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 Yumi Koizumi

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Yumi Koizumi

Yumi Koizumi

Posts : 11
Join date : 2011-01-20
Age : 28
Location : Kirigakure

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PostSubject: Yumi Koizumi   Yumi Koizumi Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 3:38 pm

~General Information~
Name: Yumi Koizumi
Nickname/Alias: None…
Weight: 85lb
Height: 4’7
Age: 12
Gender: female

~Character Information~
Yumi Koizumi IceReleaseUserGirl-1-1
Yumi commonly wears blues, white, black, green, and grays. She often wears winter clothing in all weather conditions. She usually wears three to five layers of shirts at a time but all of them are made to keep her warm in the cold and cool in the heat. If the temperature ever rises to high she can strip herself of her poncho and long sleeve shirt and still have tang top and a small jacket left. Since birth Yumi’s hair was as white as snow and she never lets it grow out farther then the tip of her chest. Anything longer and she complains it is far too hard to manage. Even with the hair length she has now she doesn’t style it but instead let it lay naturally. Yumi wears simple black shorts with a dark blue skirt on top and black boots. No matter where she goes Yumi carries a long cylinder container on her back alongside her ninja bag. This cylinder container contains spiders of different species with a small wall in the middle to divide the males from females. Without the wall the females would eat all of the males.
Yumi has always stood out in the crowed from her looks alone. The outstanding white hair she had was one of the main things that made her that way. Even though she stood out she was always stayed quiet and was afraid to socialize with other students her whole life. She was extremely shy for her earlier years in life but most of it went away as she grew up, except around boys. From early childhood she was raised around many girls and just the thought of boys scared her.

Every time, out of the very few times Yumi spoke up, she did something wrong so every attempt ended up badly. Yumi gets bored easily and whenever she is bored odd things slip from her mouth. Most of the time the things Yumi will say will have no relevance to the current conversation. When people are talking about ninja training out of nowhere she will start telling a story about a small mouse that she found in her shoe a few weeks ago. Almost every story or thing she said is interesting and people might enjoy hearing. If only she timed things correctly and knew when and when not to start bringing up topics and to follow through and not just tell a sentence of it.

Yumi usually spends most of her time alone and when isn’t busy reading with this time, she often day dreams. Nothing is wrong with day dreaming once and a while but sometimes while in a conversation she will actually be thinking of a world of her own. Out of nowhere Yumi tends to giggle or maybe get upset because something happened in her mind. Laughter in the wrong places often gets her in trouble and is usually the only thing she even has gotten in trouble for.

School wise Yumi has always studied hard seeing how she always has so much free time on her hands. Without having much friends to hang out with she was able to focus on training both her mind and study techniques. Yumi is one of those people who are smart but doesn’t act like it nor does she show off about it. Many times she does know the right answer she will sit back and not answer the question afraid that she will get it wrong.

Yumi has never believed in love or wanted to find her true love unlike other teen girls. After seeing her parents’ relationship she has sworn to herself never to fall in love. That way she won’t get hurt like her mom did. Over time in her childhood she noticed not all men were like her father but still she won’t trust any of them. In her whole life every relationship of any of her relatives ended badly, they have a tragic break ups, the guy picks up and leaves without a reason, the guy dies, or the guy will cheats. Not only is Yumi’s shyness caused by not being around boys much but also because she is frightened that they will yell, be angry or scream like all the men in her family did.

Yumi is known to be kind hearted to anything and everyone and even if she is afraid of something or someone if they were hurt she would help them. When matters are serious or something important is going on she usually is able to focus. Though Yumi has all of these problems if her friends were in trouble her body will act on its own and help them. Usually Yumi likes to plan before attacking so that way her mistakes don’t mess others up. These plans might not be completely fool proof but she comes up with many of them so if one fails she could try again.

~Clan Information~
Clan Name: The Shiro Kuma Clan
Kekei Genkai: Poison Release - - - Shiro Kuma
Clan Symbol: Yumi Koizumi Venom__s_Spider_Symbol_by_Botskiz
Clan History: The Koizumi clan originally lived in the Land of Volcano’s. There is no record how they arrived there or how long they had lived there the only clues were the elder’s legends. The most common legend was that a family was being hunted so they fled for a village where they would be safe. They wandered through the vast land of volcano’s barely surviving the journey. They had finally found land that could be used to grow food and at first their stay was supposed to be brief just going on land to figure out where they were and get food.

At the current time when there was a chance to harvest food normally there would be a large amount of people inhabiting the land. Many of the clan members wished to leave knowing there was probably a reason that no one inhabited the land already. Soon a storm came and gave them no choice but stay the night. The Kiozumi family retreated into a dark cave for shelter from the storm. Inside the cave there were thousands upon thousands of white spiders and instead of killing them or running in fear the father of the family found an empty place on the floor and made a small fire.

When he went to get wood he brought back some old turf grass too and dumped them in the cave. He dug a small hole in the ground a few feet away from his family and placed the grass there. At once a few spiders went for the grass and found little grub worms which they ate. It was said that over the next few days they decided to stay there forever and the Kiozumi family made friends with the spiders in the cave.

Centuries had passed and still the Kiozumi clan lived on the same land except there numbers were much greater at least ten times as many people. Over that time the people of the clan learned things from the spiders and gained some of their abilities like how to make webs and some jutsu involving them. With people taking care of the White Spiders they grew abnormally large and instead of the size of a tarantula they were half the size of a human sometimes even bigger. They became somewhat the kings of spiders in all of the land and were easily able to convince the other spiders into becoming friends with the humans that belonged to the Kiozumi clan.

The more and more people became like the spiders the more the two genders were split apart. The girls tend to stick together and same with the guys. Whenever girls dated guys their relationship would end quickly or badly and if they stuck together then the male would end up injured. There were very few couples that actually ended up lasting and it was considered a miracle. Many of the men from the clan joke around that the woman became too much like the spiders. Female spiders tend to have short relationships and eating their husbands before or just after having kids but since they can’t go around being cannibalize they tend to ruin the relationships till the husband leaves. Since there are few couples that last to the kids stage the population of the Kiozumi clan grew smaller but since then it kept a steady size.

After some time on the people wished to explore land so about half of the clan set out to discover any village and join it. All of these people moved to Morigakure no Sato and started a new home there and on their trip they brought a few foods that they sold to earn money. Once they arrived many of them men fell in love and left the clan homes so only woman were left. The men never returned though because unlike the woman they didn’t pick up the trait to be cursed with bad relationships. Though the men had the Kiozumi clan abilities none of their children did unless they married one of the female members of the Kiozumi clan. The rest of the females in the Kiozumi clan lived happily together like a family and many of them became skilled ninja and a few lucky ones had kids. One or two even were able to get married and live happily for many years.

Ability Summary:
Just like how spiders can smell out their pray the spiders are able to smell out their master who gave them chakra. This can be bad for the clan if one of their bugs is returning to them and gets tracked by an enemy but it also can be useful so that way the spiders can lead help towards the user. Since the Kekkei Genkai holders are used to poison of the white spider being in their body they are immune to it. Spiders aren’t able to feel pain so if a genjutsu is cast to make anyone under it feel pain it will have no effect on them allowing them to still attack even if they are under a genjutsu that will cause them pain, genjutsu involving other things will though. They will also be able to use spiders to detect abnormalities in the air which they can notice by their hairs on their body. Depending on the type of strange chemicals or different airs the spider will react differently. All Kekkei Genkai users have the ability to create and control the poison element. They are also able to use spiders to inject opponents with poison rather than using the poison element. Members of the Shiro Kuma clan also use their poison to create antidotes for commonly known poisons or their own poisons to help their allies.

The Shiro Kuma Clan are able to get a summoning with White spiders when they become chuunins. Some ninja decide to get a different summon or maybe spiders that aren't already allies with the clan. To have a spider as a summon the Clan member must venture off to find an animal willing to form a summoning pact with them. The strongest summons is from White spider and so the members of the clan must travel all over the border of the Land of the Forest and Land of Volcano’s to find the original cave where the clan first met the White spiders.

~Rank/Village Information~
Classification: Genin
Letter Rank: C
Village: Morigakure no Sato

~Skill Information~
Skill Specialty: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Poison


Physical Stats
Speed: 16
Stamina: 11
Strength: 4
Agility: 11
Physical Endurance:  3
Chakra Stats
Chakra Reserves: 13
Chakra Control: 11
Intelligence: 11


All Academy

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu :
~History/RP Sample~
History/Background Story:

Pre-Academy Arc:

The day Yumi was born was one of the happiest days in her mother’s life if not the happiest. It was a huge success in the Koizumi family to hold down a man long enough to have a child since most relationships broke off many months earlier. At that time her mother and father happened to be a perfectly happy married couple with barley any worries in the world. They might had not had been the richest people in Morigakure no Sato but they managed with the money they had. They would have been richer if Yumi’s mother didn’t send money to her family.

Yumi’s family was quite large but most of her relatives were already retired ninja no longer doing missions. Her family was also made up of mainly women seeing how none of them could find a man who would stay. The strange thing was that it wasn’t like the woman In the Koizumi family couldn’t get a man. They definitely could get a man and many did, many times. It was just for one reason or another the relationship would end and it was very rare if they didn’t end up breaking up.

Yumi’s family was sticking together like glue and still it seemed nothing wrong had happened to separate them. Other Kiozumi clan members were surprised that her father lasted so long and many said that it wasn’t natural. Though some couples from the Kiozumi clan do end up staying together it usually is marked as a miracle and people began to wonder if Yumi’s family was one.

Everything wasn’t as it seemed though and Yumi’s family began to break apart. Every night while Yumi slept her parents bickered to no end. Sometimes their fights would get loud enough to wake her up and she would wander down stairs looking for them to find out what was wrong. At the sight of Yumi her mother would give up on the argument and let her husband have his way.

Her father’s temper only got worse as the years went on and the fights weren’t just the two of them yelling. On Yumi’s fifth birthday her parents were off fighting again while she played with a few new toys she received. By now Yumi could tell something was wrong with her parents and when she heard a large clashing sound come from the kitchen. Just after the clash came a small yelp not filled with anger but pain. It wasn’t very loud but Yumi felt the need to see what was happening.

Yumi ran into the kitchen to find a few pots and pans knocked over on the floor with her mother caressing her pink cheek. Her father was at the door and before she knew it he opened it and slammed it as he left the house. “Mo..m..?” She mumbled stepping forward a bit avoiding one of the pans lying on the floor in front of her. Yumi didn’t exactly understand what had happened but she felt nervous, no, more like scared. Her chest was thumping at an alarming speed as she approached he mother. This didn’t seem like any fights that happened between them before. “Don’t worry, darling.” Her mother spoke and her comfort words helped a bit but something still bothered Yumi about the matter. Her mother straightened her posture and moved towards Yumi, picked her up, and carried her back to the living room to continue playing with her toys.

Despite the way some of Yumi’s parents arguments now were ending they continued to stay together. Yumi’s mother was to kind to hit the man she once had loved and maybe still did so she did nothing, so she simply dodged the few hits he attempted to give to her. Every time Yumi entered the room a small act like everything was fine was put on except now no matter how foolish and young Yumi was she could tell something was off since that day. Her mother unlike before when she would enjoy time with her family until they argued was now showing signs of sadness all the time.

Early the next year Yumi was playing in the garden with some small spiders that looked like the ones her grandmother’s. With the spiders she played a small ninja game her grandma and mom taught her one day. It was the basics of one of the Koizumi’s clan jutsu. Even as a child Yumi wanted to become a ninja like her mom and dad were and the rest of her family. Once her father saw what she was doing he snatched her up from the ground and told her not to play with spiders anymore. He wasn’t afraid she was going to be hurt by it in the least but he didn’t want her to grow up to become a ninja.

Yumi’s mother watching from the doorway with a saddened and shocked face even though she had known this was coming. Her mother called out to him and called him inside to help make supper and Yumi quickly wandered away from the garden so her dad wouldn’t be mad. From outside the house she could hear her parents yelling at each other again and knew how the fight would end.

Yumi slowly made her way back to the garden hopping to catch her father’s attention. She was sure he could see her out the window so she bent down near the paved stones resting her legs on them as she extended her arm outward towards the spiders. Yumi took them in her hand and began to examine them when finally her father spotted her from inside the house and stormed outside. Furious from the past fight he gripped her wrist and squeezing tightly as he yanked Yumi from her spot and sent her falling off to his right side still holding her arm. “Ahhh!” Yumi let out a squeal from being pulled so fast and hard and tumbled onto her butt. She continued to let out a soft whimper since her arm was being twisted now and surely had been sprained. Just like any child would she began to cry from being hurt and stared up at her dad.

A few seconds later he released Yumi’s hand and retracted his own realizing what he had done. Before he had time to apologize Yumi’s mother was next to her scooping her up and bringing her into a warm embrace. “Go. No. Don’t come back.” Were Yumi’s mother’s final words to Yumi’s father and he went into the house to pack without an argument. Yumi’s mom sat herself in the grass and placed Yumi on her lap and began to exam her. From the first glance she noticed the redness around the wrist and began to worry.

Yumi’s mom stretched out her hand to the garden and picked up the three spiders that were resting on a web and held them in her hand then sent small bits of chakra to them. They crawled from her hand to her arm and let out webs and began to loop around making designs and swinging from one web to another like acrobats. Yumi watched amazed and started to ignore the pain and stop crying. She had never seen spiders do this before though she had seen them do some amazing things this was definitely the best. Yumi’s mom was sure by now that her husband had departed from the house and she quickly went back inside to fix up Yumi’s arm in a cast and bring her to the hospital.

Academy Arc:

Yumi excelled at many subjects in the academy except for making friends but thankfully that isn’t and actual class. Since Yumi has a peculiar personality and looks she had spent her academy days as an outcast. She did make friends with a few girls but most of the time they talked and she would spend the time day dreaming since most of the time they would gossip and it was not important to her. Yumi enjoyed her academy days though since she was able to learn more jutsu and make her mother proud.

Yumi had a natural enact for both genjutsu and ninjutsu though she never showed it in front of others at the start. At first she only did well on book tests about jutsu even though at home she could perform the jutsus correctly. She got nervous in front of the class and continued to slip up any time she had to do a jutsu in public. Over time she was able to overcome that fear and out of nowhere she shocked some of her teachers with her random improvements.

Yumi and her mother found their old house far too large for only the two of them so they sold off the house and returned to the clan community of houses. There they moved in with Yumi’s grandmother’s large house and shared it. Often when Yumi wasn’t at the academy and busy with homework her grandmother taught her how to perform some clan jutsu. Since then Yumi has also become a little less shy around women since at the clans housing area there barley any boys and all girls.

Roleplay Sample:

Yumi had left her home early that morning to get a head start on her morning exercising. After that Yumi returned to her house to find out there was no food in the house since they purposefully never buy anything. Her grandmother was fabulous at everything except for making food and it just so happened to be Yumi’s grandmother’s favorite hobby. Having no food was a great way to prevent her grandmother from creating concoctions that should belong in a toxic waste dump. She had been awake since dawn and still hadn’t had a bite to eat so she was famished. Hearing her stomach growl yearning for food she left the house to find some place to eat.

From her block she could smell the intoxicating smell of food being cooked. Quickly she glanced around checking where the smell was coming from and noticed the ramen shop in the distance. She wasn’t a fan of ramen especially not for breakfast but hopefully she could get something different there. Yumi could hear her feet tapping lightly against the paved floor and her cylinder container on her back bounce as she walked forward. A few feet away she glanced up at the ramen shop and noticed there were two boys already there. She had half the mind to leave and find somewhere else to eat but she was far too hungry.

Yumi looked at her feet as she approached the ramen vender and stopped inf ront of the man. “ummm…. H-ello.” She stopped for a moment and glanced upwards at the man dressed in a chef’s outfit except without a hat. Quickly she took an empty seat at the far end of the shop and looked at the man for a second till she remembered to pull out her money. While she pulled her money out she began to order. “Can I h-ave an ord-er of miso s-oup wit-h natto…” Yumi spoke very softly making it difficult to hear what she had said but the man nodded and got to work. For a second or two she glanced at the boys sitting next to her and realized they were probably around her age. They were already in a conversation and she didn't want to bother them so she looked away before hopping that they wouldn't be mad she stared at them for a bit. In a half a second Yumi was leaning on the table letting her snow white hair drape around her face as she began to day dreaming about things.

( I hope this is okay it’s from one of the rps I did with this character… If you want me to write an all new one I will. :3 <3 )

Last edited by Yumi Koizumi on Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Yumi Koizumi

Yumi Koizumi

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PostSubject: Re: Yumi Koizumi   Yumi Koizumi Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 7:11 pm

... done Smile
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Yumi Koizumi

Yumi Koizumi

Posts : 11
Join date : 2011-01-20
Age : 28
Location : Kirigakure

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PostSubject: Re: Yumi Koizumi   Yumi Koizumi Icon_minitimeSat Jan 22, 2011 8:12 pm

Hmmm not sure if i should bump or not to get this checked sooo. bump? =)
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