizu entered the academy at age 5 after learning about the ways of the shinobe from his Clan's pre-school. When he entered he didn't know a thing about Ninjutsu and had only been pretty good at Taijutsu and knew 1 Genjutsu move. His father was a kind, but stern man and kept him on his toes teaching Mizu everything he knew of life and the shinobe path ahead of him. It was his mother though that helped him understand ninjutsu with her easy to understand lessons and soft spoken words, but her anger was what forced him to study and learn. After 2 years he graduated from the academy, though the day of his graduation his father was kicked from the clan after fighting with a upper-classed Burke family member. The quarrel began when the man tried to seduce Mizu's mother, but his father quickly forced him away causing the men to begin exchanging jutsu. Mizu's father won the battle, but it didn't matter because the upper classed faction or the Sunbolt faction quickly forced the other factions to agree with their decision. This is the first time Mizu's Blue Tears activated, when his father had to move the family away from the Burke clan's district.

Genin- Once he became Genin (at 7) he was well on his way to become the strongest clan member, having won the Genin of the Year tournament. Though the higher classed ninja took offense to this and began plotting his fall, to them the lowest class should never embarrass the upper class. He and his squad were on a C-Ranked mission one day when 5 unknown ninja attacked, but were quickly dispatched with his Blue Tears. But the shock came when Mizu removed their mask to find they were all Burke ninja, which made him furious. Enough was enough and once this was reviled to the clan, the Sunbolts quickly took over and forced the entire clan to ignore the issue as if nothing happened. This was the day Mizu knew he would become clan leader... 5 months later he became Chuunin and another 5 Burke family ninja all came to cripple him, this time they all had Blue Tears. After a grueling fight Mizu was able to cripple all five of them, but when a Blue Victory activated Ninja from the Sunbolts came, he was quickly outmatched. As he waited for the man to ruin his ninja career, his father came with his own BV and fought the man. The battle was witnessed by the entire village as camera's quickly began filming the entire battle, it was dubbed the fight of the year. After 45 minutes of elemental jutsu and KKG attacks, Mizu's father was able to dismember the man's head, killing him instantly and winning the fight. Though he fell, having used almost all his chakra, but did so with a smile as he looked into his fellow clan members eyes. Mizu's father could never be a ninja again from that day, his chakra flow was completely disrupted. Mizu couldn't cry though, because his tears were being saved for the Clan's Leader.

Chuunin- Mizu spent 5 years training with his uncles and aunt's before joining his ninja squad, 'Storm Effect'. It was compiled of Him, his cousin Jaymes-16 and his uncle Johan-32 and they quickly became than village's Go-To squad for B-A ranked missions. Jaymes wasn't just Mizu cousin, he was his best friend and damn near a brother to him, while his uncle was like a second fatherr. They would train every Saturday mourning, throw a big party that Night and find a way to train the next mourning through sleepiness and through a hangover for Uncle Johan. Mizu would always met beautiful women at these party's, collecting two things; 1- 100's of girlfriends and 2- A deep passion for women. But him becoming clan leader was still priority number 1. When Mizu turned 11 his parents gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Nina. She was the first sibling he had, which made him very happy and gave him another reason to become clan leader... because women of the clan can't become ninja, even if they aren't in the clan anymore. That was the Sunbolts fault ever since they took over the clan and Nina had the bluest eyes Mizu had ever seen. At age 15 he became Jounin and began his rise to become Clan leader.

Jounin- His Jounin years were pretty basic, hard missions, beautiful women, training... But something was different, the clan had began to think of him as the poster child of the Burke Family. He had already won Jounin of the Year, two years in a row and already was being begged to move back to the Burke clan's district... but he decline because he was ready to take over the clan itself and become the leader. It wasn't until he was 17 when he has gained enough power and skills to take over, his cousin Jaymes and Uncle Johan stormed into the Sunbolts resident and held enough off for Mizu and a camera crew to enter the Burke Family leader's home and challenge him to a fight. At first the leader declined, but once Mizu activated Blue Victory he knew if he didn't fight, Mizu would automatically become leader. Their battle matched the one Mizu's father fought before he lost his chakra, but this time he had an element his father didn't... Lightning. He used the White Lightning Jutsu which quickly burned a hole through the leaders chest, killing him and making the boy the winner. But the Sunbolts objected and claimed that Mizuis just a killer, not the leader. But the Burke family rallied together and officially declared Mizu to be the leader and at that moment he made the most important rule in the Burke family... "No more class systems, we're a family not a bunch of Power hungry politicians." And finally after 10 years his father was able to move back into the Burke family's district with the title of Burke Family "Elder."

RP Sample: Rapid footsteps splash through the large puddles, left from the previous three days of raining, as the two men run through the trees. A man in brown, jail striped clothing would be running away from Mizu Burke, who looks pissed while holding his katana. "STOP RUNNING YOU COWARD!" Mizu would scream breaking his usually calmness, irritated by chasing some prison criminal around. The jail broken man would turn and fire a Water Bullet abruptly like it's somehow gonna hit Mizu who was like 20 feet away. Mizu would simply dive into the trees hiding in the shadows like a real ninja. Two kunai would be shot from the upper trees reviling Mizu's "location" the man fires a Water Dragon directly Mizu. His clone explodes into water while the real Mizu kicks the escapee in the face. "Come on man, just give up." Mizu would say bored. The man would charge with a punch, allowing Mizu to block with the sharpened part of his blade and kick the man in his teeth. Jail breaker would spit out blood and use from such a close range another water bullet, Mizu would drop to one knee to dodge the attack but was kicked in the face. This two was a clone allowing the real Mizu to appear from the previously thrown kunai and use a simple electric technique to paralyze the man. Mizu picks up the other thrown kunai and puts it to the man's neck and whispers "See, if you had just gave yourself up to me like a mile ago this wouldn't have happened, but you made me chase you all the way into the isolated forest. See the flaw in this plan?" Mizu would slit the man's throat and call in on his walkie talkie "Yeah I caught him, he committed suicide." The irritated Shinobe would then plant the kunai in the dead mans hand and walks way. "You made me miss my date you piss ant.".

Last edited by Kidbushido on Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:35 pm; edited 11 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Mizu Burke    Mizu Burke  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2011 2:22 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Mizu Burke    Mizu Burke  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2011 7:11 pm

Your clan is not going to be approved. You can not get 4 elements. 3 is the limit, and that is if your clan grants it. Otherwise, it is only 2.
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PostSubject: Re: Mizu Burke    Mizu Burke  Icon_minitimeWed Jan 26, 2011 10:52 am

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Chrono Hozuki

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PostSubject: Re: Mizu Burke    Mizu Burke  Icon_minitimeWed Jan 26, 2011 12:15 pm

Aslong as thr conditions stated in the clan app (my newest post) Are utilised then i approve
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Chrono Hozuki

Chrono Hozuki

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PostSubject: Re: Mizu Burke    Mizu Burke  Icon_minitimeWed Jan 26, 2011 12:36 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Mizu Burke    Mizu Burke  Icon_minitime

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