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 Doku Clan (Complete)

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Mr. Sinister

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PostSubject: Doku Clan (Complete)   Doku Clan (Complete) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 06, 2011 4:46 am

Clan Name: Doku Clan
Clan Location:
Clan Traits:
Branch 1

Branch 1:
Medical Specialist: All members of this clan has medical knowledge far superb than others cue to their all time study of the medical art. Thus having learn so much their ability to control chakra has increased so greatly that performing medical jutsu uses 25% less chakra. They also all have medical their main specialty. [Medical Specialty] They are also masters of the poison art
Pale Skin: All members of this clan due to their poisonous genetics have grown the trait of a pale white skin.
Poison/Venom Immunity: Due to being born genetically with poison within their blood body over the year this clan has become immune to poison in general.
Purple Hair: Nuff Said

Kekkei Genkai:
Branch 1: This portion of the clan has accessed the ability to gain and take control of the of the venom and poison that runs freely through their DNA. Genetically they have adapted to the venom/poison over the years of time and became proficient in using this as a tool within their clan. This ability allows them to make and create special poison and venom jutsu and potions. This jutsu and potion can be made by sweat, mucus, blood, Hair, or anything containing DNA from the Doku clan's first branch.

Quote :

Branch 1 Weapon:
Name: Toxin Notes
Quantity: 10
Appearance: Doku Clan (Complete) Xploding%20tag
Rank: C
Range: 0-5m from the tag
Special Abilities: The exploding note is a piece of parchment paper which has script on it that serves to facilitate its explosive properties. The ninja can attach the note to another object such as a kunai, log, wall, or anything solid. When the note is set it begins to release a toxin powder.This odorless powder is dispersed by an explosive note. Once in the air the toxin will be inhaled by their targets. The gas will confuse their opponent's senses and slow down their reaction time.
Note can is set by using the rooster handsign. E-Rank chakra cost
Origin: This branch elders make their weapon as a hobby and passes it down to the younger generation.

Secret Clan Jutsu:
Branch 1
Quote :
Genin Jutsu

Name: Kurote no Jutsu [Poison Release: Black Hand Skill]
Type: Ijutsu
Rank: C
Element: Advanced Element
Description: A technique where the user can transmit a special poison through an opponent. This jutsu is used close range, where the user shoves their hand forward and placed it upon an opponents body injecting poison into their pores. This poison injected through the pores will turn the opponents hands black and they become stiff and unable to perform Jutsu(lasts 2 turns).
This just has a 1 post delay before effects take place*

Name: Shinkei Douin no Jutsu [Poison Release: Nerve Agent Skill]
Type: Medical
Rank: C
Element: Advanced Element
Description: A technique which its medium is inhaling through the respiratory system. The user performs the needed handseals and releases out a yellow fog from their body normally when the opponent is close to them. As the poison touches the pores of the opponent that particular area of the body will begin to experience a sudden E-Ranked burning sensation as their sensitivity for damage doubles.
Burning sensation last for 2 post.
Sensitivity last for 4 post....This means the feeling of pain doubles.

Name: Soeki no Jutsu [Poison Release: The Plague Skill]
Type: Medical
Rank: [C
Element: Advanced Element
Description: A technique which is a very deadly medical skill which can render even the strongest shinobi with an extreme illness. By infusing highly concentrated poison chakra into one part of the persons body it begins to spread causing purple dots to appear all over the opponents belly. As they spread over the body, they constantly cause more and more pain due to a sudden stomach virus as time goes on. This jutsu causes a constant D-Ranked damage for 3 post.*

Name: Doku Kemuri Kasui [Poison Release: Poison Smoke Stream Skill]
Type: Medical
Rank: C
Element: Advanced Element
Description: A technique where the user breathes forth a stream of poison. The poison itself wont do any outside damage, but when hitting against a body it flows into the opponents pores. The smoke itself is a slight paralysis, hindering reaction time, speed, and agility for one turn.
1 post delay before poison takes place.

Name: Hei no Doku Jutsu [Dokuton: Wall of Poison Skill]
Type: Medical
Rank: C
Element: Advanced Element
Description: A technique used when an opponent is rushing towards the user, bringing forth a 10x10ft veil of poison in which the opponent will end up running through. When passing through the poison, the opponent will experience highhanded sensitivity 3 post.
The sensitivity of pain will cause all damage to double for the 3 post.

Name: Dokugakure Kiri no Jutsu [Dokuton: Hidden Poison Mist Skill]
Type: Medical
Rank: C
Element: Advanced Element
Description: A technique based off of the Kirigakure no Jutsu. In which, the user creates a plethora of poison that fills up the area. It not only blocks off the view of the opponent, but also surrounds them by a dense poison used to drain the opponents stamina making them tire out quickly. This poison effect react upon skin contact and works it's way into the respiratory system.
D-Ranked drainage until poison is cleared or voided*.

Name: Dokueki Karada Shiyou (Poison Body Method)
Type: Medical
Rank: C
Element: Advanced Element
Description: This jutsu is used to spread poison through his system and develop his own immunity to it. There is a post delay, when any poison is ingested the poison itself will run through his body and he will suffer through it for a 2 post before the immunity kicks in. Through the same process that the Enzyme travels, Yuketsu can spew the poison through his pours in a gaseous form 1 meter from his body making him a tough close combat opponent. If someone gets within the zone of 1 meter of Yuketsu's body the admitted poison and effects will then be forced upon them.
The poison gas admitted from his body only last for 3 post.

Name: Nemutte Doku no Jutsu [Poison Release: Sleeping Poison Technique]
Type: Medical
Rank: C
Element: Advanced Element
Description: This jutsu is usually used against lower ranked opponents such as Academy Students, Genin, and some weak chuunins. The user will make the designated handseals and place their palm in front of the enemy then releasing a poison that will make the target begin to feel drowsy, with a few seconds of exposure causing them to fall asleep.

Name: Hai Chūdoku [Lung Poisoning]
Type: Medical
Rank: C-S
Element: Advanced Element
Description: The user focuses destructive chakra into their hands, creating a faint purple glow around them. The user then pushes the chakra into the patient’s body, damaging the passage ways of the nerves that travels into the lungs. Thus by doing so few nerves are able to reach the lungs cause the opponents breathing to become difficult and eventually goes unconscious. However this jutsu only works if it is an direct shot to the opponents chest. The factor that determine the damage of this jutsu is the rank and knowledge of the character. Genin for instance doesn't know as much as jounin therefore a genin doesn't know how to perform this jutsu as well thus making it much weaker seeing that they don't know how to damage as many nerves.
S-Ranked injury = 1 post before unconsciousness
A-Ranked injury = 2 post before unconsciousness
B-Ranked injury = 3 post before unconsciousness
C-Ranked injury = 4 post before unconsciousness

Chunnin Jutsu

Name: Dokuton: Doku Shigure [Poison Release: Acid Rain]
Type: Medical
Rank: B
Element: Advanced Element
Description: The user completes the proper handseals, summoning a giant cloud in the sky. The cloud then begins to rain down green droplets, which are composed of one of the user's liquid poisons. This poison causes the skin to have a burning sensation over the series of after the jutsu is negated. This jutsu can be negated at anytime but is at cost of E-Rank chakra per-post.

Clan Traits:
Branch 2

Branch 2:
Medical Proficient: All members of this clan has medical knowledge slightly more superb than others. They also all have medical their sub specialty. [Medical sub Specialty] Can only learn the clans related jutsu up to B-Rank. No other form of non-physical jutsu art or elementals can be learned by this branch.
Pale Skin: All members of this clan due to their poisonous genetics have grown the trait of a pale white skin.
Kenjutsu Masters: Seeing that this branch has the inability to perform unnatural ninjutsu or any elemental they devote their live learning the art of Kenjutsu. Though they do have the expert skills or swordsmanship they however are refrained from kenjutsu art. [Like Hiden in a way] Along with this the moment someone of this branch shows interest in becoming a shinobi, the elders of this branch forges a special sword that everyone in this branch can use. [Kenjutsu Specialty]
Natural Healers This clan being medial/poison and that this half is the half that adapted the zombie like features their bodies have adapted the ability to naturally heal at a slow rate with no chakra cost.
Genin: E-Rank healing per post
Chunnin: D-Rank healing per post
Jounin + Kage: C-Rank healing per post
Synapse Defect: Still to be unknown for the reason but this part of the clan has a Synapse defect that forces them not to feel pain due to the fact that their Synapse seem to reject the neurotransmitters sent from the brain.
Poison Weakness: Though their DNA is poison themselves their body can't withstand anymore poison/venom due to the fact it has too much to deal with on it's own. Any poison cast upon this branch damage will increase 50% thus killing them off faster than they can heal.
Green Hair: Nuff Said

Kekkei Genkai:
Branch 2: This portion of the clan however didn't access the ability to control their genetic mishaps. This portion are considered as the failures of the clan as they have little medical knowledge and poison control. They have the inability to make or create poison for reason still unknown. However they ave adapted the ability to heal continuously thus rendering them from a genetic death and also from a quick fall in battle.
Quote :

Branch Weapon:
Name: Blade of Jizo
Appearance: Doku Clan (Complete) 031210_gow_t
Rank: C-S
Range: Close-Mid
Special Abilities: The weapon works like the venom of a spider bite; when an opponent is stabbed by Jizō blade, it severs the brain signals controlling the neural impulses for movement in the limbs of the victim, regardless of where they were struck. But unlike regular paralysis, the pain receptors and nerve endings are unaffected by the weapon, so the victim can still feel pain, even in a paralyzed limbs.
Origin: This is a blade that all shinobi within this branch is forged upon the interest of them wanting to be a shinobi. This blade is coated from the users own blood.

Secret Clan Jutsu:[quote]
Branch 2
Quote :
Chunnin Jutsu

Name: Nayamasu no Jutsu - Afflicting Technique.
Type: Clan Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: Advanced Element
Description: The most basic of Doku techniques, the user will simply spit onto a weapon and coat it making it poisonous. This poison cases the opponents body to become sluggish for 2 post if they come into contact with it. This layer of poison will eventually erode from a weapon.

Name: Saitei Tobutsu no Jutsu - Nasty Vomit Technique
Type: Ijutsu
Rank: C
Element: Advanced Element
Description: A standard technique where the user simply vomits up the Poison Element at someone. It has a short range, up to 2 meters away. It is a thick, sticky substance that poison and corrupts what it lands on. As it is sticky, it is difficult to remove, but it is only mildly acidic. It slowly kills cells layer by layer. If left on long enough, the area will rot.
5 post to rot

Name: Toxic
Type" Clan Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: Advanced Element
Description: After a few hand seals, the user can concentrate poison chakra into their hands. Using this chakra a thick sludge ooze through their pores onto their hands that irritates clothing, skin, and other medium of the enemy upon contact. It causes an itch that is unbearable and must be scratched. The vastly sticky sludge can be produced in enough quantity to cover both hands three times over and can be tossed off the user's hands or simply spread onto a weapon. The sludge always activates upon contact of the target, making it great for traps.

Name: Bokudo
Type: Medical
Rank: C
Element: Advanced Element
Description: The is a poison technique created by Yuketsu himself. By collecting up his venomous mucus Yuketsu then spits a short range(3meters) poison that disrupts the opponent chakra system. The chakra system that is poisoned will only be disrupted for as long as the poison last. This poison first contact the skin breaking it then works it's way straight to the chakra stream disrupting it for 2 post. By disrupting I mean it makes it near impossible for them to perform jutsu normally and when they do they use twice the chakra.
Moderately quick this poison doesn't actually react until 1 post after being used.

Name: Chinsayani Wasa no Jutsu - Sludge Tar Trap Technique.
Type: Clan Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: Advanced Element
Description: Using the Dokuton, the Doku will expel a thick sheet of black liquid from their mouth onto the ground. This sheet will spread out and cover an area of roughly twenty square meters, making it Doku's largest jutsu. This jutsu, however, has incredibly thick and sticky qualities in the formation of the jutsu. It releases a pungent fume that dulls the senses. If someone were to step on it, they would be stuck where they stood. It is hardly acidic, but if ingested or entering a wound, it will still poison someone minorly. If it is washed away, the land underneath will be tainted.

Name: Dokuso Bunshin no Jutsu - Poison Release: Toxin Clone Technique
Type: Clan Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: Advanced Element
Description: A variation of the common Bunshin clone. This clone is created using existing sources of the Poison Element or by using one's chakra nature. This clone has an effective 1/10th the original's strength. When the clone is injured, it will spill into a pile of poisonous sludge. This sludge is sticky, which makes it difficult to remove and move out of if one steps on it. The sludge is also somewhat toxic and if left on skin for a while it will begin to cause necrosis. If ingested orally or through wounds, it will cause sickness that causes the opponent to hallucinate rendering them needing psychiatric help. This illness makes the opponents judgment very unstable.

Name: Shoukyo no Jutsu - Purging Technique.
Type: Clan Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: Advanced Element
Description: The Doku will charge their chakra with poison and let it flow through their chakra tubes. As the chakra flows, it collects foreign contaminants and draws them through the body into the stomach. When their body has been cleansed, the Doku will vomit the impurities out of their body. Given the nature of this jutsu, it is easily confused for a medical ninjutsu. However, the application of this technique is entirely internal and they cannot use it on other people. Strangely, this makes the Doku clan amongst the healthiest people you will ever meet

Jounin Jutsu

Name: Nebuto no Jutsu - Skin Boil Technique.
Type: Clan Jutsu
Rank: B
Element: Advanced Element
Description: The clans most advance technique, Nebuto no Jutsu is the using of the poison from the skin rather than the mouth. When the poison is used inside the skin, boils form and upon contact they burst with an infectious black puss and noxious fume. This fume produces a sickening, nauseous sensation in a target. The puss is mildly acidic and quite poisonous if it enters an orifice or pre-existing wound, but if it stays on any tissue it will rot due to the concentration of toxins. The Doku can only do as much as one limb's worth as their chakra control is not advanced yet.

Name: Chinsadan no Jutsu - Sludge Bullet Technique.
Type: Clan Jutsu
Rank: B
Element: Advanced Element
Description: Utilized by members of the Doku Clan, Chinsadan is a standard jutsu all members of the 2nd branch use. After performing the necessary seals, the Doku will inhale briefly and then exhale small balls of sludge. Each ball is caustic, poisonous, and release a noxious fume capable of inflicting sickness making the opponent temperature rise too a high fever thus making them incapable to performing as a shinobi. It is also quite sticky, so the victim must remove it or it becomes a problem. The acidity is minimal, but it takes a while to remove the sludge as it is sticky.
This can be spit Close- Medium range, 0-10 meters.
3-post = Over Heat, At this point the opponent ability to perform their ninjutsu as well as having the previous affects. opponent suffers C-Ranked Damage.
2-post = Fever, opponent becomes sluggish and and reaction time decreases. Also suffers D-Ranked Damage.
1-post = Heat Flash, the opponents suffers C-Ranked Damage.

Quote :
Before the world of ninja and ninja techniques, the people that would become the Doku were persecuted against. Hated for their corrupted ways and inhuman features, the Doku were often treated as lepers and disease-bearers. They were exiled from every village they ever entered. On many occasions, militias formed to try and take out the Doku, none of which were ever completely successful. Hundreds of years passed, yet the Doku persistently survived, hiding in mountain ranges and abandoned forests, living like beasts amongst the jungles of the wild. It wasn't until the first ninja clans formed that the Doku left their hidden homes. With the seemingly supernatural becoming widely accepted, the Doku gathered together and named themselves as a ninja clan. Though very few knew actual ninja techniques at the time, they picked up on the trade quickly. While only having a general proficiency in medical techniques, their unique bloodline allowed them to defeat enemies in subtle ways, most commonly through hand-to-hand combat and prolonged exposure to their poison.

For 50 years the Doku clan thrived, when suddenly a genius amongst their ranks was born. Named Dian, the genius young man formed numerous jutsu which utilized their poison DNA cells in destructive techniques. Soon taking lead of the clan, Dian attacked several rival clans using his new styles of jutsu, decimating all he opposed. Dian's youth and inexperience betrayed him however, for the other clans in the area became afraid of the Doku's horrible ability, banding together and seeking to eliminate the clan altogether. Dian was the first one killed, followed by his entire guard and immediate family in the dead of the night. As the multiple clans teamed against them, the Doku fled to the Rice country, where they chose to stay in hiding just as they had in the past. Knowing that too large of a Doku settlement always gathered too much attention, the families of the clan split up, each moving to a different country. The largest group of the clan remained in Rice Country for many years however, until the rise of Berial.

Berial, enthralled by the power possessed by the Doku, set to inhabit the body of one before learning that their special DNA made it impossible. Upon performing a test on one of their clan, Berial learned that their cells would eat away at his essence had it ever tried to possess a Doku, thus making them useless for his own purposes. Enraged that he could not have their power, he gathered a small troop and destroyed the Rice-country part of the clan, keeping only a few youngsters for possible experimentation. These youngsters were transported to some of his various jails, where they supposedly grew up not knowing of their clan.

Clan Symbol: N/A

Clan Details: Closed

Last edited by Waka Flocka Flame on Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:13 am; edited 2 times in total
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Doku Clan (Complete) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doku Clan (Complete)   Doku Clan (Complete) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 06, 2011 5:07 am

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Doku Clan (Complete) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doku Clan (Complete)   Doku Clan (Complete) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 8:12 am

I don't know but.. your jounin jutsu ranks are a bit too low for having 3 posts to kill the person.
make it the jounin jutsus.. A-Rank Jutsu.. as far as I know Jounin can still use A-Rank jutsus right?
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Mr. Sinister

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Doku Clan (Complete) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doku Clan (Complete)   Doku Clan (Complete) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 10, 2011 6:39 am

That jutsu doesn't kill anyone, it just dysfunction the person
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