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 Eroka Uchiha(Finished)

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Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha

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PostSubject: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 05, 2011 4:49 pm

~General Information~
Name: Eroka Uchiha
Nickname/Alias: Ero Sage
Weight: 140 lb
Height: 5,9
Age: 21
Gender: Male

~Character Information~
Eroka Uchiha(Finished) DionsBankaiform3

Eroka wears blue and white armor vest placed with steel plated armor on the inside. The vest is heavy set making it kinda hard for him to move. He also wears denim black pants the pants isnt anything special like the vest. Eroka wears a hoody under his vest that has had its sleeves cut off. Including he wears lack glave made in the hidden leaf village that has a still plat on the to of then and steel plated circles on each of the knuckles part. The shoes he wears is very lite making it a little bit easier for him to move since he wears that heavy steel plated armor vest of his his shoes is made of 100% percent leather.

He carries around two pouches one is tied up and laced to the back of his waist made of 100% leather filled with shuriken. The other pouch is tied and laced to the side of his waist filled with all sorts of pills like food pills, speed pills and etc. Eroka carries a large box strapped to his back sround with him all the time placed in that box is his sycthe.

There isnt much to say about Eroka but he is a kind hearted person although he really doesnt shows expressions unless he`s happy or laughing. He`s sometimes laid back when he wants to be and is sometimes pretty cocky. He likes to train/practice new moves he also likes to see threw thing and learn from his mistakes and sometimes he might get little annoying and is kinda pervy so girls watch out. Eroka is sometimes easily distracted by food and jewelry(p.s. not fake jewelry either e.e).When in a fight Eroka usually likes to strike after his opponents strike`s. He likes to go on mission`s with a team especially if there`s a skillful person he can learn from in the team he`s with and I cant for get He`s kinda of sneaky person so keep watch on your money/jewelry.

~Clan Information~
Clan Name: Uchiha
Kekei Genkai:Sharingan

Clan Symbol:
Clan History:

Ability Summary:

~Rank/Village Information~
Classification: Jounin
Letter Rank: A-rank
Village: Shigakure

~Skill Information~
Skill Specialty: Ninjutsu and sensor
Elemental Affinity:


Physical Stats
Speed: 50
Stamina: 40
Agility: 40
Physical Endurance: 30
Chakra Stats
Chakra Reserves:55
Chakra Control: 20


~History/RP Sample~
History/Background Story:
Eroka comes from the village hidden in the leaves. As an academy student he trained hard day and night until he fell out asleep on the ground all of his hard work got him to genin rank. When eroka turned genin his father gave him an tattoo of an samurai with the sharingan eye on his back. The tattoo`s have been going on for quite an while being passed down to the son`s of their family this tradition has been started by his dad`s father grandfather.Eroka was teamed up with Miro, Yomi and his Mitoru after becoming eroka has been on many missions with his sqaud he nearly died by an poison edged blade in one of his mission`s when he had to protect a young prince from a league of rogue ninja.

As a year of training past Eroka finally becaming a chuunin his father and sensei has taught him more jutsu and more techniques. Later on his father and sensei started teaching him about elements and how to control them so he was learning how to control 2 elements which was fire which his father was teaching him and lightning which his sensei was teaching. Taking him threw steps of how to control it. After learning how to control the elements eroka was one of the best chuunin`s in his village.

Eroka later on ranked up to jounin at the age of 16 leaving his village hidden in the leaves moving to the village hidden in the mist. Where he has met the kage and becoming close friends with the kage. Helping out the kage in the office with his paper work. The mit kage thought that he owed eroka something so he taught eroka element of water and how to control. Later on eroka was taught a couple of jutsu by the mist kage he had learned just a few from the kage which was the hidden mist jutsu and the water shark jutsu. As eroka was getting better the kage thought of him to be something special and gave him the position as an sannin ranked ninja.

After a couple of years has past the kage was killed by an heart disease. Eroka was in tears after hearing this dreadful story and didnt know what to do because he has not only lost his leader he lost an close friend who was like family to him. Eroka life was just miserable now because shortly later he has heard about his clan being killed off by an member of an clan. Eroka later on has join the seven swordsman of the mist killing off any enemy that comes in his way with no hesitation. The only thing hat was on Eroka`s mind was to kill after losing all the people he had cared for and now he think`s life his meaning less saying thinking to himself that life is nonthing to him more and that he was born on this earth to come and go.

Roleplay Sample:
Eoka wakes up early in the morning from the sun beaming in his face his eyes begins to open and his pupil begans to get smaller as to much light is in his eyes he squinches to block most of the light from getting in his eyes because of all the light he moves both of his hands over his eye adn begans to rubs his eyes he removes his hand from his eyes and plce them on the bed leaning forward sitting up. He moves his legs over the the floor and placing his feet on the cold floor looking forward ahead eroka was kinda dizzy moving his hands over his eyes again and begans to tub his eyes again moving his hands down away from his eyes. Eroka can now see clearly. Eroka gets up walking over to the refrigerator opening the refrigerator he scans threw it looking for the milk finding the milk he he grabs it by the handle pulling it out.

He walks over to the table where his bowl is with his spoon placed in the bowl. Eroka moves his hand towards the box of cereal grabbing it placing the cereal over the bowl leaning it over the bowl pouring the cereal inside of the bowl. putting the cereal box back down on the table he then grabs the milk pouring it into the bowl full of cereal he places the cereal back down on the table he then looks at the bowl of cereal and doesnt touches it he then gets up going to the bathroom taking off his clothes taking a shower. After his shower he puts on his clothes and walks over to the mirror and looks in the mirror for awhile in a daze just looking at him self. He thens picks up his tooth brush which was laying on the side of his sink and grabs the toothpaste which was laying next to the toothbrush grabbing the toothpast he places the toothpaste over the tooth brush squeezing the paste oue the tube on to the toothbrush and begans to brush his teeth. After brushing his teeth he grabs a face tow putting it under the facet letting hot water pour down he pulls the tow from under the facet twisting the tow with both his hands squeezing the water out and he puts the steaming damp tow over his face and begans to wipe his face it cleaning his face.

Eroka steps out of the bathroom into his room sitting on his bed grabbing his shoes which was sitting right be side his bed sleeping his feet into them. He rise`s up walking out his room into the livingroom and he has a flash back about how he use to play around in the living room with his dad as his mom just sit on the couch listening to the radio before they died. Bouncing back out of the flash back he begans to walk to the front door placing his hand on the door knob twisting it and slowly opening it as it make a squeaky sound opening the door fully he walks out the door shutting it behind him he looks at the crowd of people walking the streets and thinks to himself life has no meaning but to come to this world and leave. walking into the crowd of people mixing with them.

Last edited by Madara on Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:08 pm; edited 18 times in total
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Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha

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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 07, 2011 2:36 am

im finished xD
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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 07, 2011 9:17 am

Please make your appearance longer and put clothing where its supposed to be. And where is your RP sample?
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Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha

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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 07, 2011 2:28 pm

okay im not finished
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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 08, 2011 10:24 pm

Stats are to how you have 535 you must have 480 total remove some stats
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Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha

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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 3:37 pm

how bout now
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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 3:46 pm

still do high you have 520 your suppose to have 480
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Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha

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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 3:57 pm

this should be it ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 4:18 pm

you can add 5 more points lol and where the rp sample
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Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha

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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 5:21 pm

gonna make it now
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Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha

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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 10, 2011 12:29 am

Finally finished
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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 10, 2011 12:31 am

Hate to tell you this but there been a reset and there no sannin rank your stats must add up to 288, change your rank and pick another village
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Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha

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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 10, 2011 12:42 am

okay now i should be finished
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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 10, 2011 7:27 am

Only Kages are allowed to be S-rank to my knowledge.
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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 10, 2011 12:55 pm

yeah Kages are the only S ranks change it
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Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha

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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 10, 2011 3:09 pm

alright i changed it
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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 10, 2011 3:10 pm

1/2 approved
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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 10, 2011 3:11 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Eroka Uchiha(Finished)   Eroka Uchiha(Finished) Icon_minitime

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