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 Flash Uchiha

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Join date : 2011-01-05

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PostSubject: Flash Uchiha    Flash Uchiha  Icon_minitimeWed Jan 05, 2011 8:58 pm

~General Information~
Name: Flash Uchiha
Nickname/Alias: Flash
Weight: 150 lbs
Height: 5'6
Age: 16
Gender: Male

~Character Information~

Flash Uchiha  Lawfw4

Clothing: The man is usually seen wearing a wife beater, and long, baggy pants. The pants are all black, and are cuffed at the bottom, to show off his light weight shoes. The shoes are made of a special type of cloth, that is strong yet flexible. He has two large scrolls that he carries on his back for weight and for combat usage. He has a set of nun chucks that are set on his right thigh. The nun chucks are all black with a symbol of lightning on them. He also has cloth that are wrapped around both of his wrists.


The sannin is very wise and very humble about his decisions. He talks to people like their life story matters, something wise men should do. He is very happy with his life, and his past life has always been where it should be, in the past. He usually lives for the now and not for the when. He likes to crack jokes and have fun. He is a very patient person most of the time, and is prone to just letting the day fly by him. If it werent for his eyes, he would say that the day flies right by him. He has a high standard of morals and codes, but thats what makes him a sannin. The Sannin has a very good outlook on life in general and he shows that alot. He's not afraid to speak to someone that he doesnt know, even though he is probably well known in his home village. He is outgoing, witty, and respectful. His village might be different, but he has his own ways. He gives people the respect that they deserve, if they give him their respect.

~Clan Information~
Clan Name: Uchiha
Kekei Genkai: Sharingan
Clan Symbol:
Clan History:
Ability Summary:

~Rank/Village Information~
Classification: Jounin
Letter Rank: A
Village: Mori
~Skill Information~
Skill Specialty: Taijutsu Master, Chakra Control
Elemental Affinity: Raiton and Water


Physical Stats
Speed: 40
Stamina: 30
Strength: 40
Agility: 40
Physical Endurance: 46
Chakra Stats
Chakra Reserves: 40
Chakra Control: 40
Intelligence: 46


Name: Oukashou - Cherry Blossom Collision
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: The user will first build up a high amount of chakra to their fist and then release it in an instant., causing massive damage.

Name: Tsuuten Kyaku - Bruising Sky Leg
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: The user will raise her leg in a high arc, and bring it thundering down causing massive damage to whatever it impacts. If one of these kicks or strikes were to connect, they would kill a normal ninja.

~History/RP Sample~
History/Background Story:


The young boy from the mist village wasnt the most likely picked to become a ninja. He had nothing but his clothes on his back, nothing more then that. He was homeless more or less, and he lived off pawning things, stealing things, and doing whatever it took to get a dollar. He didnt have to many friends, and living on the street defiantly didnt help him with his friend problem either. He had no parents. He didnt know what happened to him. At the orphanage, they told him that his parents were decent shinobi and died during a dangerous mission that was either life or death for their son. He didnt know what to believe though, they treated him like shit the whole time anyway. They would pick on him, and play nasty tricks on him all the time and they didnt stop at all. They would keep it up non stop, never leaving him alone. Once he was old enough, and fought the kids that tortured him, and won. Almost. The orphanages owner kicked him out after that. They said that the boy was to much trouble and he wasnt respectful to them. So, they kicked him to the curb. Like a box of trash. And He wandered. For days on end, just wandered. He walked all over the Land of the Rain. He went in and out of the village, went across the lands forests. Lived in the forests, but didnt know how to hunt or catch food so he always made it back to the village. He even wandered past the borders of the land. But, his fate is tied in with Amegakure. So, after about a year of wandering, he made his way back to the village, and made the backstreets and rough parts of the village his home. Even though he usually kept to himself and didnt get in anybodies way, unless he was trying to eat, he would still get robbed and beat up. He was very unlucky. But, after about another year living in the streets, he was asked by a man if he had a home. "No sir. I dont have a home." The ninja was shocked. How could a kid be homeless with no parents? How could he survive? So, the man decided to take him to his house. The man was probably around 60 or 70 in age, and had a long beard that was twisted in a braid. The man's eyebrows were long and whiskery. He wore a green suit, that was tied up in a old fashion looking. It was shiny almost, but didnt glimmer in the light. His hair was blotched with grey and was looked kind of greasy. The young boy, tired, hungry, with barely any clothes, and a deep scar in his history, walked to the old mans house up in the woods were it always rained. They walked for about an hour, and the man asked. "Do you have a name?" The boy looked up at the man, and said. "I dont remember my real name, so people just call me flash. Because im fast when i run." The boy said truthfully. "Ha ha... That is a good name indeed, Flash. My name is Tang Lee. People call me a hermit sometimes." He said with a smile. [/color]"But, After so many years after departing from the village, I guess i can be called that. The boy didnt really understand. He just up and left the village? After taking a couple of zig zagging, hilling trails, Flash got enough courage to ask the man "Why did you run away from the village?" The man smiled. He looked up at the sky, seeing his old, wrinkly face get dripped on alittle. "Oh my, it looks like its going to rain again..." There was a loud boom and cracking of a lightning bolt. The old man took something out of the back pack he was wearing, and unfolded. It was a umbrella. "...I'll tell you what. If you can show me something when we get back to my house, I will tell you what I used to do. Got it?" Flash got alittle nervous and excited at the same time. "O... Ok." The two walked for about 5 more minutes, and finally got to a wood cabin. The cabin had smoke coming from the chimney and looked like there were lights on. Hopefully this isnt something he will regret.

Walking into the mans house, he found a cozy atmosphere. The place was well lite, by some candles that were on the window pane to the right. The window to the left of him was filled with two candles. The fire place was to his left left in the middle of the room. It was long and slender at the top, but at the bottom it was long, and seem to melt easily into the ground. The heat it gave off was nice, the smell of wood burning lingered through the house. It was pretty big for a cabin. It was the first actual "home" he had been in. The carpet seemed to be some type of fabric, it had all different types of colors on it, but the main one was blue. The ceiling was about 12 feet tall and the room itself seemed to be around 18 feet in length, with a room that was in the back. It was a nice place. The man walked in, took off his shoes and placed them neatly by the door. Flash looked at the man, and took off his worn down shoes and placed them next to his. The man looked at him and smiled. "This is my home. Welcome. I'll start dinner in a minute, but first, I need you to do something for me..." The old man looked at the boy, and then looked over to the table that was in the back of the room in the corner. "...I want you to try to reach that table. Go and touch it one time." The boy looked at the old guy. "Ok. This couldnt be to hard." Flash walked over the table, and tried to touch it. But, by the time he realized something was in his way, he had already put his hand out to the table. The old man was infront of him. "What the...?" He was perplexed. How could this old guy be so fast? He went around the Tang, and tried to touch it again... but got a hand full of the old guys clothes. "H... how are you so fast?" The boy backed up alittle bit. "Theres no way i'll be able to get past you! How did you get that fast?!" The old man smiled, and walked towards the kitchen. He chuckled lightly to himself."I'll tell you after dinner." He said pleasantly. He then disappeared into the other room. "...For now, sit on the chair, and count to 100 until dinner is done." Flash heard him chuckle to himself again. "Count outloud, so I can hear you. I'll be listening..." This old man was out of his mind! But, he did give Flash a warm house to stay in. For a little while atleast. He looked around the room, counting outloud to himself. He noticed that there were pictures of people. Probably his family. Or maybe friends. He would have to remember to ask Tang about the pictures. After counting to 100 a couple of times, he started to smell the aroma of food. It made his stomach jump with excitement. He hadnt had a decent meal in a long time. He hadn't been treated this nicely before either. The aroma filled the air with a pleasent smell of cooked food. He smelled something like pork, potatoes, and fresh vegtables. It made his mouth water. Why was this guy so nice? And why did he just take him to his house to count outloud? After getting the courage to say something, he spoke out "Who's thes-". "Dont stop counting! I'll answer your questions when im done!. Keep counting." The boy straightened up and started counting. He couldnt just say no to a meal that was charged with counting. He began to wonder, and day dream alittle bit. He forgot he was even counting a couple of times. After about 20 minutes of counting to 100, he heard the man say. "Foods done! Come and get some." The boy didnt hesitate. He ran into the kitchen part of the house and stopped at where the man was standing. "Hey! Easy now. The foods not going anywhere soon. Be patient." He said with a smile. How could he hold himself down when there was a meal right in front of him?! Flash looked a little confused, and decided to wait. He looked at the man, he was pouring some of the liquid greatness into the bowl. He heard the pieces of meat, vegetables, and potatoes hit the warm bottom of the bowl. He couldnt stand it! "Here you go, young one. Eat up." He said with a smile, and turned around to fix himself a bowl. "Go to the table and sit. Enjoy!" Flash said yes sir, and went to sit down. There was nothing better then a home cooked meal in a warm house on a rainy day. It was the best feeling he ever had. He took a spoon that was already on the table, and put the spoon into the mix. He picked up a big piece of meat, probably beef or some other meat, he didnt care, and started chowing down on it. The soup was fantastic! It was hot, and the meat was juicy and fell apart when he picked it up. The potatoes were soft and the broth in the bowl helped set off the flavors of carrots and broccoli. He had a big smile on his face when he was done eating. "Wow that was good... Can I get another bowl?" The old man came and sat down at the table. "Well, your done already? Yes you can have another bowl. But first, let me ask you a question..." He looked intensely at the boy. "...Do you know how many times you counted to 100?" The boy was thrown off a bit. "Uh... no" Old man tang smiled. "So you counted just to get to the food?" Flash thought a about it for awhile. "I guess so..." The man looked down at his soup and put the spoon into it, and raised the spoon to his lips. Before he ate the mixture in his spoon into his mouth, he looked at him. "Then, you did something that someone told you to do without know the outcome? How did you know if I wasnt some type of kidnapper?" He did give that some thought. "I thought you were up to something. But i guess you really werent..." The man ate the soup on the spoon, and put it back down into it. "Then your not scared to take risks?" The boy didnt have anything to live for anyway. "No... Im not." The old man continued to eat his soup and talk inbetween bites. "Good... good... Tell me... do you want to train to become a shinobi? A ninja?" The boy looked at the old man. "Really!? You can teach me that?!" He was almost ontop of the table when he said that. "Yes, I can... for a price..." The boy settled down. He didnt have any money. "I dont have any money sir..." The man laughed a little. "No no, i dont require you to give me money. All I ask is this... Stay with your village. Protect it. But dont tie yourself down to the village permanently. I fear that the future holds many turns that will leave the village in ruin and hardship. Filled with crime and hate. I want you to always, always remember, what you stand for. Now, the training isnt easy and the time it takes to train you to be a genin will be long, but in the end your reward will be great. Just like counting numbers. You didnt count for a fixed set of time, you counted until you had what you wanted. Remember that." The boy was shocked, and wanted to train as hard as he could, everyday, to learn how to always learn and be the best. Before Tang answered, Flash said "I'll do it." And thats where his story begins.

After the years of training, and all the abuse to his body that went along the training, the boy turned into a machine, becoming a weapon himself. The boy turned 10, and was as fit as a 18 year old body builder. He had strong, lean, quick muscles that allowed him to strike in a blur of speed. The speed he acquired was something of a marvel, he was so fast he could touch your hand, drop a penny onto it, and bring his hand back down into a a relaxed position in an instant. He was so fast, even his teacher couldnt keep up sometimes. He mastered his technique to a key. his body was strong like steel, and he could do push ups with just two fingers. He was a specimen now, not a boy. He learned, after training so hard, that his skills lied in taijutsu, and they were pretty clear reasons why it was like this. He had mastered a style called "Hiryuu", which meant Flying Dragon. The style incorporated alot of different styles that helped him mold his fighting system into his own style. The style was fast, direct, and there was no wasted movement. Everything had a purpose. He was around the age that normal genin were at to start the genin exams. So, he proceeded through several tests. One was traveling through a forest with a small team. The team had two other people in it. The test was to capture scrolls while fighting off other ninja with different scrolls. They had to have two types of scrolls, so, they fought each other for each others scrolls. The young genin flew through this obstacle, and encountered one big problem. He beat up the guys that tried to take his scroll, and proceeded to be the 4th team to finish. The other was a tournament. He easily flew past all the other competition and won that also. He successfully became a genin.


The boy had successfully became a chuunin, and went on missions as soon as possible. There wasnt to much else to do really, thats the life of a ninja. He was ready at all times, and wanted to keep everything around him in order. His life, his training, and everything else. He went on many adventures and had fun.


Flash turned into a Jounin at a very young age as well. He learned many styles and techniques for his heavy Taijutsu back round. He became faster, stronger, and by the time he reached the end of the Jounin years, he became the best Taijutsu expert of them all.

Roleplay Sample:
Here he was. Trapped in this building with no where to go. Standing in a puddle of water that was about shin height. The room was barely lite, but he could easily see the man that stood infront of him. This wasn't going to be as easy as getting here. He was actually laughing alittle on the inside. This was just to much. Getting captured was the last thing he remembered. Things were going smoothly until his little operation was fondled by a group of terrorists to his land. Running through the forest at the dead of night, he could smell the damp dew that was now starting to cover the trees and the ground as they ran. Running and jumping from tree to tree in formation was something second nature to the small squad. Looking up through the moving trees, he could see the moon. It was on his side, lighting up the path that he had to take to get back to the village and tell the Kage about this plot against his village. He acquired the information from infiltrating an opposing village. They were close to war, the treaties of peace being the only thing keeping the two village away from each other. With so much tension between the two villages, both villages were trying their best to find something to start the war. There were killing of ninja out in neutral territory, from both sides, but nobody knew who had done it. But it was obvious that it was one of the two villages. So, he carried the information that would spark the war. He wanted the war to happen. He hated other villages. He even hated his own. But this was his home, and you mess with his home and he messes with you. So, after hours of resting and running, he was finally on his territory. Approaching his destination, he foolishly let his guard down. When he landed on a tree, a net gun went off and put the man into one. He tumbled to the ground and hit it hard, maybe breaking a rib or two. After a second, someone popped out of some brush and sprayed him with some type of knock out gas. He heard screams of rage, then everything got hazy. He slowly went unconscious after a couple of seconds. Not being able to think straight, he went right to sleep. His captures tying him up to some kind of horse and buggy, posing as merchant salesmen, going the opposite way of the village. Even though he was unconscious, he had no idea what he was getting himself into.

After groggily moaning for a second, he opened his eyes. To his suprise, he couldn't see anything. Being a ninja, he had composer like a badger fighting against a mouse. So he had the patience to figure out his situation. A second or two later, he realized he was tied up. The rope around his hands were chaffing against his wrists, and his arms were tied tightly to the sides. His hands being tied up to his chest, he was quickly thinking about what he could do to get out of this situation. What to do, what to do. Thinking, he tried to move his legs. No good. His legs were tied up and bound to the legs of the chair. He decided to just listen. Listen and try to see where the guards were. A couple of seconds later, he realized there were no guards by the door, or they just breath really softly. Acting on a 50 50 chance, he started to kick with all his might. After kicking for about 20 seconds, the chair leg gave way, and he went stumbling to the ground. Then he stopped and listened again. Were were they... not here. So, he put his knee to his chest. Come on, come on! He had to get to the sole of his shoe before they figure out he is trying to escape! He brought his leg in as close as possible... but couldn't get it close enough. What else could he try...? He licked his lips. "Alright... I need this to work..." He leaned his head back alittle, then put his head down to his left arm. The rope was easily in reach. Yes! He started to gnaw away at the rope. After about 2 minutes of gnawing, he got through it. There wasnt that much more reach, but it was enough to get to the sole of his shoe. After pushing the limit of his reach, he got to the sole of his shoe and pulled out a small lock pick. After shimming it into his cuffs, he unlocked the cuffs. Then, he had to gnaw his way out of the rope that was tied to his other hand. After about another 2 minutes, he had ripped the rope from around his shins and took off the blind fold that was covering his eyes. The dimly lite room didnt take to much to get used to. There was one bulb at the top of ceiling and it was flickering in and out. Around it, was a dank looking ceiling. The walls also had damp, dark walls. The walls like they had blood stains on them, which just looked like blobs of darker shaded area. The room had hair strands on the ground, or it was hay. It was something, but he didn't really want to find out. It was time for him to get out of this dark room. Looking around, he couldn't find anything. Every nook and cranny had no ways out. Then, he looked up into the top right corner of the room. There was a grate. "...Must be a ventilation shaft..." He looked at the door, then ran up the wall and put his fingers through the grate. It was perfect, he could defiantly fit inside of it. Sticking his feet to the wall by using his chakra, he pulled the grate out and walked down the wall, carefully putting it on the ground. He couldn't make any sharp, sudden noises. He then walked back up the wall, and slipped into the shaft. It was metal and pretty hot. Unusually hot. Now it was time to move forward. He didn't know where he was going, but he was going to take a shot at going the way he was facing as he came in. He crawled for about 15 minutes, the shaft not taking any sudden curves or bends, it was perfectly straight. There were a couple of pathways to somewhere else, but they got smaller as they went on, so he kept straight. After crawling about a 100 yards, the shaft started to get wider and steeper. He could even feel the heat in the in the shaft get hotter and hotter. This wasnt good. Then, the shaft got so hot he had to sit up his knees. Then,he slipped, going down the shaft at full speed on his elbows and knees. Then, he could see the bright red, coal that was burning about 25 feet infront of him. Falling head first towards the coal, he put his hands out quickly and did handseals. "Earth Release! Mud overturn no Jutsu!" Suddenly, the earth under the hot coal flipped up, and stood upright. he put his hands out, and hit the slab with full force of his body. It was a good thing that he had the upper body strength to do what he was about to do. The slab was hot and there wasnt that much time left, the thick slab of rock was getting hotter by the second. So, his feet still in the shaft, he slowly brought his knees to his chest, then put his legs outward and slammed his feet against the side of the rock. He took one hand off the slab and did hanseals. "Hope this works... Goukakyuu! Great Fireball no Jutsu!" He pushed off his feet and aimed the fireball towards the rock slab, giving him extra push to turn around and kick the hatch that was the door on this hot ass oven. He stumbled out of the oven, and rolled to his feet. There was a guy to his front and atleast 2 behind him. The guy infront of him seemed to be looking at a clipboard, as he turned his eyes widened. "What the..." He sprang onto the guy, and hit him in his jugular hard, leaving him gasping and gargling for air. He took the pen the guy hand, and infused his chakra with it. The other two men charged at him screaming, shovels in their hands. He through the pen so hard, with the chakra to sharpening the point, it went straight threw to the mans mouth and stopped, hitting his spine. Then, he rolled to the side as the other man tried to slam the hammer down onto his head. He sprang up and punched him in the face, then using his left to hit him the neck too. Two men were attempting to scream, but couldn't, and the last one dead. They werent going to like him. Quickly, he ran to the door and opened it. No one. He ran left down the hallway. Man, this place needs exit signs. He then hit another two way hallway. Then, taking a left, something closed lined him. He almost did a backflip, hitting the ground hard. Moaning, three men took him and did away with him. But, where were they going to put him?

After waking up again, this time was more unpleasant. It felt like chains were holding him up to a wall, and his feet were soaked down the socks. Hanging there, he regained his balanced and stood up. Then, the chains suddenly disappeared. Must have been used by chakra, he didn't even notice they werent metal. They must have hit him pretty hard. It was weird that no alarm went off, but now wasn't the time to think about that. His focus was on the man that was standing infront of him. He was shorter then him, probably about 5'11', and he didn't have a smile on his face. Typical. He was in a enemy base and he needed to get to his home. How was this going to end. Suddenly, the man spoke. "Well well, you finally woke up. After sleeping for so long, I wouldn't have thought that you and i wouldnt be able to play together..." He could see he was doing handseals. Uh oh, electricity suddenly sparked from the mans hands, holding a ball of electricity. A Rakiri. Then man almost instantaneously appeared infront of him, pushing the rakiri up to his face. With his top notch reflexes, he bobbed his head as the rakiri went straight through the wall. He stumbled alittle bit out of this... exterminators way, and regained his composure. The man slide the ball of lightning around the wall, tearing through it easily, throwing a right hook to the mans face again. He then ducked under the rakiri, and head butted the man in the jaw. He could here his teeth slam and crack under the force of his own jaws colliding with each other. It was a very disturbing sound to here. The exterminator stumbled back abit, holding his mouth as the rakiri dispersed. "You mother fucker! Im going to kill you!" He then did handseals quickly, electricity sparking around his body and into the water. Shit! He ran up the wall, as the electricity hit the water and surged around the whole room. The man did handseals quickly, as earth overturned and stood tall. The Mud Overturn technique. Coming up on the flat side of the room, he jumped from on side of the wall onto the other, and pushed off with both feet. Turning in mid air, he drop kicked the wall as it was about ready to crush the exterminator. The exterminator side stepped quickly, doing handseals. The put his hands up to his mouth. He started to shoot out lightning at him, from point blank range. He was hit once in the arm, and rolled off the ledge of the earth slab into the water. Then, he did handseals quickly. Getting done with the handseals, he shouted "Earth release! Mud wall!" A wall of earth shot through the ground and blocked the rest of the lightning. His whole left arm was numb. He could barely move it. Then, suddenly, the water shocked him like crazy. "AHHHHHHH!" He fell into the water, twitching like crazy. He couldnt move, he couldnt budge. After a couple of seconds, the exterminator walked around the wall, a ball of lightning in his hand. "This is it. Its over for you. You have no where to run. No where to hide. Your friends are dead. Now, all theres left is you. And, your not going to be around in a couple of seconds..." The man cocked his hand back, and threw his hand threw the mans head, his head exploding on impact. "HAHAHAHA, YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD BEAT ME?!?! HAHAHAHAHA!" The man just waited, and then fell on the exterminator. "Yeah, I think i can." Then, the ground beneath the fake man turned up and slammed the exterminator into the wall. "Mud overturn no Jutsu." The exterminator was dead, and The man walked around the wall of earth, and walked up some stairs. He didn't know where he was going, but he knew that he had to get out of here...

Last edited by Flash on Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Flash Uchiha    Flash Uchiha  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 10, 2011 8:09 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Flash Uchiha    Flash Uchiha  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 10, 2011 8:09 pm

Shi jounin are full pick another village
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PostSubject: Re: Flash Uchiha    Flash Uchiha  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 10, 2011 8:46 pm

1/2 approved
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PostSubject: Re: Flash Uchiha    Flash Uchiha  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 4:09 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Flash Uchiha    Flash Uchiha  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 5:49 pm

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